January 27, 1965 Honorable Ben Barnes Opinion No. C- 353 Speaker of the House Capitol Station Re: Whether the restrictions Austin, Texas and requirements of the constitutional amendment to Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, as authorized by House Joint Resolution 9, 932 Leg., Regular Session, 1909, are applicable to ? i)'i navigation district, ~:~t;i~vlgatlon and port Dear Mr. Barnes: . Former Speaker Byron Tunnel1 requested our opinion concerning whether the restrictions and requirements of the constitutional amendment to Section,59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, ,a8 authorized by House Joint Resolution 3, 53th Leg., Regular Session, 1963, p. 1303, are applicable to (1) a navigation district, and (2) a navigation and port district. House Joint Resolution 3 was recently submitted to the voters of the State of Texas and upon receiving a favorable vote has now become Section 59(d) of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas and provides as follows: 'NO law creating a conservation and reclsma- tlon district shall be pasaed unless notice of the Intention to Introduce euch a bill setting forth the general substance of the contemplated law shall have been published at least thirty (30) days and not adore than ninety (90) days prior to the intro- duction thereof In a newspaper or newspapers having general circulation In the county or counties in which said district or any part thereof is or will be located and by delivering a copy of such notice -1813- Hon. Bep Barnes, page 2 (C- 333) and such bill to the Qovernor who shall submit such notice and bill to the Texas Water Commls- slon, or Its successor, which shall file its recommendation a8 to such bill with the Governor, Lieutenant Qovernor and Speaker of the HOUBe of Representatives within thirty (30) days from date notice was received by the Texas Water Commission. Such notice and copy of bill shall also be given of the Introduction of anv bill amendlnu a law creating or governing a particular co&rvatlon and reolamatlon district if such bill (1) adds dditi 1 1 d t tne district, (2) alters the &xlng’%hoEty gf the district, (3) alters the authority of the district with-respect to the issuance of bonds, or (4) alters the quall- floations or ~terms of office of the members of the governing body of the district.” (Bnphasls added) The statutory enactments concerning navlgation dls- trlcts and navigation and port dletrlcte are found for the most part in Articles 9199-9263k, Vernon’s Civil Statutes. The fore- going statutes have been enacted pursuant to two conatltutlonal provisions--Section 52 of Artlale III of the Constitution of Texas and Section 59 of Article M of the Constitution of Texas. In this connection It should be mentioned that it Is pursuant to these two constitutional provisions that authorization Is given to the Legislature to enact legislation which allows the creation of navigation districts and navigation and port districts.. Section 52 of Article III of the Conetltutlon of Texas provides ln part that: . .under legislative provision. defined district now or hereafter to be desor‘Yb ed and defined within the State of Texas. . .upon a vote of a two thirds majority of the resident property taxpayers voting thereon. . .may issue bonds or otherwise lend It8 credit In any amount not to exceed one-fourth of the aseesaed valuation of the real property of euch district. . .and levy and collect such taxee to pay the interest thereon zd provide a sinking fund for the redemption there- .for the following p rp to wit: (a) Thi iml)rovement or rIvers,Ucr~~~::‘B;l(i*strelMs to -1814- Hon. Ben Barnes, page 3 (C-333) ” n . . . Section 59 of Article M of the Constitution of Texas,.which the provisions of House Joint Resolution 3 amended, provides In part that: “(a) The conservation and development of all the natural resources of this State, ln- eluding the control, storing, preservation and distribution of Its storm and flood waters, the waters of its rivers and stresms, for lrrlgs,tlon, power and all other useful purposes, the reoaama- tlon and irrigation of its arid, semi-arid and other lands needlng Irrigation, the reclamation and drainage of Its overflowed lands, and other lands needing drainage, the conservation and development of Its forests, water and hydro- electric power, the navlRBt&on of its Inland and coastal waters, snd the preservation and conservation of an such natural resources of the State are each and all hereby: declared public rights and duties; and the Legislature shall pass all such laws as may be appropriate there- to. “(b) There may be created with- the State of Texas. or the State ma9 be divided Into, such number oi‘ conservation ana reclamation dls~rlcta as may be ,aetewlned to be essentlsl to the accom- plishment of the purposes of this sicendment to the constitution, which districts shall be governmental agencies and bodies politic and oorporate with such powers of government and with the authority to exer- cise such rights, privileges and functions concerning the subject matter of this amendment as may be con- ferred by law. (Emphasis added) ” ” . . . Section 52 of Article III of the Constltutlon of Texas was ado ted In 1904, but by 1917 It had become recognized that the 190II amendment was too restrlctlve in Its limitation as to the maximum amount of Indebtedness which a district might create. Consequently, ln 1917, Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constltu- tlon Was adopted which allowed the creation of conservation and reclamation dlstrlcts with the power to Incur Wch debts as might be necessary, (See the Interpretive Commentaries following Section 52 of Article III and Seotlon 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas.) -1815- Hon. Ben Barnes, page 4 (C-393) Article 9263a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, enacted after the adoption of Section 59 of llrtlcle M of the Constitution of Texas, authorizes navigation districts organized under the pro- ~vlslona of Section 52 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas to become converted to a navigation dlabrict operating under the provlslons of Section 59 of Article M of the Constitution of Texas. As the constltutlonal amendment which was proposed b House Joint Resolution 3, and which has now become Section 59 9 d) of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, had clearly as its lntenkthe amending of Section 59 of Article M of the Constltu- tlon of Texas, we are of the opinion that all of those districts created pursuant to or opeliating under Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, and the statutes enacted pursuant thereto, are subjectto the provlalons of House Joint Reeolution 9. While Section 59, of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas merely refers to "conservation and reclamation districts," we are of the wther opitlon that such term, nconservatlon and reclamation districts, Includes navigation districts and navi- gation and port districts. In fact if such were not the case, there would be no authorization for the existence of those navl- gatlon districts and navigation and port districts presently operating pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, and exercising the powers conferred by Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of ~Texas. iLs House Joint Resolution 9 was restricted solely to amending Section 59 of Article M of the Constitution of Texas, we are of the opinion that those navigation districts and navi- gation and port districts created under, and presently operating pursuant to, Section 52 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas are not sub ect to the provlalons of House Joint Resolution 9, now Se&Ion 59 t d) of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas. ~However, If a navigation district or a navigation and port district created and operated pursuant to Section 52 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas has elected to be governed by Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constltut,lon of Texas, pursuant.to Article 8263, then such district {would be subject to the pravlsions con- tained in House Joint Resolution %-the present Section 59(d) of Article M of the Constitution of Texas. SUMMARY The restrlctlons.snd requirements of the constitutional amendment to Section 59 of Article -1816- Hon. Ben Barnes, page 5 (C- 333) XVI of the Constitution, as authorized by House Joint Resolution 3, 58th Leg. Regular Session, 1963, p. 1303, now Section 59(d) of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, are applicable to navigation districts and navigation and port dis- tricts operated pursuant to the provisions of Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, but are not applicable to those navl- gatlon districts and navigation and port districts operated pursuant to the provlaions of Section 52 of Article III of the Constitution of Texas. Very truly yours, WAOOONER CARR Attorney General PB:mkh APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman John Reeves Roger Tyler Arthur Sandlln Malcolm Quick APPROVEDFORTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Stanton Stone -1817-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion