August 22, 1966
Hon. William Hunter Opinion No. C-743
District Attorney
69th Judicial District Re: Whether the County Com-
Dalhart, Texas missioners Court of a
county with population
under 10,000 people can
or must pay (1) mileage
expenses for a Constable
using his personal car
for official business in
and outside of the county;
(2) pay maintenance ex-
penses in connection with
the maintenance, use and
operation of a radio by
the Constable in his
Dear Mr. Hunter: personal car.
By recent letter you have requested an opinion in
regard to the above stated questions. We quote from your
letter as follows:
"Article 6889-D of the Vernon's Civil
Statutes of Texas seems to authorize the
Commissioners Court to pay certain expenses
for the Constable which would seem to include
the payment of mileage for the use of the
personal car of the Constable on business.
There is nothing in that statute referring
to the payment of expenses Incident to the
upkeep of a radio in such car. This statute
seems to permit but not require the Commls-
sloners Court to pay such expense."
Article 6889d, Vernon's Civil Statutes, was orlg-
inally enacted in 1953 and amended in 1961 and Is quoted, in
part, as follows:
"Section 1. The County Commissioners
Courts of this State are hereby authorized
Hon. William Hunter, page 2 (C-743)
to supply or pay for transportation of
constables and deDutv constables of the
respective counties and justice precincts
to and from points within this State, under
one of the four following subsections:
"(a) Constables and deputy constables
may be furnished adequate motor transportation
including all expenses incidental to the up-
keep and operation.
"(b) Motor vehicles may be furnished to
constables and deputy constables who may fur-
nish gas and oil,-wash and grease. . .fbr
which gas and 011, wash and grease constables
and deputy constables may be compensated. . .
not to exceed six cents (66) per mile. . . .
"(c) County Commissioners Court m
allow constables and deputy constables. . .to
use and operate cars on official business
personally owned by them for which such officers
may be paid not less than eight cents (8#) per
mile nor more than fifteen cents (15#) for each
mile traveled in the performance of official
duties of their office." (Emphasis added)
In Attorney General's Opinion No. v-1287 (1951),
this office ruled, in effect, that in counties of 20,000 or
more population the Commissioners Courts were authorized,
but not required to furnish or pay for transportation, and
traveling expense incidental to such transportation, of
constables or deputy constables on official business any-
where in the State.
Opinion v-1287 is an interpretation of Article
6889c, Vernon's Civil Statutes. This Article was expressly
repealed by Article 6889d, Vernon's Civil Statutes, in the
1961 amendment. The language of the two articles is identlca1,
except for the population limitation &irt. 688927 and the
amount of expense payments authorized.
The language used in Article 6889d is permissive
and not directory, and it is our opinion that the statute au-
thorizes but does not require the Commissioners Courts In all
counties of this State to furnish adequate transportation or
Hon. William Hunter, page 3 (C-7439
pay constables or deputy constables mileage expense and
other Incidental expenses incurred in using personally
owned vehicles.
Question number two asks whether the County
Commissioners Court must or can pay maintenance costs of
the operation of a radio In a constable's personally owned
car. We are assuming that you mean a two-way radio commonly
used by law enforcement officials.
In Attorney General's Opinion No. O-6649 (1945)
this office ruled that there was no provision in the Consti-
tution or statutes of this State conferring upon the Commis-
sioners Courts the power to purchase radio equipment with
county funds for use in a constable's privately owned car.
In 1955 the Legislature enacted Article 688ge,
Vernon's Civil Statutes, which authorizes Commissioners
Courts to install and maintain two-way radios in constables'
or deputy constables' cars whether personally owned or not,
but the Act is restricted to counties of 600,000 or more
There is no present express statutory provision
allowing counties of less than 10,000 population to provide
for purchase or maintenance of two-way radios in constables'
or deputy constables' cars.
It is our opinion that Article 6889d, Vernon's
Civil Statutes, does not confer upon Commissioners Courts
of counties of this State the authority to purchase or
maintain two-way radios In constables' or deputy constables'
Under the provisions of Article 6889d,
Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Commissioners
Court of a county with population under
10,000 may pay, but Is not required to pay,
the mileage expenses for a constable using
his personal car for official business in
and outside of a county.
There is no statutory authority for
Hon. William Hunter, Page 4 (C-743)
.;CommissionersCourts of a county with pop-
ulation under 10,000 to purchase or main-
r taln ".t+&way radio In a constable's
,:,_,,,“. i, ,...b.--~-~‘pePso~~l car.
Very truly yours,
Attorney General of Texas
W. 0. Shultz, Chairman
John Reeves
Malcolm Quick
Ralph Rash
Gordon Cass
BY: T. B. Wright