Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

October 18; 1965.. Honorab~s:~~~.rWlnters,. Commissioner- Statet~p~ment:.of"Publlc Welfare Austin; T&as2 Cplnlon No,.. C+2& Re:.Is.theState.,Depart&entof Public Welfare‘authorized. ,t0 se&up- a:Di%y.:Ckre Advlsory;C?immlttee~.-conaltitlhg of.r@presentative~~:of"'other~ State~.D&partiaents-~or:~Agerx9.es~ other” and'.reprieaent&tiires'-ofl profess~ona~'and'cl~lcgrm~~ fo~~.~the~putpose~:of'~comply~~. tith.the?federdlzequ~rem6nt~ and.agreement:~wh%hI& tiii? basfa-fdr~t~~.,~partment:'cr' recelvine;lfederal.Ainds:for th~~Ceire::Program'l~~t~e .State;;o~~~~si.and~re2ated.. questMns?-. Yi%w~-recent' 1ett~errequestBaanopMlon-.op%he;above~ captioned:matters 'and.-from':~icK we-quote..:ln::part:' ~~~~Advls~~~Carmnittee~~consls-~ng- of: re~esenti&lves.fi%m~~other+tate:~Agencl&3'- and:'re@esentatlves,-of?other~.prof~sslonal .- an&'-~f?lcgroups:-lntei?ested.'lnrDhe- development ~~:~~~~~-Semrices-for~.Chlld~e~l~ the~state * !lii:pkepsrlng~.f6za-.meetlng 6f.~the:-Day.C&re AdViaory-Committee;wer::dlscussed'wl;th the Comptrollerls: Cfflce.th&method.of:payment of~the-perdiem anal-the~travel-expenses'and wec.were,<.advised~'that.payment. coul&%ot'be -de;. !l!lie:~Departme~t ls:propos$ng:,to spay: the&@mt%ttee~members~-pezyd,lem ,..~ a@:ts&vel expenses::.on the~same.-basis..asl-per.!.diem and t?aveLexpenses are.~provided:for:.State-~- .employees-,under-Part1V,'~Section :13?.of: H~use~~13ill.Noi.12....All of.the:funds'tobe. -2495:- Hon. John Winters. Pa& 2 Cp$nion NO. C-!5~ used for this purpose are funds allocated & the United States Oovernment for the. puz$xes of carryingout the provisions of Title V, Part 3, Section 523(a) (1) (B) of the Federal:Social Security Act. "The Comptroller'sDepartmentstated that ~paymentwould not be made on.+e basis that: "1. The Department did &have any. spealfgc.statutory authority to appoint a Day Care Advisory Committeeor to pay the expenses of.memb&s of such Committee whPle attendingofficial meetings; Andy : "2. "That employeesof other State :-Agenciescould not serve on such ; Committeewithout possibly jeopard- .:-,.. 1,&zing their salaries with the _, ernploylngState Agency. %he..hpartment takes the view that It does .ha+e.the'statutory authority to appoint a .Bsy Care~.Advlsory Commlttee,andto pw %he pe=--dPem..and.travelexpenses of the members of suchGmm&ttee while attendlng.o$Y&lal. yeetlngs. .. . :. .-:,.~- . . II, a . .. II. i .:. .Sin&e:theappolntment..of~fhe Advisory Commlttee~:ls &'&ondltlon~:precedent %o the -Departmen~*s'obf;ainine,.approvall~f~~b~eState -P&ah fop ChI3d.Welfare.Services, -the Depart- ment'feels:thiit:dt.%houldi.,andthat It.can, legally.ljay these:Commttteemembers.-:per~dlem .and travel expensesa&ally incurred in the c&rse of the performanaeof their dutles~'as '-C~ttee.,m&&er~'s; :.. ::;‘.::~'G_~ c+~.,~ .Ii .-. ~.::.:I 1, '. "' > "The .quesMon;has also,&~~~~Pa&& &&.the- the authorlty.ofrepresen*atiives',of~ other ~State'Departments .tosex?veae..members .of this Advisor-Gmanlttee. We.understsnd.:that.the basis.:.~o~.~~e%tloning their..author$.ty t6 serve ls,~fhat.‘theg:-would be h6ldinP;two~:pos~tlons of ..&96; ~.:.,:. ."~ <"Y,i:I '. Hon. John Winters, Page 3, OQinion No.~C-528 honor and trust at the same time, and therefore.,would be unable to receive' their salary from the employing State Agency .. ~. . . I,. . -.,The Federal Laws providing for the Advisory Committeesrequire that the Advisory Committee include among Its menibers‘representatlves~of other State Agencies concerned with day care, or . services reIat.ed.thereto, as well as representativesof pfofessionalor civic groups.~ !J!oellmlnatepeople from other .agencleswould mean that we would be deprived of the experienceand knowledge of persons in close&y related fields suoh'as Education,Health, and Extension Service, which ls.badly needed in the development of good Day Care Programs In this State. .- %ly Qurpoae of~the Committee as S~ipiikted I in the Law and the.agreement with the United States Children% Bureau, ls.tto, interest as many different segments.of the pOQUtition as-QqSSihle with the view of :extendlngand strengtheningthe services : avall.able ln aommunltles. for the jpotectlon and.care of ~chlldrenwho,ere cared for away from their own homes. By working with AdVlsory Connnittees~ the DeQartqe+.ls better .ableto serve the needs of children being cared .forIn day care centers.' 11.. . . vWe 'shallappreciateyour opinion on the following questions: "1. Is the State &partment of Public Welfare authorized to set up a Day Care ; Advisory Conimlttee consistingof repre- sentatlves of other State Departments'or Agencies and representativesof other - ~qrofessio@. and clvlc'grouljsfor the pur-; pose of complying-withthe Federal re- qulrement'and‘agreementwhichIs .the basis for the~Department!sreceiving Federal.funda for the Day Care Program in the'State of Texas? -2497- lion,John'Wlnters,Page 4 Oplnlon‘No.~ C.328~ "2. If you answer Question No. one (1) in the affirmative,then lz the State, Departmentof public Welfare authordzed ""‘to pay for the per diem and:the.travel expenses of those members of the ..~ Commfttee who are not employees of other State Departmentsor Agencies out of Federal funds made'avallableto the Department fQr the extension of the Day Care Program? “3. If you answer QuestionNo. one (.l)' in the affirmative,may employees c)S other State Departmentsserve on this Day Care Advisory Committee,without Jeoparqiizln&o$ losing their salaries from tiheother,State'Agency?~ ,:'., "4.. Is.the State Departmentof Public Welfare empowered to.set up~other types of'Advisor&~Boardsor.Commltteesof- Public Welfare (unrelated,toDay .Care Advisory Committees)which are'essential to,the accomplishmentof the other.. purposes.ofthe public Welfare Programs 1n.Texs.s ,. in accordanckwlth the Depart- ment's.agreementswith the.Federa$:. Government? .. I'$* Zf khe'kpai-