. September 30, 1968 IionorableW.C. Lindsey Opinion No. M-282 Criminal District Attorney Jefferson County Courthouse Re: Whether haws rule cities Beaumont, Texas 77701 not covered by Civil Service Act (Art. 1263m, V.C.S.) both below and above 10,OOQ population may organiae an auxiliary police force with the right to carry pistols end other weapon8 while on duty but not to receive caa- Dear Mr. Lindsey: _ pensation. Your recent letter requesting an opinion of this office etates, in part, as follows: *The City of Port Neches, Texas, has a popu&.ation of 6696 eccording to the 1960 Federal Census. The City of Port Neches is a home rule city agd in its Charter has reserved to its City Council the same general powets of appointment, term of office, qualifidationa and establishment of salaries for police officers as set forth in Article 998, V.A. C.S. Ry Ordinance the City Council has eeteblished an Auxiliary Polio* Force which his affiliated with and subject to the Port Recbes Police Department. This Ordinance does not provide fox the payment of compensation to the members of the Auxiliary Force, and in fact, none is made. "There are other home ride &ties lying within my district who have dmi+ar types of Charter provis- ions for estglbliehmentof Police Forces and who by ordinance;Yhaveestablished reserve police of- ficers without compensation. They do have a population in excess of 10,000 according to the 1960 Federal Census." - 1367 - Hon. W.C. Lindsey, Page 2, (M- 282) In relation thereto you present the following questions: “1. May the City of Port Neches, not beinq covered by the Civil Service Act (Art. 1269m, V.A.C.S.) and having a population of less than 10,000 organize an auxiliary police force when the members thereof do not receive compensation, and may these members carry weapons in the performance ,of their duties? "2. May the cities not having elec:ted to be covered by the Civil Service Act (Art. 1269m, V.A.C.S.) but havin g a population of more than 10,000 according to the last Federal Census, organize an auxiliary police force when the-mer&ers thereof do not ;e- ceive compensation, and may these members carry weapons in the performance of their duties?" In Attorney General's Opinion Number WW-997 (19611, this office has previously expressed the opinion that mem- bers of the auxiliary police department of the City of Taft were authorized by law to carry pistols in the performance of their duties as police officers and to act as city police even though they did not receive as much as $40.00 per month compensation. That opinion was based upon the fact that such ,officerswere apparently appointed under the authority of Article 998, Vernon's Civil Statutes: and that being so ap- pointed they were a constituent part of the regular police force and were not subject to the "special policeman" pro- visions of Article 484, Vernon's Penal Code. Article 998 provides as follows: "The city or town council in any city or town in this State, incorporated under the provisions of this title may,!by ordinance, provide for the appointment, term of office and qualification of such police officers 8s may be deemed necessary, Such police officers so appointed shall receive a salary or fees of office, or both, as shall be fixed by the city council. Such council may, by ordinance, provide that such police officers shall hold their office at the pleasure of the city council, and for such term as the city Hon. W.C. Lindsey, Page 3, (M-282) council directs. Such police officers shall give bond for the faithful performance of their duties, as the city council may require. Such officers shall have like powers, rights and authority as.are by said title vested in city marshals. . .* , Article 483, Vernon's Penal Code prohibits the carry- ing of pistols in this state, while Article 404 provides, in part, that: "The preceding article shall not apply to 0 D *‘any peace officer in the actual discharge of his official duty, ... nor to any ... specral policeman who receives a compensation of forty dollars or more per month for his services as such officer, and who is ap- pointed in conformity with the statutes authorizing such appointment; . . ." (Emphasis added) D In line with the Attorney General's Opinion No. WW-997 (1961), supra, which the Legislature has not seen fit to void in the seven years since its issuance, it is the opinion of this office that if the members of your proposed police force, by whatever name such force may be designated; aireappointed under the provisions of, and in compliance with.the require- ments of Article 998, or similar home rule charter provisions, they will be peace officers and as such, while in the actual 'discharge of their official duties, will be, by the provisions of Article 404 specifically exempted from the prohibitions of Article 4831 and accordingly, your first question is answered in the.affirmative. Article 1583-2, Vernon's Penal Code, prescribes minimum compensation for firemen and policemen in cities of 10,000 population and over. Section 2 of said Article 1583-2 reads \.. as follows: "Any city official, or officials, who have charge of the Fire Department or Police Department, or who are responsible for the fixing.of the wages herein provided in any such city who viol&e any provisions of this Act, shall be fined not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars or more than One Hund- red ($100.00) Dollars: and each day on which such city official, or officials, shall cause or permit any violation of this Act shall constitute and be a separate offense." i .i ', - 1369 - 3 Hon. W.C, Lindsey, Page 4, (~-282) It is the opinion of this office that even though : there is no provision contained in said Article 1583-2 which would make it a violation of Article 403 for such policeman to carry a pistol or other weapon while in the 'actualdischarge of this duty if he were so employed with- out compensation in a city of over 10,000 population, the employs&t of such office; without compliance with the pay requirements of Article 1583-2 would constitute a violation on the part of the above-referred official and, therefore, your second question should be answered in the negative, SUMMARY Auxiliary policemen appointed in accordance with Article 998, V.C.S., are not prohibited from carrying a pistol while in the actual discharge of their official duty even though they are paid no compensation for their services when they are so employed by a city having a population of less than 10oOOO by the preceding Federal Census and which city is not covered by the Civil Service Act Art, 1269m, V,C.S.), but such employment without compensation in cities of over 10,000 would subject certain city officials to penal f$ne under the provisions of rtrcle 1583-2, VOPOCO A Prepared by Monroe Clayton Assistant Attorney General ._ APPROVED: OPINION COWMITTEE Hawthorne Phillips, Chairman Xerns Taylor, Co-Chairman Bob Lattimore Jim Vollers Harold Kennedy Robert Owen STAFF LEGAL ASSISTANT A.J, Carubbi, Jr,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion