TISEATFORNEY GENERAL OF v?ExAH AUFJTIN. -rExAs 7f3711 April 23, ,197O Mr. Charles R. Barden, P.E. Opinion No. H- 616 Executive Secretary Texas Air Control Board Re: Extent of authority 1100 West 49th Street of a city-county Austin, Texas 78756 health district establishedunder Article 4447a, V.C.S,. to enforce air Dear Wr. Barden: pollution laws You have requested our opinion as to whether a city- county health district (Articlew7a, Vernon's Civil Statutes),which is now defined in Article 4477-5 as a "local government,"can make rules and regulationsor otherwise enforce the air pollution laws. You ask whether our former opinion M-257 (1968) has been altered by the 1969 amendatory revision of Article 4477-5, Vernon's Civil Statutes. That opinion, insofar as thfs request is concerned, held that a city-countyhealth un$t was not at that time defined as a “local government"under the Texas Clean Air Act 80 as to authorize such entity to enforce the law. The Legislaturehas subsequentlyamended the Texas Clean Air Act. (Acts 1969, 6lst Leg., R.S., p. 817 ch. 273, being S.B. 48, codified by Vernon as Art. b+77-5). This Act became effective September 1, 1969; Section 1.03 (7), thereof reads as follows: m llocal government@means a county; an incorporatedcity or town; or a health district establlshedunder authority of Chapter 63, Act6 of the 51st Legislature,1949, as amended by Chapter 239, Acts of the 56th Legislature,1959 (Articlew?s, Vefnon~s:.TeXasCivil Statutes)." Article w7a, authorizes a County Commissioner Court, the municipal authoritiesof any one or more cities, -2946- - Mr. Charles R. Barden, page 2, (M- 616) towns, school boards and school districts,and any other governmentalentity to create tit -county health districts by written "agreement." Section $ of Article 4bb7a provides that a "health district may perform all the functions pertaining to public health which any of its component members is authorized to perform." We are of the opinion that Article 4447a is a valid general grant by reference from the TexasLegislature to this regional district of all of the powers relating to public health and abatement of pollution that are possessed by the component agencies who agree to form the health district. 53 Tex. Jur. 26 137 Statutes, Sec. 92; 82 C.J.S., Statutes, Sec. 370, page h48; 50 Am. Jur., Statutes, Sec. 39, pages 58-5 ; Trimmier v. Carlton, 1.16 Tex. 572, 296 S.W. 1070 (19273 ; z Ruli Case Sec. 160, page 908; 59 C.J. Statutes, Sec. 624,:age All health districtswould thus have the powers delegated to local governmentsunder SubchapterE of the Texas Clean Air Act, including the power to enforce the Act and such rules and regulation8of the Texas Air Control Board promulgated pursuant thereto. However, the Act gives only incorporatedcities or towns the right to enact and enforce ordinances for the abatement of air pollution, so that a city or town would have to be a party to the agreement enacting the district before the city-countyhealth district would have the power to ordain and adopt ordinances not inconsistentwith state rules. Sec. 5.05, Texas Clean Air Act. To the extent that Attorney General Opinion No. M-257 supra, ehould conflict. with this holding, such prior opinion Is hereby modified to the extent of any conflict because of the re-definitionof "local government"by the 1969 amendment to the Texas Clean Air Act. Such a Legisla- tive Act does not take away the resent duties and powers of cities and counties since Art. 4t.4 ?a is not an exclusive act; nor would appointment of a counsel for a city-countyhealth unit diminish the authority of a city attorney or county attorney should such units of local government desire to file individual suits to abate air pollution even after creating the health district. Attorney General Opinion c-782 (1966). A city or county would not lessen their legal duties to abate water or air pollution by virtue of any agreement for these duties also to be done for them by a health district. -2947- or. Charles R. Rarden, Page 3, (M- 616) A county has only those powers or duties as are conferred by the constitutionand statutes of the state. 15 Tex. Jur. 2d, Counties, Sec. 80, page 307. A clty- county health district, one of whose members is a city, can ordain or adopt health and pollution rules so long as such ordinance is not "inconsistentwith" the Texas Clean Air Act. Section 5.05 (a) (2), Texas Clean Air Act. SUMMARY ------- City-countyhealth districts (Article u7a, V.C.S.) are defined as local governments"under the Texas Clean Air Act and have legal authority to file suits in their own name to enforce the Texas Clean Air Act, or to enforce rules and regulationsof Texas Clean Air Act, or to ,enforce rules and regulationsof Texas Air Control Board. All duties of cities or counties to act through a "local governmentI'to abate air pollution continue to exist even if enforcement is done through a city-countyhealth district. Article V, Sec. 21, Texas Constitution. A health district or "local government" has the seme power to ordain or adopt health pollution rules as a city If an ln- corporated city or town is a party to the agreement creating the health district. General of Texas -2948- . - Mr. Charles R, Barden, page 4, (M-616) Prepared by Roger Tyler Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION coMMITTEE Kerns Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Acting Co-Chairman Roland Allen Houghton Brownlee John Grace JohnBanks MEADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ALFREDWA&KER Executive Assistant NOLA WHITE First Assistant -2949-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion