September 17, 1969
Dr. J. W. Edgar Opinion No. M-475
Commissioner of Education
Texas Education Agency Re: Questions concerning
Austin, Texas 78711 the applicability of
the Tort Claims Act
(Acts 61st Leg., R.S.
1969, Ch. 292, p. S74),
to school districts.
Dear Dr. Edgar:
You have requested the opinion of this office regarding
certain questions involving the Tort Claims Act, codified as
Article 6252-19, Vernon's Civil Statutes. These questions are
paraphrased for convenience as follows:
1. In Section 19A. applicable to school districts,
does the term "motor vehicles* include "motor
driven equipment" other than school busses7
2. (a) Where under Section 9 a school district pur-
chases liability insurance to cover paid employees
for torts committed in the scope of their district
employment, is the employee thereby protected from
the imposition of further judgment for'damages?
(b) Where under Section 9 a school district does
not purchase liability insurance to cover its school
bus drivers and requires as a condition of employment
that the bus driver shall purchase liability in-
surance , may the district pay the premium thereon
from its local maintenance funds7
Dr. J. W. Edgar, paw 2 (U-475)
(c) In situations referred to in (a) and (b)
above, is the bus driver’s bond prescribed in
Article 2687a also required?
3. (a) May the premium for liability insurance
legally be paid out of the transportation fund,
if any, of the school district? Stated another
way, does the Tort Claims Act contemplate that
such premiums shall be paid out of local district
maintenance funds as distinguished from the Dia-
trict Transportation Fund or County Transportation
Fund (Article 2922-15, Sec. 2) as the case may be,
whose limited allocation source is from State
(b) Where under Section 2(l) of Article 2922-15,
the county school board (not the school district)
maintains and operates a county unit school bus
system, is such county operating authority.authorised
to purchase such liability insurance7 If yes, who
pays the premiums and from what funds?
In connection with your first question, the following is
quoted from the Tort Claims Act:
“Sec. 3. Each unit of government in the state shall
be liable for money damages for personal injuries or
death when proximately caused by the negligence or
wrongful act or omission of any officer or employee
acting within the scope of his employment or office
arisinc from the operation or use of a motor-driven
vehicle and motor-drive equipment, ..."
"Sec. 19A. The provisions of this Act shall not
apply to school districts except as to motor vehicles."
(Emphasis supplied.)
You have indicated concern over the proper interpretation
'of the limitation of liability granted to school districts by
Section 19A, aupra. You indicate that some school districts
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Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 3 (M-475)
are of.the opinion that liability extends only to school bus
operations, while others are of the opinion liability extends
to the operation of loaned or owned driver education cars,
riding lawnmowers, tractors used in vocational agriculture
courses, and other motor +iven equipment.
Section 19A clearly limits the liabi,lityof school districts
to acts of negligence involving,motor vehicles. For the purpose
of regulating vehicles in this State the Legislature has made the
following definitions in Article 6675a-l,.Vernon's Civil Statutes:
"(a)'Vehicle' means every device in, or by which
any person or property is,or may be transported or
drawn upon a public highway, except devices moved only
by human power or used exclusively upon stationary
rails or tracks.
"(b)'Motor vehicle' means every vehicle, as herein
defined, that is self-propelled."
In answer to your specific question, you are advised that
the term "motor vehicles" extends beyond school busses, and
includes at least all vehicles that may fall within the definition
given in Article 6675a-1, supra, but does.not include "motor
driven equifient" unless such equipment constitutes a "vehicle".
Your question Number 2(a) is restated for clarity:
Where under Section 9 a school district purchases
liability insurance to cover paid employees for torts
committed in the scope of their district employment, is
the employee thereby protected from the ,impoaitionof
further judgment for damages?"
In answer thereto, you are advised that it is the view of
this office that’the presence of liability insurance has no
baaring upon the matter of the imposition of damages against a
governmental employee. The only limitation on employees’
liability provided by the Tort Claims Act is set forth in Section
12(a), to-wit*
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (W-475)
'The judgment or settlement in an action or
claim under this Act shall constitute a complete
bar to any action by the claimant, by reason of
the same subject matter;againat the employee of a
unit of government whose act or omission gave rise to
the claim."
Your question Number 2(b) is restated:
'Where under Section 9 a school district does not
purchase liability insurance to cover its school bus
drivers and requires as a condition of employment that
the bus driver ahall purchase liability'insurance, may
the district pay the premium thereon fro_ its local
maintenance funds?"
In the event a school district determines that liability
insurance should be purchased, we would point out that such
insurance stiouldprovide coverage in the manner set forth in
Section 9 of the Tort Claims Act, i.e., "...for such units of
government, their officers, agents and employees against claims
brought under the provisions of this Act, ...* We would also
observe that a general liability policy, such as would be
written for an individual, provides coverage for a broader
liability than ia.impoaed in the Tort Claims Act. We find no
authority in law-to 'wrmit a achool,district to pay for an
individual employee's liability insurance premium,under the
circumstances related. In the absence of such authority, you
are advised that the district may not pay the insurance
.premiuma from its local maintenance funds when it does not pur-
chase liability insurance to cover its school bus drivers.
Your question Number 2(c) is restated:
"In situations referred to in (a) and (b) above,
is the bus driver's bond prescribed in Article 26S7a
also required?"
Article 2687a, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, is quoted in part
as follower
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Dr. J. W. Edgar, Page 5 (M-475)
...The drivers of all school tranaportation
vehicles shall be required to give bond for such
amount as the Board of Trustees of the district may
prescribe, not leas than $2,000.00, payable to the
district, and conditioned unon the faithful and
careful diacharce of their duties for the Protection
of the nupila under their charqe and faithful ver-
formanci of the contract with School Board: ...'I
(Emphasis aup~lied.)
Section 20 of the Tort Claims Act reads as followat
"All laws or parts of Saw, and all enactments,
rules and regulations or any and all units of
gwernment, and all organic laws of such units
of government, in conflict herewith are hereby
repealed, annulled and voided, to the extent of
such conflict."
In view of the fact that the terms of the bond required by
Article 2687a, aupra, cwer aifuationa beyond the scope of the
Tort Claims Act, you are advised that it is the opinion of this
office that the said Article 2687a is not in conflict with the
Tort Claims Act and is not repealed thereby. The requirement
of a bond of not leas than $2.000.00 for school bus drivers
remains in full force and effect.
Your question Number 3(a) .ia restated:
"May the premium for liability insurance legally
be paid out of the transportation fund, if any, of the
school district?' Stated another way, does the Tort
Claims Act contemplate that such premiums shall be paid
out of local district maintenance funds as distinguiahed
from the District Transportation Fund or County Trana-
portation'Fund (Article 2922-15, Sec. 2) as the case may
be, whose limited allocation source is from State appropria-
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 6 (M-475)
Your question Number 3(b) is restated:
"Where under Section Z(1) of Article 2922-15, the
county school board (not'the school district) maintains
and operates a county unit school bus system, is such
county operating authority authorized to purchase such
liability insurance? if yea, who pays the premium and
frpm what funds?" _
In making a reply to these questions, we must first note
that there is no requirement that liability insurance be pur-
chased under the Tort Claims Act. That statute simply authorizes
the purchase of such insurance at the discretion of.the govern-
mental unit. The statute is silent as to any method of financing
insurance premiums. Since such expenditures are authorized, but
not required, we are of the view that they should be considered
as general operating expenses of the governmental unit, and
payable out of any fund available for those purposes. With re-
gard to the District or County Transportation Fund, governed by
Article 2922-15, Vernon's Civil Statutes, we note that Section 2(b)
thereof makes a base allowable for the coats of maintenance, opera-
tion, salaries, depreciation, etc., for the conduct of a school
bus system. Since the cost of liability insurance would be part
of the coat of the operation of such a system, it follows that
the District or County Transportation Fund,could properly be
used for the proporfionate share of the total premium that
represents school bus operation. *
Section 19A of the Tort Claims Act (Article
6252-19, V.C.S.) limits school district tort
liability to acts of negligence involving motor
vehicles. A "motor vehicle" at least includes
any,vehicle coming within the definition set
forth in Article 6675a-1, V.C.S.
The presence of liabilitv insurance has no
bearing upon the matter of the imposition of damages
against a governmental employee. In the event of
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Dr. J. w. Edgar, page 7 (M-475)
a damage suit against a governmental agency. the
judgment or settlement in such suit constitutes
a complete bar to any recovery against the
individual employee involved in the incident.
Section 12(a), Tort Claims Act.
If a school district purchases liability in-
surance, the policy should be written in the t:rma
of the statute.
The Tort Claims Act does not operate to repeal
Article 2607a, V.C.S., and the bond required of a
school bus driver by the said Article 2607a is
still required.
If it is determined that.liability insurance
should be purchased, the premiums therefor may
properly be paid out of the District or County
Transportation Fund (Article 2922-15, V.C.S.), as
an Operating expense of school bus service.
Yours9 ery truly,
General of Texas
Prepared by Malcolm L. Quick
Aaaiatant Attorney General
Opinion Committee
Kerns Taylor, Chairman
George Kelton, Vice-Chairman
Jack Sparks
Alfred Walker
Earold Kennedy
Roland Allen
Statf Lsgal Assistant
Dr. J. W. Edgar, page 8 (M-475)
Executive Assistant
First Assistant