o-zlcl( Honorable F. R. Booth 0+0/l Executive Director cl-lcaw Texas Water'Rights Commission r/-Is-/ Sam Houston Building Austin, Texas 7871.1 Opinion No. C-625 Ret Whether the Comptroller of Public Accounts should ap- prove and 1ssue.a warrant pursuant to a Texas Water '.Commissionvoucher, under Dear Hr. Booth% the .facts submitted. You have requested the opinion.of this office as to the subject question, and in this connection you have sub- omitted certain'facts, which are summarized as follows: By letter of August 12, 1964, the bover-. nor directed the Texas Water Commission to. undertake large-scale studies aimed at the development of a State Water Plan. Th~ere- after, certain emergency and supplemental funds were transferred to the Water Commis- sion to cover costs of this program. Over a,period of months, a number of contracts were let to various consulting firms for the performance of necessary engineerlng studies; During this particular period, the Texas Water Commission was in a state of flux, due to the impendzng reorganization of the State water agencies. On September 1, 1965, new agencies were to.come into existence, and many functions were to be realigned, although there was an imperative necessity for continuing in the work on the State Water Plan; A number of engineering reports were due to be received, and it would be necessary that these large reports 'be reproduced in consider- able quantity. The reports began arriving in - 3032- Hon. F. R. Booth, page 2 (c-625) August, 1965, and it became obvious that ther,e was insufficient paper on hand to cover the re- quirements. Without further ado, the necessary paper was ordered on August 30, 1965. With this large an order, delivery was made in three in- crements, beginning in September and ending on October 29, 1965, to the WaterDevelopment Board, which had assumed the printing duties. Based upon the August 30, 1965, purchase order by the Texas Water Commission, a voucher for ~the payment, of the paper costs was approved on November 5, 1965, by the Texas Water Rights Commission, such voucher being drawn against funds appropriated to the Texas Water Commission for the fiscal year 1965, which ended August,31,, 1965. The voucher was returned unpaid by the Comp,trollerof Public Accounts, and Attorney General% Opinion O-2380 (1940) was cited as the basis for refusal. As a general proposition it is quite true that~consumable supplies received in one year may not be paid for out of the agency a@ ropriation for another year. ions o-23kio (lg40), O-2704 (lg40), 0-6011:~~~~~~,'~~~~~'~1~~:rj- and v-1397 (1952 . In the case at hand, the paper was ordered on August 30, 19t45, the next-to-last day of~the 1964-1965 bii ennium, and the'first shipment was not received until the com- mencement of the 1966-1967 biennium.. On the basis.of,the time sequence alone, the prior opinions of this office would require that the bill be paid only from appropriations available.for the fiscal'year 1966. A close examination of the~above-cited opinions reveals that the rule regarding payment for consumable supplies does not rest upon principles of law that have'been clearly laid down in appellate decisions, but rather upon interpretations as to legislative intent and determinations as to public policy. This is not to cast doubt upon.the validity of those prior in- terpretations, because they have been the basis of budget plan- ning by state agenciesfor many years, but is merely to.show that we.are not dea~lingwith an immutable legal principle. The case which we have at hand.is certainly not the usual case, wherein anagency discovers itself left with &me unused money at the end of an appropriation period, and hurriedly orders a big stock of stationery and supplies in order to avoid having to turn money back to the Treasury. In our particular case,.we are not dealing with the ordi- nary course of businessof a State agency. Here, the Governor ordered the immediate initiation of a massive planning~program; emcrgency~funds were made available by both the Governor and -3033- Hon. F. R. Booth, page 3 (c-625) the Legislature for use .during the fiscal year 1965; a particu- lar amount of paper was purchased for the special purpose of printing the engineering,reports dua in from consulting engineers. While some of this paper may have been used to replace~borrowed stocks, nevertheless, the sole purpose of this particular order was to handle the large volume of.engineering reports that had arrived by.August 30, 1965, and were due to arrive. Such paper is used to,prepare a recor'dthat, while not permanent in nature, will be used for a number of years. Such paper was ordered for the specific purpose of preparing the large engineering reports and reproducing same in large quantities to be used in the long- range and.large-scale studies aimed at the development of a State Water Plan. These reports and copies will be used for a num- ber of yea,rs,and are'in the nature of 'capital assets of the State." We are therefore of the opinion that the fact situation here is within the holding of Attorney General's Opinion 0-6011 (lg'c4),from which we quote the following: "'With respect to those supplies or things which, as you state, might be termed a "capital asse.tof the State", thenrule,is that such sup- ply or fixture may be purchased and paid for out of the appropriation for any year of the bien- nium for which anappropriation has been tide. Fixtures, equipment end supplies whatsoever that they do not perish with thei~ruse, but which may be continuously used after the year in which.they are purchased are notgoverned by the identical principles applicable to those supplies which'are consumed with their use. Thus,.machines, fixtures, books, and the like, are not consumed during the year they are.purchased, but they last for many years. Such 'capital asse'ts'of the State may therefore be purchased and paid for out of the appropriation for any year of the biennium for which an appropriation for such article has been made. This is true regardless of the year ins which the delivery is made, since the purchase during the pr,operyear amounts .to an expenditure or commitmen.tof the appropriationfor that year.'" We reaffirm the prior Attorney General's‘opinions cited herein as to the general class of situation. Both the Governor and the Legislature exhibited an intention that the development of a State Water Plan was to be treated as a special, urgent and long-range project, and the particular paper purchase here was an integralspart of the said project, making available for continuing use ,the extensive engineering reports essential to the project. It is therefore the opinion of this office that, Hon. F. R. Booth, page 4 (C-625) under the particular facts presented, the Comptroller of Public Accounts should.approve and issue a warrantypursuant tc Texas Water Commission Voucher~No. 3017, drawn against the said Water Commissionis appropriated funds for the fiscal yearl965. SUMMARY Under the particular facts involved,,the Comp- troller of.Public Accounts'should approve and issue a warrant in payment of Texas Water Com- mXssion Voucher No. 3017, drawn agafnst the Water Commission's 'appropriatedfunds for the fiscal year 1965. Yours very truly,. WAGGONER CARR Attorney General lcolm L. Quick Assistant MLQ:ms APPROVED:, OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert,,Chairman James McCoy J. C. Davis John Banks KernsTaylor APPROVEDFOR THE .ATTORNEY GENERAL By:' T. B. Wright -303.S
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion