my 12, 1970
Hon. Martin Dies, Jr. Opinion No. M-629
Secretary of State
Capitol Building Res Authority to pay compensation
Austin, Texas 78711 to precinct committeemenof
the polltical.partyand com-
pensation for their attendance
at meetings of th8 county ex-
Dear Sir: ecutlve committee.,,
Your request for an opinion In the above subject matter
asks the following question:
“I respectfullyrecpaestyour opinion on
whether the precinct committeemen(precinct
chairmen) of a p<lcal party which holds
primary electionsmay lawfully be paid from
the primary fund (assessmentsand filing fees
of candfdates)any compensationor reimburse-
ment for expenses for their attendance at
meetings of the county executive committee
at which busfness relating to the coRduct of
the primary elections Is transacted.
An officer may not claim or receive any money without a
law authorizinghim to do so and clearly fixing the amount to which
he Is entitled. State v. Moore, 57 Tex. 307 (1882); McLennan County
~;~~~~es~ 1~~4T~~~~3~~; t:972~r,4~4~~!1~~~! ads
§162, P. 20ke
In Attorney General’s Opinion 0~7282 (1946), It was held
that members of the county executive committee were not allowed
any fees fotiattending a meeting of said committee.
In Kaufman v0 Parker, 99 S.W.2d 1074 (Tex.Cfv.App.1936),
the court hela th t the assessmentsand fflfng fees paid by candl-
dates under the a:thorl.tyof Artfcle 3108, Vernon’s Civil Statutes,
(now Article 13.08 of the Election Code) constftutestrust funds
and are to be disbursed only‘as provided by statute, stating:
Hon. Martin Dies, Jr., Page 2 (M-629)
"The money when collected and placed In the
hands of the appellants (the committee)became
a trust fund, and could only be disbursed and
paid out as provided by statute; certainly It
could not be soent br the chairman of the ex-.
ecutlve commfttee, these appellants (the com-
mittee), for salaries and services performed
by the chairman, nor could It be spent for un-
necessary expenses, but must be spent for pur-
poses Intended by the statute, and under the
provisions of the statute authorizing such ex-
penditures." (Emphasisadded.)
See also Small v. Parker> 119 S.W.2d 609 (Tex.Clv.App.1938,
error dlsm.) and Stevenson v. Sherman, 231 s.w.2d 506 (Tex.Clv.
App. 1950, error ref.).
We have found no provision In the Texas Election Code
for paying precinct chairmen any compensationor reimbursementof
expenses for attending meetlngs of the county executive committee.
In view of the foregoing authorltfes,you are advised that In the
absence of statutory provisions authorizingsuch payment and
prescrfbfngthe amount to be paid, precinct committeemenof county
executive committeesmay not be pald any compensationand may not
receive any reimbursementof expenses for attendfng meetings of
the county executive conunfttee.
Precinct committeemenof county executive
committeesare entitled to nelther compensation
nor reimbursementof expenses for attending meet-
ings of the county executive committee.
V94 truly y0yi3~
Prepared by John Reeves and William J. Craig
Assistant Attorneys General
Kerns Taylor, Chafrman
W. E. Allen, Acting Co-Chafrman
Hon. Martin Dles, Jr., page 3 (M-629)
James Quick
Alan Minter
Sarah E. Phillips
Jerry Roberts
Staff Legal Assistant
Executive Asslqtant
First Assistant