Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

T~~ATTOWNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTXN. TEXAS 7t3711 CaAWWRD ‘3:. MARTEN *-mNlcY calWmRA& April 27, 1970 Honorable G. R. Close opinion NO. ~-618 County Attorney Ochiltree Caunty Courthouse Re: Certain queetions relating Perryton, Texas 79070 to constructionof Wticle lOUrn, V.C.S., dealing with Regional Planning Commission. Dear Mr. Cloeer Your recent letter requests the opinion of this office concerningten questions involving the constructionof hrt- icle 1011~~ Vernon'0 Civil Statutee, dealing with Regional Planning Ccmmieeione. Your firat queation aaksr "1. Is there a legal differencebetween a regional planning commission,council of gwernments, and area development councils and, if so, please explain the difference.” In answer thereto, you are advised that insofar as the subject entities are formed and derive their pwers under Article 1Ollm there is no substantiallegal difference in powers, provided organizationalrecorde clearly show that such entity is organized under that statutory authority. Bach entity, however, may be formed for different purposes and have different objectives. See Section 2 of Article 1Ollm: Attorney General Opinion No. M-510 (1969). Your second question poses the following questiona "2. Are any of the above mentioned organiza- tiona, (the Potter and Randall Countiea Regional -2954- Ronorable 0. 1. Close, page 9 Planning Commirsion 01 Council of Gwernntents) maa any mupervimion,either directly or in- directly,,bythe Federal Government or an agenay of the tederal Government." This question does not involve a legal question but a question of fact, which may be determinedby a factual in- vestigatienwith the federal agencies mentioned. Sinae under Section 4 of Article 1Ollm the entity "shall be a political subdivisionof the state,* and no authority is granted by the rtatute for rwch en entity to be supervisedby the federal governmnt or any federal agency, it is the opinion of this office that any such supervisionwould be unauthorired. m 'y. Sundberq, 5 Tex. 410 (1849);Attorney General OpinionHo. W-610'(1970). Your third question, insofar as it covers state agencies, “3. hre any of the above mentioned organi- sation under any type supervisionsfrom other Federal -ate mtions, and, if so, please explains (Rmphamimadded. 1, cannot be answered, as it involves a factual matter rather #an a legal question. Inquiry should be made of the Director of the Division of Planning Coordinationin the Gwernor's Office as to such matters, including any contractswith other member gw- ernments which the entity may have entered into pureuant to Section 4 of Article 1011m. Inquiry might also be made as to InterstateCommissions under Section 7 ana activity under Sec- tion 8 of Article 1Ollm in internationalareas. We quote your fourth and fifth questions: “4. Is there any requirementthat under any of the above mentioned organizationsthat repre- sentation from lw income and minority group members bs am8ured?" -2955- Honorable 8. 11.Close, page 3 .!5. At ths present time, is there a require- ment~that~the.visnmof establishedcitisens groups, low inccme citizens and minority gMup members mst MI solicited before adoption of 'my majar work prograrrr,pooposals.ar'planniug documents...: We regret we are unable to answer these faalxml questions, which call for an investigationof the agreesnmtewhich have been lnt%red into. A lw income and minority 'groepsdoes not constitute a political entity as such; however, Section 5 of Article 101&a permits the cooperatinggovernmentalunits to determineby agreement their numb8r, gualifications,and the means and smthod8 of operation. Conseguently,this is a mat- ter left to the discretion of 8uch units by the statute. There is no statutory requirement for representationfrom any partic- ular group. euch as "law income or minority groups mmnber8,m or for solicitationof their views before adoption of work programs, proposal8 or planning documents. Your sixth inguiry reaasr “6. Can Potter Counky, Randall County, the City of Wuuillo and the City of Canyon include all Panhandle aounties in their Council of Gwem- aunt....* In our opinion, they may do SO under the authority of at- icle 1Ollml prwided, hwever, the governing bodies to be in- cluded mutually agree thereto, as required by Section 3, Article lOllm, and meet the conditionsprescribed in Section l.D, Art- icle 101lm. Under the bylaws of the Panhandle Planning Commis- sion all counties in the panhandle are expressly declared to be eligible fQr membership if the county so elects. We nw quote your seventh and ninth guestiohe: *7. On the other hand, may a city, like the City of Perryton, a Ochiltree County, which do-ES0 not adjoin Potter or Randall County, if it should desire, join the Potter and Randall County Council of Government? -2956- . . Honorable G. R. close, page 4 -9.Way counties that have mutual problems, but axe not contiguous,form a council of gwerp- ments ox a rsgionalplauuing aommission. For ex- ample, QQuld Ochilttee County and Eansfoxd County,- form a coancil of gwexuments with Piobertsand Armstrong CountiesPg These gsestiens must bs answered in the negative. Art- icle lOllm, Sestion 1.0, declares that: *'Region', 'Area', or 'Regional'means a geographic area consisting of a county or part thereof, Tao ox moxe a- counties ox a- joininq-partsthereof, which have camWon pxob- lelM....' (knphasisadded.) ,We now consider your eighth question, “8. Is it pemissible for the regional planning coanaissionor council of gwsrnments to have written into its by-laws that the governing body, or council, shall be camposed of only elected officialswho Were elected at an eleotion,heldunder the Texas Election Code?* We answer this question in the affirmative, as it is within the authority given the gwerning bodies of the coop- erating governmentalunits under Section 5 of Article 1Oll.m. Your final tenth question is a0 follws: '10. Finally, at the present time, Ocbiltree County doe8 not belong to the Amarillo Council of Gwermaents or any other regional planning cosunission or coma11 of gwernments. If Ochiltree County should want to make application for State and/or Federal Funds, w0ula its applicationbs required to bs screened or approved by the &sarillo Council of Gwernments, since they have included twenty-five of the Panhandle counties, including Ochiltrw County, TeXaB, in their area?” -2957- . - Eouorable 0. R. Close, page 5 ,. We find nothing in ~the'statute which requires such an applieatiouto bescreened ox approved by .the&sari110 Council of Gwernments: Weregret that we axe unabls to answer this guestion as posed, for it involves guestions of administrativepolicy and of fact, involving feasibilityand fact finding by a etate agencyi This~officehas no authority to determine a factual guestion. (1) There is no legal differencebetween regional planning cosuaission,councils of gwern- ment, ana area Uevelopment councils organized pur- suant to the terms of Article lOllm, Vernon's Civil Statutes. (2) Regional planning coaanissionsmay not legally be supervisedby the fedexal gwernment ox its agencien. (3) Representationfrom lw income and minority groups on regional planning cosu@Ws~is not a stat- utory prereguisiteto the establishmentox operetion of such commisBions. (4) A county cannot be incluaea in a x&gional planning commissionwithout it0 assent to joining Sm, although under the bylaws of the Panhandle Planning Commission all counties in the panhandle are expressly declared to be eligible for membership if the comnty so elects. (5) Two counties cannot form a regional planning commissionunless they w each other. -2958- xonorable 0. R. ClOSer page 6 (6) It is permissible for a regional planning coauaissieato stipulate in its by-laws that the govern- ing body of such caamissionshall be composed only of officials that were elected at an election held pur- suant to the terms of the Texas Eleation Code. (7) We fina nothing in the statute which re- guimsanch au a~licatien to be screenedor approved by then&sax1110 Council of GoJornments. neral of Texas Prepared by James Swearingen and Austin C. Bray, Jr. 4ssistant Attorneys General APPRovED~ OPImow c!omI~ Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. S. Allen, Aating Co-Chaiman Roger Tyler Ivan Williams Rex White Fielding Barly MEADB F. GRWFIH Staff mgal &ssistant ALFmD vim Bxecutive Assistant mLA wEIT First Assistant -2959-