July 24 , 1967 Hon. D. C. Greer Opinion No. M-108 State Highway Engineer Texae Highway Department Re: Validity of appropriation Austin, Texas to the Texas Highway Depart- ment to construct and main- tain railroad protective Dear Mr. Greer: devices. Your request for an oplnlon on the above subject matter concerns the validity of Item 22 of Artlole XIX oftthe Appropriation to the Highway Department contained in Senate Bill 15, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Rs lar Session, 1967 (appropriation for the year -dd;;eAwust 31, 19 P 8). Item 22, above ref’erredto* reads as : For the Year August 31, “In addition to other State funds expended for simllar purposes under previously existing policy, there Is hereby provided from the State Hlgh- way Fund for joint participation by the Texas Highway Department and the respective railroad companies opera- ting in the State a sum of moneys to be expended and administered by the Texas Highway Department under rules and regulations established by it for the welfare and safety of the travel- ing public to construct and maintain grade crossing protective devices on Federal, State and County highways and City streets on the distribution formu- la heretofore established by the Texas Highway Department applicable to the construction of such grade crossing protective devices on State highways, and directing the Department to deve- lop standards and criteria for the proper - 493 - Hon. D. c. Greer, page 2 (~-108) priority allocation of such funds to specific grade crossings demand~lngthe Installation anu maincenhnce based upon incidence of automotive and train traffic at the crossing, accident experience, observation obstruction and other, designed to foster and establish a consistent and orderly program to eliminate hazards to the public on the public highways, roads and streets in the State and provided that in arriving at oosts payable by the State,for the construction and :malntenance provided herein, payment may be made by the Depart- ment to qualified recipients by fixed sum determined on a formula basis or otherwise under such rules and regu- lations asthe Department may es-,, tabllsh with a view,'towardslmplifi- cationof, the auditing and accounting involved; such sum established to be: expended only for the state purposes and to be $1,500,000H Gene&l legislation cannot be embodied within a general appropriation bill. Moore vs. Sheppard, 144 Tex. 537, 192 S.W.2d 599 (1946). However, a general appropriation bill may contain general provisions and details limiting and restricting the use of funds therein appropriated if such provisions are necessarily connected with and Incidental to the aonrooriation and use of funds if they do not conflict with or amount-to general'legislation. Conley vs. Daughters of the Republic, 106 Tex. 80, 156 S.W. 197 . A general appropriation bill cannot reoeal, modif or amend an existing general law. Linden vs. Finle , 92 Tex. % 51, 49 S.W. 578 (1899); State vs. Steele, 3,'f Tex. 2& (1882). Appropriations must be supported by,pre-existing law. Austin National Bank vs, Sheooard. 123 Tex. 272, 71 S.W.,2d242 ii1934); Port Worth Cavalry Club vs. Sheppan-cl,12.5Tex. 339, 83 S.W.2d 6 0; State vs. Steck C0.9 0 . tlbb(Tex.Clv.App. 1951, error ref.). The foregoing principles applicable to appropriations by the Legislature are discussed in more detail in Attorneys General opinions V-1253 (1951)) V-1254 (1951) and w-96 (19.57). In deter- mining the validity of Item 22 above quoted, we must examine the pre-existlng law applicable to the Texas Highway Department applying the foregoing principles of constitutional law summarized above. - 494 - . - Hon. D. C. Greer, page 3(M-108)’ :~ .: Broad powers and authority have been given the Texas Highway Depart- ment to maintain the various state highways In Texas by the pro- visions of Title 116 of the Re,visedCivil Statutes of Texas, 1925, (Articles 6663 through 6701k, Vernon’s Clvll Statutes). In construing the provisions of Article 6701d, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, the Supreme Court stated in Gann vs. Keith, 253 S.W.2d 413, 417 (1952); .Artlcle 6701d.is a very comprehensive rl law, and ‘the act shows upon its face that it was intended as a comprehensive code for the regulation of traffic on highways, and was considered by the Legislature as both a clvll and a criminal,statute. The Intent of the Legislature is clearly shown by Section 154, which reads: ‘This Act may be cited as the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Hlghwa~ys.’ The Act ahows that It was intended to cover and regu- late traffic,,inevery respect on the highways of the State. . , . Section 30 of Article 6701d specifically authorizes the State Highway Department to place and maintain traffic control de- vices upon all state highways as It may deem necessary to regulate warn or guide trafflo . The highway system Includes not only state highways outside the corporate limits of cities and towns, but also includes such roads and streets specifically designated by the Department as a part of the highway system. Attorneys General opinions v-1115 (1950), v-1514 (1952) and ~~-1486 (1962). In view of the foregoing, it is our opinion that Item 22 of the appropriation to the Texas Highway Department contained in Senate Bill 15, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, for the year ending August 31, 1968, constitutes an appropriation supported by pre-existing law for the purpose of enabling the Texas Highway Department to carry out a portion of its duties imposed by law. You are therefore advised that such item of appropriation is constitutional and valid. Therefore, such funds may be expended for grade crossing protective devices on those crossings on high- ways, roads and streets officially designated by the Texas Highway Department as a part of the highway system. SUMMARY Item 22 of the appropriation to the Texas Highway Department contained In Senate Bill 15, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, for the year ending August 31, 1968, is - 495 - Hon. D. C. Greer, Page 4 (M-108) constitutional and may be expended for the purpoees named therein on those afaded crossinas on euch highway roads and atree: officially zeslgnated by the Department as a part of the highway system. truly yours, zm C. MARTIN ney General of Texas Prepared by John Reeves Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE, HawthotinePhillips, Chairman Kerns Taylor, Co-Chairman W. 0. Shultz Watson Arnold Ben Harrison Tom Thurmond A. J, CARURBI, JR, Staff Legal Assistant - 496 -
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion