Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

GENERAL AUSTIN. TEXAS 78711 Deoember 13, 1965 Honorable Adolph F. Spltta Opinion No. C-567 County Attorney Kendall County Re: Whether the sheriff of Ken- Boerhe, Texas da11 County has t,he exclu- sive right of furnishing me+ to his prisoners and Dear Xr. Spitta: related questions. You have reoently requested awopinion from this of- tlO0, your inquiry being as follows: “The $heriff of Ken&all County prepares, with the arslstance of his wife, me&I8 for the prisoners in his jail. The County repBIt& burses the Sheriff the sum of 75+! per meal’, so furnished upon the Sheriff $lvlng a sworn aooount at the end of each month. The res- taurants and o&em, in thin qrea, have pro- tested suoh aotlon, malntalpS.xg that the Sheriff rhould take bids, or at any rate give eaoh buelnerr a pro Fata share of Surnlshing the meal6 to said prisoners. "Your opinion Is respeotfully reqF*sted oonoernlng the following points: “a. Does the Sheriff of Kendall Coianty have the exclusive right of furnishing meals to his prlaoners? “b. Ii the Sber2ff of Kendall County etn- ploya his wife to prepare raid meals aoea that ootutitute a violation of the Texas Wepotien La*? “0. Doee the Sheriff of Kendall COuntf have to make an aoourate report ha to the oost of the meals prepared by his wife, or is It merely necessary for him to report the number of meals to be reimbursed in the amount of 754 pcrerp, +r, agreed by the COnaPi88lOne~‘E -2742- . Honorable Adolph F. Spltta, page 2 (C-567) “a. Is It necessary for the wlfe of the Sheriff of Kendall County to have a health " card by virtue of being the supplier and pre- parer of said meals of prisoners?" In answer to your first question, you am, advised that. the Sheriff of Kendall County has the exoluslve right of oper- ating the jail kitchen and furnishing meals to prisoners. Wlohlta County,vt Vanoe, 217 S.W.2d 702 (Te~.ci~.App., error r 1949) . Att orney (tenercil’q Op*nlon Ho. v-1232 (1951). ~liem&e~herlff'mlght legltlmately oontr&ict with cafes te furnish meals to prisoners properly ‘aooounting for expendl- tures to the Commissioners Court, (Attorney Qeneral's Opinion. Wo. V-1232, supra), he Is under no duty or obligation to con- tract with any cafe to furnlsh'meals or to take bids from the.~ cafes If he decides to use'thelr servloes In feeding those ln- carcerated In the Kendall County jail. As lndloated, the answer to your first question Is In the afflnnatlve. With regard to your remaining questions, Seotion 61 of Article 16 of the Constltutlon of the State of Texas has made It mandatory since 1949 that all sheriffs be compensated on a salary basis. 'It has been uniformly held that where a sher- iff la oompensated on a salary basis that the Commlsnloners Court may only allow the sheriff the actual expenses lnourred by him in feeding prisoners In his oustody and oannot allow '~. the sheriff any speolflc sum for the boarding of prisoners. At- torney General's Opinion No. V-1232, aupra. Accordingly, the., arrangement between the sheriff and the Kendall County Commis- sioners Court, whereby the sheriff 1s reimbursed the sum of ~$#1~~ meal for each prisoner fed, would be in contravention . With regard to your second question, although the aher- lff 1s authorized to recover from the Commlssloners Court the aotual expenses lnourred In the feeding of prlsoners, any fee or any oompenaatlon paid to his wife for,the preparation of euch meals would not be allowable because her employment would be a violation of the Nepotism laws of the State of Texas whloh forbid an offloer of a county to employ any person re-. lated to him within the second degree of affinity. This of- floe, In Opinion No. V-359 (1947) held as follows: "The sheriff 1s an offloer of the ooun- ty and his wife Is related to him 'within -2743- . . Honorable Adolph F. Spltta, Page 3 (C-567) the seoand degree by afflnlty.1 ,See At- torney QeneralVe Oplnlons NOB. O-31 and o-4973. It 1s therefore our opinion that the sheriff ie prohibited by the plain provisions of Article 432, V.P.C., from his rife an a cook for such $!#%a ft is our further opinion that the oounty z&rUt’or. le ‘not author- ized to approve for payment any claim of the sherlff~e wife for such services.” In anewer to your third queetlon, you ati referret ~to 0~ a3 .souselons above. The aherlff la only entitled to re- cover the actual expenses’ for feeding prleonera In hla ouatody end oare and he muet accurately report all euoh expendlturer in order to receive such reimbursement. Any compensatloq paid to his wife would not be properly allowable ae an expense of the feeding of the Inmates of the jail. ,,The dlsousslone oonoernlng your flrst,three questions make an anewer to the fourth que8tlon, “Should the wife of the sheriff have a health oard,” unnecessary. However, we do not-,- mean to say that a wife oannot assist the eheriff %ti the prep- aration and serving of ,meala, but there a’an be no oompeneatlon to her for any labor bhe::performa. If she .-does render yo$un- tary and gratis eervloee in the feeding of prisoners, we are of the opinion that it would not be neoessary that nho have a health aard. There is no universal- requirement under the laws of.the State of Texaa that food handlers have a sanitary h,ealth card; rather, Section 6 of Article 7058, Vernontw Penal Code of Texas, confer8 on oltles the power to adopt ordfnances whioh require the obtaining of a health aard a8 a prerequllslte to the handling of foods. However, even if the munlolpallty in which your jail la’located has such an ordlnanoe, it Is our view that the county jail does not come within the definition of a pub110 eating plaoe 81) defined by Section 1 of Artlole 7054. SUMMARY .The Sheriff of Kendall County haa the exoluslve right to furnish meals to hla prisonera. mployment of the sherlffls wife to prepare the food for prlaonerz would be In violation of the Nepotism Laws. di sheriff Is only entitl&a to recover the aotual expenbes for feeding prisoners in his custody and care and he muet accurately -27&L : .. -. . Honorable Adolph F. Spltta, Page 4 (C-567) report all suoh expenditures in order to receive reimbursement. It Is unnecessary for the person who prepares meals for the prisoners to have a health Oard. Very truly yours, QJP/at/br APPFtOVEDr OPINION COM4I!L"FEE W. V. Qeppert, Chairman Edifard R. mffett Sam L. Kelley Tom Routt W. 0. Shultz APPROVEDFOR THE ATTORWEX QE%l?ZRAt By: T. B. Wright -2745-