Honorable J..M. Fallcner Opinion th. c- 438 Comnlssloner Department of Banklng Re: Whether a county depository Austln, Texas may be validly selected If such bank has-on its board of directors, or among its stockholders,one of the fol- lowing officers of the county: county judge, county attorney, county treasurer or county Dear Hr. Falknert clerk. You have requested our..oplnlon on the following questions: "1. May a county‘depoeltorybe validly select- ed if'such bank has on its Board of Directors, or : among Its stockholders,one of the following officers or the countyr County Judge ' 2 County Attorney County Clerk 2: County Treasurer. “2 . May one of the above named officers become a rtockholder or a director of a bank after such bank has been designated es county depository,NM- while the depository contract Ls In effect, without affecting the validity of the contract or without creating a violatlon of the offlcerle oath." Article 2340, Vernon’s Civil Statutes, provides as follows: "Before entering upon the duties of their of- flee, the county judge and each comissioner shall taka the official oath, an4 shall also take a wrlt- tea mth that he will not be directly or Indirectly interwted lnan~coatracttith, or claimagainst, th8.count.yIn which ha realdea, except such warrants aa m8y Irsue to haa aa ftrw or orficei Each commie- 8loner shall execute l baad to be approved by the county judge In the mm oi three thoxiaanddollars, payable to the county treawrer, conditioned for the -2083- . . I Hon. J. M. Falkner; page 2 (C-438) faithful performantieof the duties of.his of- fice, that he will pay over to his county all moneys Illegally paid to him out of county funds, as voluntary payments or otherwise,and that he will not vote orglve his consent to'pay out. county funds axcept for lawful purposes." In vlew.of these provlslons,It has been ‘the.tionelrtent opln-. Ion of this ,offlcesince .19&3that.thecdmmisslonerscourt cannot _ salect as a~county aepositorya hank In Which -tnecounty juage or any member of the ccaunlselonerscourt Is a stockholder~or,dlrectpr of such bank; and that such contract la void as against public pol- icy. See Attorney.Ceneralls'oplnlon to A. M. Turney, County Judge of Taylor County, dated February 3, 1913, bye C. X. Cureton, First AssistantAttornay General, and Attorney Gon$ralts Opinion O-2980 For ‘simlZ8rresults, see Attdmey.Geneialts Opinions ~~-161 W-359 (i58) . ?ou are therefore advleed that a county depositorymay not be Validly selectedIf such bank'has on Its board of directors or among lts~stockhol&er~ the county'judge.ofthe county. The oath pxsacxlbod by Artlcie'2340,Vernon's Civil Statutes; ~1s not.appUcable to ,thecounty 'attorney,county clerk,or county treasurer,and ,tI$rsofficers, do not take 'anoath that,they will not be directly or bdfrect&y Interestedin,any contract with or claim against the.countyIn ~whlchthey reside, except warrants as may b.e $ssued to.theni.as~ fees of office. 'Nevertheless, -It la fell settled In Texas that'lf. a public official,directly or Indirectly has a pecuniary'Interestln a contract, nozmatterbox honest he nilghtbe, and althoughha may not be influencedby the interest, such contract is agalnst'public:poUcy. 76 S.W. 05 .(1925). ~Attorney Gonoral’tsopinion -359 (1% ii ) and WV-1241 (x%2). I In this connection,Article 2364, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provides as folbowe:. "No member of the com.mzLssioners court or any county offlcer:shall-be, either directly or lndlrectlyiinterested In any such,contract." While this artlclo applies only to contracts authorized by the precedlngartlcles in the Revlded Civil Statutes of-Texas;1925, as amended, and therefore does not apply'to county depository con- tracts, such article, together with Articles 2340 and 1649, Ver- non's Civil Statutes, and Article 373; Vernon's Penal Code, estab- the public policy of prohibitingany county officer from ,,&&ehes having any laterest In any contract, directly or Indirectly. -20$4- I Hon. J. M,.y Falkner, page 3 (C-438) Attorney ,General'sOpinions O-6280 (1944), o-2980 (1941),O-878 ;;;z ~) v-381 : (lg47),~~-1241 (lg62),~~-161 (1957) and WW-359 . This public policy as above noted is of long standing i since1 1913), and the Legislaturehas not seen fit to change this public policy. Burroughs v. Lyles, 142 Tex. 704, 181 S.W.2d 570 (1944)* You are thereforeadvised that a county depositoryplaynot be validly selected If such bank has on Its board of directors or among Its stockholdersthe county,Judge,county attorney, county clerk or county Measurer of the county. This long continued administrative construct$onIs entitled to great weight. In answer to your second question, If one of the above named officers becomes a stockholderor director of a bank after -Cn bank has been selected as a county depository, such action eon the part of the county offlcsr will not affect the validity of the contract or violate the officer!6 oath. The commissionerscourt would, how- ever, be -prbcludedfrom renewing the depository contract so long as such offioer remains a stockholderor director of such bank. ', SUMMARY A county depositorymay not be validly selected If such bank has on Its board of directors or among~its stockholdersthe county judge, county attorney, county clerk or county treasurer of the county. ._ ~*irre~.ve.ry truly, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General of Texas By jki5AeP--’ JR:ms Assistant APPROVED: OPINION COMUITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Bob Flowers Jack Goodman Bon Uarrison Roy Johnson APPROVED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By! Stanton Stone -2085-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion