Hon. James K. Walker Opinion No.M-171 County Attorney Cochran County Courthouse Re: Whether Cochran County " Morton, Texas Texas, has authority to pay public owned hospitals out- ' side the county for hospital and medical services render- ed to indigent inhabitants of the county.under the'cir- Dear Mr. Walker: cumstances stated. You have requested the opinion of this office as to whether Cochran County, Texas, is authorized to pay for the medical care of an indigent resident of Cochran County, Texas, in a public hospital outside of Cochran County, Texas, after the creation of the Cochran Memorial Hospital District, whose boundaries are co-extensive with the boundaries of Cochran County, Texas. You further state in your letter that a med- ical doctor practicing in the Cochran County Memorial Hos- pital has recommended that an indigent patient be sent to the John Sealy Hospital for care and treatment which cannot be supplied at the local hospital. Article IX, Section 9, of the Texas Constitution provides as follows: "Sec. 9. The Legislature niay by law pro- vide for the creation, establishment, maintenance and operation of hospital districts composed of one or more counties or all or any part of one or more counties with power to issue bonds for the purchase, construction, acquisition, repair or renovation of buildings and improvements and equipping same, for hospital.purposes; providing for the transfer to the hospital district of the title to any land, buildings, improvements and equipment located wholly within the district which mav be lointlv or seoaratelv owned bv anv citv, town or-county, providing-that any district so created shall assume full responsibility for providing rn9 nh rtants and assume the outstanding indebtedness incurred by cities, towns and counties for hospital pur- poses prior to the creation of the district, if same are located wholly within its boundaries, . . . : Hon. James X. Walker, page 2, (M-171) and a pro rata portion of such indebtedness based upon the then last approved tax assessment rolls of the included cities towns and counties if less than all the territory thereof is included within the district boundaries . . .II (Smphasis added.) Thereafter the Legislature.passed House Bill 1233, Acts 60th Legislature, Regular Session 1967, Chapter 494, page 1113 (Art. 4494q, V.C.S.), known as the Cochran Memorial Hospital District Bill, pursuant to Article IX, Section 9, and its pertinent provisions read as follows: "Section 1. Authority to create. Pursuant to authority granted by the provisions of Section 9, Article IX, Constitution of the State of Texas, Cochran Memorial Hospital District is hereby au- thorized to be created and as created shall have boundaries co-extensive with the boundaries of Cochran County, Texas, and possess such rights, powers, and duties as are hereinafter prescribed. "Sec. 2. Purposes of district. The district herein authorized to be created shall take over and there shall be transferred to it title to all lands, buildings, improvements, and equipment in anywise pertaining to the hospitals or hospital systems owned by Cochran County and any city or town within such county, and thereafter the dis- trict shall provide for the establishment of a hospital system by the purchase, construction, ac- quisition, repair or renovation of buildings and equipment, and equipping the same and the admin- debtedness which shall have been incurred by any city or town or by Cochran County for hospital purposes prior to the creation of said district. II . . . "Sec. 9. Purchases and expenditures. The board of directors of such district shall harthe . :1 . . -1 . Hon. James X. Walker, page 3, (W-171) power to prescribe the method and manner of making purchases and expenditures, by and for such hospi- tal district, and also shall be authorized to pre- scribe all accounting and control procedures and to make such rules and regulations as may be re- quired to carry out the provisions of this Act. II . . . "Sec. 17. District alone to incur indebted- II . . . ' (Emphasis added.) In addition to the above quoted provisions, the Act provides for the levying of taxes not to exceed seventy-five cents ($.75) on the One Hundred Dollar valuation; authorizes bonds to be issued in accordance with general law for the building of any facilities necessary to carry out its pur- poses; states manner of engaging a depository bank for the district: exempts the bonds from taxation: gives power of eminent domain; and creates a framework for screening patients as indigents. The responsibilities of the commissioners court in Article 2351, Vernon's Civil Statutes, and Article 4438, Ver- non's Civil Statutes, are now the duties of Cochran Memorial Hospital District. Attorney General's Opinion No. C-334:(1964). The question therefore necessarily arises as to the authority of the hospital district to pay for indigent care in a public institution outside of its boundaries, either under its assumed powers of the commissioners court or powers given to it under the Constitution and statute creating it. The leading case prohibiting the payment by com- missioners courts for medical treatment of an indigent out- -820. .I . . _. . Hon. James X. Walker, page 4, (d-171) side of the county in a private hospital is Willacy County v. Valley Baptist Hospital, 29 S.W.2d 456 (Tex.Civ.App. 1930, no writ history). The Court stated on page 458: 11 . . . "Under the provisions of article 4438, the county was under no duty to send Barbosa to any hospital, there being no public hospital in the county, and under the implied restriction of this provision it is doubtful if the county could be bound by the commissioners' court, certainly not otherwise, to send him to a hospital without the county, at public expense. II . . . But the liabilities of counties are fixed by law and cannot be extended by the courts beyond the plain authority of the statutes. I, . . .I, The Court's opinion above noted is controlling as to the interpretation of the law, on the facts and law that were presented to the court at the time of the decision. It is our opinion, however, that Article IX, Sec- tion 9, of the Constitution has enhanced the powers and duties of the hospital district, as opposed to the commissioners courts, and this is carried forward in the enabling legisla- tion. The oertinent orovision of Article IX. Section 9. is: "that any district so-created shall assumesfull responsibility for providing medical and hospital care for its needy inhab- itants . . .' (Emphasis added.) Similar language is con- tainea in Section 2 of H.B. 1233 providing purposes of the district, as follows: ". Such district shall assume full responsibility for providing'medical and hospital c~arefor its needy inhabitants . . .* (Emphasis added.) Specifically, it is our opinion that when a hospital district is created, it is no longer bound by the distinctions betweena pauper, an indigent and other restrictions which con- tinue to be valid for county purposes. The Willacy County case, although binding on commissioners courts in counties where countywide hospital districts have not been created, is not applicable to a hospital district. Limitations on the au- -821- _ . Hon. James K. Walker, page 5, (M-171) thority of a hospital district are determined by the constitu- tional provision and statute whereunder it was formed and not by the statutory powers and limitations thereof of commissioners courts. i.t. kgseargl from yaw letter, that there is no public hospital in COchran C'ountywhich can "care" for the needy inhabitant, either medically or as a hospital. The district's responsibility for providing such care can be exercised in sending such needy inhabitant to a public hospital outside of the district and under such circumstances would have the authority to'pay for the same. SUMMARY' The Cochran Memorial Hospital District, by virtue of the provisions of Article IX, Section 9 of the Constitution.of Texas, and Section 2 of House Bill 1233, 60th Legislature, R.S. 1967, (Art. 4494q, V.C.S.) has the full responsibility for pro- viding medical and hospital care for the needy in- habitants of such hospital district. Where the hos- pital district cannot discharge its full responsi- bility to such needy inhabitant within the hospital district be,causeof a lack of sufficient medical or hospital facilities, it may send the inhabitant to a hospital facility outside the district and legally pay for such expense. 6 very truly, ai== . MARTIN enerai of Texas Prepared by Pat Cain Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Hawthorne Phillips, Chairman Kerns Taylor, Co-Chairman W. V. Geppert -822- I.. . . . . _ Hon. James X. Walker, page 6, (M-171) Pat Bailey Brock Jones Bill Allen A. J. CARUBBI, JR. Staff Legal Assistant -823-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion