Eoaorable George A. Day Opinion No. C-772 county Attorney Brm County Courthouse Ret Whether a county may use Brownwood, Texas tax funds for the pur- pose of operating an am- bulance service in the county o+ cooperate with an incorporated City in the County in the op- Dear Mr. Day8 errtion of such service. Pour recent letter to this office requests our opinion with regard to the following question8 Way a County use tax funds for the pur- pose of operating an aubulance service in the County or cooperate with an incorporated City in tbe County in the operation of such ser- vlca?” Section 18 of Article V of the Constitution of Texas authorizes the commissioners court of a county to maxerclse such powers and jurisdiction over all county business, as is conferred by this Constitution and the laws of the State . . . . I Our courts have held that this provision does not confer on comniasioners courts general authority over county business, but, on the contrary, limits their authority to that conferred, expressly or by necessary implication, by the statutes or constitution. Mills Countv v. Lampasas Counw, 90 Tax. 603, 40 S.W. 403 (1897); Childtess County v. State, 127 Tex. 343, 92 S.W.2d 1011 (1936); Canales v. Laughlin, 147 Tex. 169, 214 S.W.2d 451 (1948)l Anderson v. Wood, 137 Tex. 201, 152 S.W.28 '084 (1941). In our opinion the commissioners court has the au- thority, under its general powers relating to the public health and sanitation, to operate an ambulance service within the county. -3707- Hon. George A. Day, page 2 (C-772) The health and welfare of the public is of primary importance to all ordered forms of government. In the preser- vation and protection of the public,health,every sovareigo may, in the exercise of the police power, enact laws directed to that purpose. The legislaturemay delegate powers relating to the public health to various agencies or subdivisions of the state. 28 Tex.Jur.26 9, Health 88 1,2; 39.C.J.S. 811, Health 8 2. Acting in this regard, the legislature of this state has enacted numerous statutes relating to health and sanitation. Among those statutesrelating to the authority of counties to act with respect to the public health we find Article 4418f of Vernon's Civil Statutes,which provides in part as followsr ". . . The Comm.issloners Court of any County shall have the authorityto appropriate and expand money from the general revenues of its County for and in behalf of public health and sanitation within its County." The authority thus conferred upon the conmissioners court to expand the general revenues of the county for, and in behalf of, public health and sanitation la general in its scope, Since Article 44185 provides no directions to guide the court in the exercise of this power, they are to be guided by their sound discretion. Attorney General's Opinion 0-2580A (1940). The cited attorney general's opinionheld that Articles 4478 and 4481 of Vernon's Civil Statutes,relating to the establish, ment and management of county hospitals, did not limit or qua114 the general powers of the cosmissionerscourt under Article 4410f to furnish facllltles or provide services which could be provided by a county hospital or Its board of managers in the event such hospital were established. We there stated: "When it is reasonablynecessary in be- half of the public health and sanitation within the county, it is our opinion that the Comnlssioners' Court of a county may appropriate and expend money from the gen- eral revenues of the county for treatment, consultation and medical supplieswithout bonds and establishing a hospital, notwith- standing such services tight be included -3708- %o+ George A. Day, page 3 (C-772) within the statutory authority of the hos- pital if astablished.w In Attorney Ganeral’fJ Opinion O-6024 (1944) we held that Article 4418s authorizes a county, in the futherance of public health and eanitation, to acquire land for the pur- pose of disposing of garbage and refuse collected from the inhdbitants of the county. We have also held that said Article authorizes the coxnisaioners court to expand general revenues of a county for the purpose of establishingand maintaining a prophylacticunit If the commissioners court determines that It will be in behalf of the public health and sanitation within the county. Attorney General's Opinion G-4725 (1942). In view of the foregoing, you are hereby advised that the commissioners court, pursuant to the authority of Article 4418f. Vernon's Civil Statutes, may expend tax funds from the general revenues of the county for the operation and maintenance of an aarbulanceservice within the county, if the commlssionera court determines that such service will be in behalf of the public health and sanitation within the county. When the commissioners court has been granted a power or has been charged with a duty, it has implied authority to exercise a broad discretion to accomplish the intended pur- pose. &&&eon v. Wood, 137 Tax. 202 152 S.W.2d 1084 (1941); Madison Countv v. Wallace, 118 Tax. 279, 15 S.W.Zd 535 (1929): Canales v. Laughlin, 147 Tax. 169, 214 S.W.Zd 451 (1948). Your request also inquires as to the authority of the county to 'cooperate' with an incorporatedcity within the county in the operation of an ambulance service. By the use of the term "cooperate*we assume that you have reference to some form of an agreement between the county and the city which would constitute a contract whereby the county and city would jointly provide for the service. The authority of the cornmissioners court to bind the county by contract is limited to that speci- fically conferred, either expressly or by fair implication,by the constitution or statutes. Childress Countv v. State, 127 Tex. 343, 92 S.W.Zd 1011 (1936)rVon Rosenberq v. Lovett, 173 S.W. 508 (Tex.Civ.App. 1915, error ref.): Roper v. Hall, 280 S.W. 289 (Tex.Civ.App.1926;no history): cf. Foster v. City of Waco, 113 Tex. 352, 255 S.W. 1104 (1923). In this -3709- Hon. George A. Day, page 4 (C-772) connection,we point out that Article 4434 of Vernon's Civil Statutes provides as follows: "The municipsl authorities of townsand cities, and commissionerscourts of the counties wherein such towns and cities are situated,may co-operata~witheach other in making such ix- provemantaconnectedwith said towns, cities and counties as said authorities and courts may deem necessary to improve the public health and to promote afflclent sanitary regulationsrand, by mutual arrangement, they may provide for the constructionof said Improvements and the psymant therefor.” Considering the language of this Article,we are of the oplnion that the cosmissioners court, in the exercise of a power conferredby Article 441Sf, may cooparatewith an incor- porated city within'the county in the operationof an ambulance sasvica. Since we have not bean informed as to the terms of the agreement prwiding for the cooperationof the county and city in the operation of such a service, we do nothereby hold that the authority of the county with respectto the terms of euch agreement is unbridled. On the contrary,the ex2anditure of county funds pursuant to the agreement must not contravene the prohibitionof Section 52 of Article III of the Texas Constitution. Harris Countv Flood Control Uist. v. Mann, 135 Tex. 239, 140 S.W.28 1098 (1940) at page 1104. SUMMARY Pursuant to the general powers of the county to expend the general revenues of the county in behalf of the public health and sanitationunder Article 4418f, V.C.S., the county may operate and maintain an ambulance service within the county if the commissioners court determines that such service is in be- half of the public health and sanitation: under the authority of Article 4434, V.C.S., the county may, in the exercise of its powers under Article 4418f, V.C.S., cooperatewith -3710- Eon. George A. Day, page 5 (C-772) an incorporatedcity within the county in the operation of an ambulance service, however, the extent of the county's contribution under the agreement cannot contravene the limitations of Section 52 of Article III of the Texas Constitution. Yours very truly, WAGGONERCARR Attorney General W. 0. Shultz Assistant WOS:ra APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Wade Anderson Douglas Chilton Linward Shivers Gordon Houser APPROVED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: T. B. Wright -3711-