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December 2, 1969
Honorable Joe B. Roberts Opinion No.M-527
Chairman, Texas Industrial
Accident Board .Re: Whether, in light of Senate
State Insurance Building Bill 580, Acts of,the 61st
Austin, Texas' 78701 Legislature, Regular Session,
1969, a county which is not
a subscriber to some form of
workmen's compensation in-
surance,has waived its common
law defenses~to a suit for
injury or death of a county
Dear Mr. Roberts: ~,employee.
Your recent request for the opinion of this office
is concernedwith Senate Bill !i80,, es passed during the-~regular
session of ~the 6lst Legislature, 1969, which amends Section 6
of Article 8309c, Vernon's Civil Statutes. .Particularly,you
ask whether a county which is not a-subscriber to some form
of workmen's compensation insurance has waived its common law
defenses to a suit brought against the county to recover for
the injury or death of one of its employees. Your request
points out that amending Section 6 of.Article 8309c, V.C.S.,
to include Section.4 of Article 8306,~V.C.S;, has given rise
to this inquiry,-and you have directed attention to the case
of Boswell v. Cityof Sweetwater,M341,S,W.2d 664 (Tex.Civ.App.~
1961, error ref.) in this regard.
Senate Bill 580 reads, in part:
I. . .
"Set,..6. Adoption of General Workmen's
Compensation Laws.
"(a) The following laws as amended or as
they may hereafter be amended are.adopted except
to the ertent,that they are inconsistent with
this Act:
. . .
Hon. Joe B.*Roberts, page 2 (R-827)
"(1) Sections 1, 3, 3a, 3b, 4, . . . of
Article 8306, Revised Civil Statute8 of Texas,
1925, as amended;
. . ."' (Emphasis added.)
Section 4 of Article 8306,"V.C.S., reads:
"Sec. 4. Employes whose employers are not
at the time of the injury subscribers.to said as-
sociation,,and the representatives and beneficiaries
of deceased employes who at the time of the injury
were working for nonsubscribing~employers can not
participate ,inthe~benefits of said insurance as-
sociation, but they shall be entitled to bring suit
and may recover judgment against such employers, or
any of them, for all damages, sustained by reason
of any personal injury received inthe course of
employment or by reason of death resulting from
such injury, and the provisions of ,section 1 of
this law shall be applied in all~.suchactions."
Section 1 of Article 8306, V.C.S., to which Section 4
refers, reads:
"Section 1.. In an action to recover damages
for personalsknjuries sustained...byanemploye in
the course'of his employment, or for death result-
ing from personal injury so sustained, it shall
not be a defense:
"1. That the employe was guilty of contribu-
tory negligence.
"2. That the injury was caused by,the negli-
tence of a fellow employe.
"3 . That the ~employe had assumed the risk of
the injury incident to his employment; but such
employer may defend in such action,.onthe ground
that the injury was caused by the willful intention
of the employe to bring about the injury, or was
so caused while the employe was.,ina~,stat.eof in-
"4 . In all such actions against an employer
Hon. Joe B. Roberts, page 3 (M-527)
who is not a subscriber, as defined hereafter
this laws,it shall be necessary to a recovery
the plaintiff to prove negligence.of such employer
or some agent or servant of such employer acting
within the-general scope of his employment."
In light of the foregoing, it would appear that counties
which are not subscribers to some form of workmen's compensation
insurance shall be denied the protection of their common law de-
fenses when suit has been brought against the county for the in-
jury or death.of a county employee.- However, Section 3 of Article
8309c, reads, in part:
"Sec. 3. The county is hereby authorized to
either be self-insuring or that it.purchase work-
men's compensation,insurance for its employees
from any company authorized to do:,businessin
Texas,,and is charged with the~administration Of
this Act. zt is expressly understood that the
provision authorizing counties.to.provide such
compensation or insurance is permrsslve and not
mandatory;-provided, however, that 'inany county
of this state, the Commissioners Court on its
own motion may call an election..forrthepurpose
of determining whether,the county shall adopt the
provisions-of this Act. If a majority of the
qualified voters at such an election votes for
the adoption of the provisions.of this Act, the
provisions of this Act shall thereafter be ap-
plicable to such county,-and in such event it
shall be-.mandatorythat such county be either
self-insuring,or that it purchase.workmen's
compensation.~insurancefor its employees from
any company authorized to do business in Texas,
and is charged with the administration of this
"The Commissioners Court may by proper order
put into effect the provisions of this Act. The
Commissioners Court of the county shall notify
the Board of the effective date of such insurance,
stating in such notice the nature ~of the.work per-
formed by the employee of the county, the approxi-
mate number of employees, and the estimated amount
of payroll." (Emphasis added.)
Section 3 of Article 8309c prescribes the manner in
Hon. Joe B. Roberts, page 4 (M-527)
which Article 8309c shall be put into effectin a county. Section
3 is expressly, by its terms; permissive, not mandatory.- There-
fore, until Article 8309~ is put into.effect in a'county by one
of the means outlined in Section 3,thereof;none of.the pro-
visions of Article 8309c apply to said-county, inc.ludingthe
amended Section 6 of Article 8309c; which does away with the
common law defenses.
It should be noted that this~conclusion disagrees with
certain statements,which appear in,~the,.crase-.of-~-~we'll
v. City of
Sweetwater.,supra. However, it is the opinion of this office
that such statements in said case.are:dictum, as they deal with
a situation which was not before the court for ~argument or
decision, and; ,therefore,this office.doesnot consider such
statements as~controlling on the,.issue.
It is the opinion of this office that Senate Bill 580,
which amends Section 6 of Article 8309c,,.doeSnot eliminate the
common law.defenses of a county which.has not taken the steps
necessary to put Article 8309c into-effect in such county.
Section.6 of Article 8309c, V.C.S., as amended,
dOeB not a&to abolish the common law defenses of
a county until Article 8309c becomes effective in
such county. Article 8309c does not become effective
in a county until such time as such actions as are
indicated in.,Section3 thereof.are aken.
eneral of Texas
Prepared.by Bill Corbusier
Assistant~Attorney General
.I .
Hon. Joe B. Roberts, page 5 (M-527)
Kerns Taylor, Chairman
George Kelton; Vice-Chairman
Houghton Brownlee
Wardlow Lane
Roger Tyler
Staff Legal Assistant
First Assistant