Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hontirable Rdber,t ‘3. Calvert bpinion NO. ~-266 Coinptrolleti’of Publib’Accounts State Capitol Building Re: Whether the OoViz?ndr m&y’ Austin, Texas 78711 authorize the exeehditure of federal’ grants br al - locations t’o thB Parks~ atid Wlldlif@ Depafitment for construction bf ‘a residence facility at the Runt&viIU State Dear Mr. Calvert: Fish Hatchery. Your ie~quest for an ‘oplnloti reads as follows: ‘Your opinion is.requested in the matter of an addition to the appropriations made by the 60th Legislature R;S. in S.B. 15 for the Parks atid Wildlife Department. STATEMENT OF FAC,TS “1; Parks and Wildlife Department letter of June 19, 1968 to the Governor recited that on May 1,9, 1968, lightning &truck the State- owned residence.in which the Huntsville State Fish Hat,chery Superintendent resided and the resulting fire ravaged the house beyond’repalr. “This letter, requested the ffovernor to au- thorize expenditure of $25,000 to replace the destroyed structure. “2 ., The request for the $25,000 was made as an addition to the amount appropriated Items 14B of”SB 15, of the 60th Legislature R.S., Page 106 of Supplement to Senate Journal, citing the first rider paragraph on Page 109 of the supple- ment which reads as ,follows: - 1296 - Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 2 (~-266) ” ‘Any Federal grants,- . dIlocatlpns_?r aids, for the conservation anC! lmpi+ovement of game, fish-and wildlife, or for. ImproVing,’ develdplhg. and planrilng public parks, or for‘any .oth&r plio- gram or activity under the statutory.atithority of’ the Parks and Wlldlife’D@artnient,“ni&y b’e‘ abtiepted .and disbursed ttiough th@. State Treas- iiry ‘by sald”D&arttieint fbti U-i&‘puzi@os&s ‘fcr tihloh ‘they. were &a&t&d tid- a&e hereby ‘tipfiro; ptiiated’ fop &u&hpurposes; prov%dedi. hoivevbr, that‘$xp&ndltU?e of~.ahy’ such’FedU81” grants, allbdatlons;‘.or’ aids shall”ndt ‘exd6iid’the ” “” amounts ahown In the. tich8dule ‘of ap$rdptilatlons _ _ herel.nabo.ve, or for’ fiuz+poses ‘and” programs tiijt’ &uthorlzed by s&Id schedule ‘of. &pprtiprlatlofis, shall halie the prior written approval of the Governor.! “3. The Governor approved the expenditure of Federal funds presumed to be available In the amount and.for the purpose vequested by Parks and Wildlife Department in his letter of June lo! 1968,.to.the . . Comptroller, “4. On June 14; 1968, the domptroll.er -r&- Quested by letter that Parkli and Wildl’lfe fui!nlsh wri;tten evidence that Federal funds were so au- thorized. ,. . “5.’ Parks and Wildlife by’.letter dated Juhe 19, 1968, stated Federal funds wer$ d&pdeited’ eon Febivatijr 15, 1968,’ ahd such funds were retieived’ Sn accordance ivlth Article 4050d, V.A.C;S; This letter also cites Sec. 25, Art. V, 0f’S.B. 15, 60th Legislature R.S. as .addltional.authorlty. “6. It does not appear that a departmental construction has been made under these exact conditions. Therefore we request sn .oplnion on the following question: “Does the Governor have the authority to in- crease the amount of the appropriations under the rider cited In Number 2 above? “For your convenience we are.enclosing photostat copies of the correspondence listed in the Statement of Facts.” - 1297 - - Hon. Robert Si Calvert, Page iY(a-+P). In Senate Bill 15,.60th l.+gisla$ure, 1967,'.Regdlaii Session, the .General Approp~latlons~Blll. *'the dep&%&ital appropribtion to the PaFks ana',Wlldllfe Department, is found a rider which states as fqllowpl: "Any Federal &ants, alldcations or.&lds 'for the conservatioil and 'i?api.o&mexit of'gan&,' flsh'and wildlife, or for.lmprov%ng, diveloplng and plsqnlng public parks, or for.any other pro- gramor activity-under .the sta$utory'.authorlty '., of the Parks and Wildlife Department, may be ac- cepted and disbursed through the State weasury by said Department for thq.purposes So~Ywhidh The f&ego& provlslon':oq t& Get%& Appropriations Bill appropriates to the Parks &nd Wildlife tipartment all federal grants or allocations of money for the,gurposes for which they were given to the Parks and Wildlife Department by the Federal Government. However, such appropri&tlon.contalns certain rcbs- trlctlons upon the eqpendlture of these funds by the Parks and Wildlife Department. These restrictions are to the effect that the expenditure of federal grants or allocations shall not ex- teed the amount shown in the departmental appropriation to the Parks and Wildlife Department or be for a ptipose not authorized in the departmental approprlatlon to the Parks and Wildlife De- partment. In addition, such expenditures must have the prior written approval of the Governor. In Section 25 of Article V of Senate Blll,l52 ,the General Approptilatlons Bill, there. ls,also found the provision that: 'Any funds received by &he agencies of the State named In this Act froq,the United States Government are hereby appropriated .to such agencies for the purposes for which the Federal grant, allocation, aid, or payment was made, bj t t Che provisions of'thl A t With in &rEg (300) days after the recdlzt zf*any such.:. '~ Federal grants, allocatidns, aid o~,,payments,. the amounts thereof and the purposes for which . ,, they were made shall be reported to the Governor and ~the LegislaMve3udget Board. (Emphasis added.) ,13ofi- Hon. Robert S. Calvert, page 4 (~-266) In'the instant case, the Governor has given his prior written approval for the expenditure of $25,000.00 In federal grants or allocations for the restoration of certain residence facilities at the Huntsville State Fish Hatchery. Item 14-B of the departmental approprlatlon to the Parks and Wildlife Depart- ment discloses that the expenditure contemplated by your question Is one authorized by the departmintal appropriation to the Parks and Wildlife Department and the amount of federal funds authorized to be expended by the Governor from federal grants and allocatlons,~ to the Parks and Wildlife Department does not ex.ceed the amount ap- propriated in Line Item 14-B. In view of the foregoing we are of the opinion that the Governor may authorize the expenditure of $25,OOO.OO for construc- tion of a residence facility at the Huntsville State Fish Hatchery. Such authorization does not constitute an Increase in the amount of the appropriation, but merely authorizes the expenditure of funds already appropriated by the Legislature. SUMMARY The Governor may authorize the expenditure of federal grants or allocations to the Parks and Wildlife Department for construction of a residence facility at the Huntsville State Fish Hatchery. Such authorization does not constitute an increase in the amount of the appropriation, but merely authorizes the expenditure of funds already appropriated by the Legislature. Vfi truly yours, Prepared by Pat Bailey Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Hawthorne Phillips, Chairman Kerns Taylor, Co-Chairman Jack Sparks Jerry Roberts ;z; p;ey A. J. CARUBBI, JR. Executive Assistant -1299-