The Honorable Robert S. Calvert Opinion No. M-326 CorDtrollerof Public Accounts Austin, Texas RO: Constructionof Article 12.01, Chap. 12, Title 122A, Taxation-General, V.C.S., au Bmended, a8 to non-profit corpora- tions organized to provide homes for people who an sixty-two years of age and older, wlth- out regard to this classlflcatlonof purely public charity. Dear Mr. Calvert: You ask our opinion in answer to whether the omission of the paragraph apeclflcallyexemptlng corporationsolrganlzed for the purpose of providing homes for elderly persons from the 1968 amendment to the franchise tax statute effected an imposition of the “additionalfranchise tax” imposed by that act upon such corporations. The fact6 are that In 1967 the Legislatureamended sub- section (l), Article 12.01, Chapter 12, Title 122A, Taxatlon- General, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, to impose an additional franfhlee tax on that portion of taxable debt allo- cable to Texas. This act contained the following exemption: 1. Acts 1967, 60th Legislature,Chapter 359, Page 849, Section 1. This amendment became effectiveMay 1, 1968. (Section 2 of the Act.) - 1599- The Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 2 (~-326) "The additional franchise tax levied by this Subsection (l)(a)(M) shall not apply to corporationsorganized for the purpose of pro- viding homes for elderly people sixty-two (62) years of age and older not for profit without regard to whether such corporationsare for purely public charity." The First Called Session of the same Legislature:!amended subsection (l), wholly omitting the exemption provision jurt quoted and making other changes not relevant to the question we have under consideration,none of which changes altered the basic structure of the statute. This latter Act became effect- ive October 1, 1968. The caption of the 1968 amendment, In its relevant portions, reads a8 follows: "An Act raising revenue for the operation of State government; ... amending Chapter 12, Title 122A, Taxation-General,Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amented, to Increase the corporate franchise taxes. I.... The caption conforms to the body of the Act, and both are clear and unambiguous. It Is the opinion of this office that this complete omission of the paragraph, containing the exemption from the 1968 enact- ment, effected Its repeal. The omission of said paragraph la within the purview of the caption of the Aot, that Is, to raise revenue and to Increase the corporate franchise tax, both of which purposes are effected by the removal of the exemption which appeared In the 1967 Act. Article III, Section 36 of our State constitutionprovides the answer to your question. It reads a8 follows: 2. Acts 1968, 60th Legislature,First Called Session, Chapter 2, Page 2, Section 1. -1600- The Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 3 (M-326) 'NO law shall be revived or amended by reference to Its title; but In such case the Act revived, or the section or sections amended, shall be re-enacted and published at length." Our courts have Interpretedthis provision literally. Humble Oil & Refining Co. v State, 104 S.W.2d 174 (Tex. Clv. App. , ref.); State RIghway Department v fforham,162 S.W.2d 934 As applied to your question, that section of our conetltu- tion simply means that the Act of 1968 completely supersedes the Act of 1967 in that the exemption provision In the 1967 Act was not carried forward by the Act of 1968; such paragraph waa there- fore wholly repealed. SUM?JARY By the omission of the above quoted paragraph from Acts 1968, 60th Legislature,Flrat._. Called . Session, Chapter 2, Page 2, Section 1, provldlng the exemp- tion, the tax on taxable debt Is now applicable to corporation8organized,for the purpose of providing homes for elderly people sixty-two (62) years of age and older not for profit without regard to whether such corporationsare for purely publf> charity. 8 very truly, 7sv= C; MARTIN rney General of Texas Prepared by Arthur Sklbell Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTRR Kerns Taylor, Chairman Jack Goodman Ml1 Allen Rnughton Brownlee w. 0. scnu1tz HAWTHORNE PHILLIPS Staff Legal Assistant -1601-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion