0FTEXL%@ AKismN 11.'gexas November 23, 1965 Honorable Clint Starr Opinion No. C-549 County Attorney Mldland County Re: Whether a defendant must Mldland, Texas be present in person to enter a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor,punishable by a ffineand/or jail time, Dear Sir: and related questions. Your recent letter requested the opinion of this office on six questions which read as follows: “(1) Must a defendant be present In person tom enter; a plea of guilty to a misdemeanor punishable by a fine and/or jail time? “(2) Must a defendant be present in person to enter a plea of gulltyto a misdemeanor punishable by fine and/or jail time when the only punishment assessed is a,fEne? “(!I) If defendant'spresence is not required in either question No. 1 or No. 2, may anyone other than an attorney enter his plea of guilty for him? “(4) If his presence is not required, may his plea of guilty be entered for him by'any- one holding a power of attorney executed by the defendant giving~the holder thereof authority to enter such plea? “(5) If defendanttspresence is required in either question No. 1 or No. 2, may this right be waived by.the defendant and if so, how? “(6) If defendant'spresence is required in either question No. l or No. 2 and he is not present, is'the judgment void.or only voidable?" -2638- Honorable Clint Starr, Page 2 (C- 549) In response to the first two questions the defendant must be present at the time of the 'trialIn a misdemeanorcase In which the punishmentor any part thereof can Include impr&, onment in jail without regard to what punishmentis actually assessed. Article 580, Vernon's Code of Criminal Procedure, which controls in this matter, states: "In all prosecutionsfor felonies, the de- fendant must be personallypresent at the trial, and he must likewise be present In all cases.of misdemeanorwhen the punishmentor any part there- of is imprisonmentIn jail. When the record in the appellate court shows that the defendant was present at the commencement,or any portion of the trial, it shall be presumed in the absence of all evidence In the record to the contrary that he was present during the whole trial." After January 1, 1966, the same requirementwill be covered by Article 33.03 of the new Code of CrlminU Procedure, which supplantspresent Article 580. The only change will be the provision that when the defendant voluntarily~absentshlm- self after pleading to the indictmentor information,the trial may proceed to its conclusion;and that the presence of the de- fendant shall not be required at the hearing on the motion for new trial in anymisdemeanor case. The leading case interpretingthis statute Is Pad1110 v. State, 264 S.W.2d 715 (Tex.Crlm.l&k), where the defendant's attorney (in the defendant'sabsence) entered a plea of guilty to the charge~ofuniawful possessionof intoxicatingliquor and the~courtimposed a penalty of 60 days in jail. When an effort ; was made to use this convictionfor enhancementthe Court of Criminal Appeals held: "It has.been held relatlve.to~saidarticle that the failure of the appellant to appear and plead in a misdemeanorca8e where the punishment can be Imprisonmentin jail renders the trial void." See Washington v. State, 52 Tex.Crim. 323, 106 S.W. 361; Stewart v. Stat , mx.Crim. 39, 127 S.W;2d 903; Hendersonv. g;:eh1137 TexFeCrtm. 18, 127 S.W.2d 902: Cain v. State, 15 'I'ex See also annotationsunder Article 560 Code of Crimi- nal Proledure,In Volume 12, Texas Mgest, Crimiial Law, Key 636 (No. l), Page 286. -2639- Honorable Clint Starr, page .3-fC-.p~g),;: With regard to',:the third and fourth questlons:wewould point out that the only time the,defendantis authorized to appear and plead "in absentia" is set forth In Article 581, Vernon's Code of ~CrIminalProcedure: "In other misdemeanorcases, the defendant may,..byconsent of the State's attorney, appear by counsel, and the trial may proceed without his personal presence." ItIs ,thereforethe opinion of this office that no one other than an attorney may appear and plead for a defendant even though such person;might hold's power of attorney executed by the defendant giving the holder thereof authority to enter such plea. Such appearance Is limited by the statute Itself to appearance by counsel. Present Article 581 has been re-enacted in~the new Code of Criminal Procedure verbatim as Article 33.04. In answer to your fifth question, there is no method of waiver that we are~able to find. However, Article 33.03 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure provides that when the defendant voluntarilyabsents himself after pleading to the indictment or informationthe trial may proceed to Its conclusion. ThI.s.ob~- vlously serves to prevent a man from invalidatinghis trial by walking%out inithe middle of it. The Padillo case, supra; Is authority for holding the judgment void where It is rendered pursuant to a plea of guilty entered in the absence of the defendant where.the punishment can result in the assessment of jail time. The few cases dealing with voidable judgments where the defendant was absent .ona hear- ing for motion for new trial will be eliminatedby the special provision added to Article 33.03 of the new Code of Criminal Procedure,which specificallyexempts the defendant from having to be present,,on.themotion for new trial In any misdemeanor case. SUMMARY The appearance of a defendant on a plea ' of guilty, is mandatory any time the punish- ment for the crime with which such defendant Is charged can result in defendant'sreceiving a jail sentence. If the defendant In such a case does not personally appear the judgment rendered against him is void and is subject to collateral attack. In those cases in which defendant is not required to be personally present, he may appear by and through an attor- -. ney at law. If this procedure is not followed -2640- Honorable Clint Starr, @age 4 (C- 549) the judgment rendered therein will be subject to attack, as being void. Yours very truly, WAGGONERCARR Attorney General of Texas &-M& THOMAS W. MACK Assistant Attorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. 0. Shultz, Chairman Sam L. ~Kelley tinny P. Zwlener Howard M. Fender APPROVED FOR THE ATTO& GENERAL BY: T. B. Wright -2641-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion