May 21, 1969 Honorable James E. Barlow, Opinion No. M-403 Criminal District Attorney Bexar County San Antonio, Texas Re: Whether advertisement and competitive bidding on all purchases is Dear Mr. Barlwr required of Bexar County.. In a recent letter to this office you requested an opinion in regard to the abwe referenced matter. We quote from your letter ae.follwat "Is advertieermnt and competitive bidding on all purchases required of Bexar County?" In connection with this request, you have advised us that the aeeeeaed valuation of Bexar County ie $748,000,000.00 and that the population of Bexar County, according to the 1960 ceneue is 687,151. Therefore, D.B. 33, Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Seesion 1969 (Article 1659b, V.C.S.), is not applicable to Bexar County, because the act requires an aseeesed valuation of $800,000,000.00 or more. Likewise, Article 2368a of Vernon'e~Civil Statutes referred to in your request is only applicable to counties having a population of 350,000 or lees, and does not apply to Bexar County. See Attorney General Opinion No. W-406 (1958). You have advised this office that Bexar County has adopted The Cptional Road LOW of 1947. same being Article 6716-1 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas, aa amended. Section 15 of Article 6716-1, Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas. provides as follower *All ecuionvznt. materiale and suonlies for the construction and maintenance of countv roads and -1995- Honorable James R. Barlow, page 2 (M-4C3) for the countv road department shall be purchased by the Commissioners Court on competitive bids in conformity with estimates and specifications pre- pared by the County Road Engineer; except when upon recommendation of the County Road Engineer and when in the judgment of the Commissioners Court it is deemed in the best interest for the county to do so, purchases in an amount not to exceed one Thousand Dollars ($1.000.00) may be made through negotiation by the Commissioners Court or the Commissioners Court's duly ~authorized representative, upon requisition to be approved by the Commissioners Court or the County Auditor without advertising for competitive bids. . .The provisions of this section shall not be construed to permit the division or reduction of purchases for the purpose of avoiding the requirement of taking formal bids on purchases which would othetiise exceed one Thousand Dollars ($l,OOO.OO). As amended Acts 1957. 55th Leg., p. 24, ch. 17 f 2." (Emphasis added.) Section 15 of Article 6716-1, supra, requires that all eauinment, materials and supplies for the construction and maintenance of county roads and for the county road department shall be purchased by the CormnFssioners Court on competitive:bids in. conform&Q with estimates .and spscifi- cations prepared by the County Road Engineer. However, that section further provides that upon recommsndaticm by the County Road Engineer and when in the judgment of the Commissioners Court, it is deemed in the best interest of the county for the county to do so, purchases in an amount not to exceed $l,OOO.OO may be made through negotiations and by following certain procedures, therein set out, with- out advertising for competitive bids. -1996- Honorable James E. Barlow, page 3 (H-483) In view of the holding in Patten v. Conch0 County, 196 S.W.Zd 833-834. (Tex.Civ.App. 1946, no writ) in which the Court held that road machinery does not fall w4HW.n the terma "supplies and materials" as that term is used in Art. 1659 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas, it is necessary that we must determine whether the wording of Sec. 15 of Art. 6716-1, eupra, which states "all equip- ment, material's and supplies. . ." includes road machinery. In the case of Bolts v. Babcock, 389 P.2d.069, 874 (Mont. Sup. 1964) the Court stated: "Webster's Third New International Dictionary defines 'equipmant' as 'The imple- ments (as machinery or tools) used in an operatim or activity'. 'all the fixed assets other than land and buildings of a business enterprise;' 'the rolling stock of a railway', 'equipment usually covers everything, except personnel, needed for the efficient operation or service* * l '" In accord, Words & Phrases Vol. 14a. In view of the foregoing, it is our opinion that the word 'equipment* as used in Sec. 15 of Art. 6716-1, eupra, includes road machinery. Article 1659 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas, prwidee as follower .. lSuooliee of everv kind, road and bridge material, or gnv other material, for the use of said county, or any of its officers, departments, or institutions met be mrchaeed on comwtitive bide, the-contract to be awarded to the party who, in the beet judgment, of the conuuieeionere court, has submitted the lowest and beet bid. The county auditor shall advertise the biddinq'at least once a week for two consecutive weeks in at least one daily newspaper published and -1997- Honorable James E. Barlow, Page 4 (M-@3) circulated in the county. The advertisements shall state where the epecifications are to be found, and shall give the time and place for receiving the bide. Publication of the first advertisement shall precede the last day for receiving bide by at least 14 days. All such competitive bide shall be kept on file by the county auditor as a part of the records of his office, and shall be subject to inspection by any one desiring to see them. Copies of all bide received shall be furnished by the county auditor to the county judge and to the commissioners court: and when the bide received are not eatis- factory to the said judge or county connniesioners, the auditor shall reject said bids and readvertise for new bide. In cases of emergency, purchases not in excess of $300 may be made upon requisition to be apprwed by the commissioners court'without advertising for competitive bide. Acts 1965, 59th Leg., p. 944. ch. 458, fi 1' (Emphasis added.) It is to be noted in Article 1659, supra. that competitive bide are required on supplies of every kind, or on any other material for the use of said county. except in cases of emergency, when purchases not in excess of $300 may be made upon requisition to be approved by the connnissionere court without advertising for competitive bide. Article 2359 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas reads as follows: "The commieeionere court shall advertise at least once in every two vears, for sealed oroposals to furnish blank books, legal blanks, stationery and such other printing as may be required for the - 1998 - Honorable James E. Barlow, page 5 (M-403) :. county for the term of such contract, and shall receive separate bide for the different classes hereinafter designated. Such advertiee- ment shall be made by the county clerk, who shall notify by reqiatared letter, each newspaper and job printinq house in the county, and at least. three stationery and printing houses in the State, of the time said contract is to be awarded, and of the probable amount of supplies needed.' (Emphasis added.) It can thus be said that the purchase of legal blanks, stationery. printing and similar supplies are con- trolled by this article, by competitive bide. SUMMARY Under the prwisions of Section 15 of Art. 6716-1, Art. 1659, and Art. 2359 of Vernon's Civil Statutes of Texas, Bexar County is required to advertise for competitive bide on all purchases made, subject to the exceptions as set out in Sec. 15 of Art. 6716-1 and Art. 1659, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Youryyery truly, ORDC.MARTIN rney General of Texas Prepared by John Ii. Banks Assistant Attorney General - 1999-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion