March 30, 1970 Honorable Joe Resweber OpiniOn NO.M-604 County Attorney Harrlk County Courthouse Re:.,Whether Section 1.05 of,the Houston, Texas 77002 Texas Family Code eqpowers a county judge to waive those .p'ortlons o$ the Code requiring mtirriage.liceMe applicants tie fur.nls~.'lnfor~tloncondernlng prior divorces, and related question. Dear Mr. Resweber: Your recent letter requesting the opinion of this office concerning the referenced matter states, in part, as follows: "Please render your opinion on the following questions: 1. Does Section 1.05 of the Femily Code empower the county'judge to waive thos'e,portlonsof subchapter A of chagtsr, one, of 'the Code which w'ould require then marriage llc~nse~app.licantsto furnish @ifo?matlon ta,,thecounty clerk concernilng any prior divorces aridthe..datesthereof? 2. When it has been revealed to:the countyclerk that one of t,he marriage li- cense applicant~atibsbeen divorced from a third paity durlnglthe six-honth period precdding the date of the application, does Section 1.05 of the Family Code empower the county judge t,owiilvethe requisites of Section 1.07(c) ‘whichwou,ld requlre.the applicants to show the county clerk that the proposed marriage within the six-month pdrlod is permitted under Sedtlon 3.66 of the Code?" -2878- Honorable Joe Resweber, page 2 (M-604) Section 1.05 of Chapter 1 of the Code provides as follows: "Any.Information pertaining to an a.ppll- cant (for a marriage license), other 'than the applicant's name, may be omitted from the ape-' >ication, and any'formality chapters A, B, and D of thl ,':g;v waived on the county judge's'wrltten or er, Issued for good caus'eshown,,a'ndsubmitted to,the county clerk at the time the appll- cation Is made." (Emphasis added.) Section 1.02 of Subchapter A of Chapter 1 of the Code pro- vides, In part, as follows: "Persons applying for a marriage license shall: "(2) submit for each applicant: 11 .... "(Cl If aoolicable. theicounty judge's order p&crib&I by Section 1.05 of this code... “(3) provide the information for which spaces are provided In the application for a marriage license, o.o" Section 1.03(b)(4) of.Subchapter A of Chapter 1 of the Code provides that: "The(marrlage license) application form shall contain ....spaces for Indicating whether the applicant has been divorced during the alx- month period preceding the date of the appll- cation...." Section 1.07(c) of Subchapter A of Chapter 1 of the Code pro- vides as follows: -2879- . Honorable Joe Resweber, page 3 (~-604) "If It is revealed that either appli- cant (For a marriage license) has been di- vorced during the six-month period,,pre- ceding the date'of the application, the county c,lerkshall not issue the llcxe unless it Is shown that the subsequent marriage within the six-month period is permitted under Section of this code." (Emphasis added.) . Section 3.66 of the Code states that: "Neither party to a divorce may marry a third party for a period of six months iUimedi8tely 'followingthe date the divorce Is decreed, but the parties divorced may marry each other at any time. The court granting the divorce.,for good cause shown, yy divorce or thereafter prohibition of this section as to either or both parties." (Emphasis added,) Section 1.05 speaks of "an Information" and "an in terms of the requirements + or a marriage license+$a~o;~l;~y" waived by the-county judge. This language would certainly en- compass the Information as to a prior divorce required to be furnished In Section 1.03(b)(4), supra. .Tt is our opinion that Section 1.05 empowers the county judge to waive the requirements of Section 1.03(b)(4), provided the county judge's written order to that effect Is submitted at ;the time the applicants apply for a marriage license, ,in accordance with Section 1.02(2)(C), supra. We are further of the opinion that the requirements of Sec- tion 1.07(c), supra, are neither "information" nor the "formality" that may be waived by a county judge pursuant to Section 1.05. Rather, we view Section 1.07(c) as a-provision of,substantlve law. To allow a county judge to waive the requirementb of that Secti.on would result in en'accretlonto the Section whereby Its plain pro- visions could be circumvented. Therefore, If the county judge's waiver of the requirements -2880- - Honorable Joe Resweber, page 4 (m-604) of Section 1.03(b)(4) Is submitted at the time the application is made for a marriage license, the Information concerning prior dl- voroe need not be a part of the application. However, even though such waiver of the county judge Is timely presented,,the clerk is prohibited from Issuing. the llcense‘if It has been 'revealed" to him or if he knows (Art. l.O7(b))thet either of the parties has been divorced within the past six months and he can only Issue the license if the waiver of the district court, as provided for in Section 3.66, is procured and presented to the clerk. Art. 1.07(b) and (c)' ,' Therefore, the County Judge may not waive the six-month welting f;rt;i,,asrequired by Section 3.66, and our answer to question No. 2 .' Accordingly, your first question is answered In tha affirmative and your second question Is answered In the negative. SUMMARY (1) Section 1.05 of the Texas Family Code empowers a county judge, for good,cause shown, to waive those portions of the Code requiring marriage license applicants to furnish infor-' mation concerning prior divorces. Thls,walver must be submitted at the 'timethe application for marriage license Is made. (2) Section 1.05 of the Code does not empower a county judge to waive the require- ments of Section 1.07(c) of the Code, once lnforlnetlonconcerning a prior divorce has been revealed to the County Clerk, or is known to him. y General of Texas Prepared by Austin C. Bray, Jr, Assistant Attorney General , -2881- Honorable Joe Resweber, page 5 (M-604) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Kern& Taylor, Chairman W. E. Allen, Acting Co-Chairmen John Reeves John Banks William Craig 2. T. Fortescue MEADE F. GRIFFIN Staff Legal Assistant ALFRm WALKER Executive ASSi8t8nt NOU WHITE First Assistant -2882-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion