THEATTOECNEY GENERAL OFTE~AS -- I This Opinion I 1964I I i Honorable Dean Martin Opinion No. C-322 County Attorney Gragrj on County Re: Can the Commissioners Sherman, Texas Court expend money derived from taxes levied under Article 6790,V.C,S., for the purchase of right-of- way for federal, state and county highways and Dear Mr. Martin: lateral roads. You have requested the opinion of this office as to whether the special road funds derived from taxes levied under Article 6790,Vernon's'CivllStatutes, may be expended for ttie purchase of right-of-wayfor federal, state and county highways and lateral roads. Article 6790,Vernon's Civll'Statutes,Is the enabling statute passed pursuant to an amendment to the Texas Constitut?.onin 1890,Article VIII, Section 9, Texas Consti- tution. This Constitutionalprovision was further amended in 1956wit'hno substantlal'changeas regards the special road fund. This constitutionalamendment is quoted as follows: "Set. 9'. The State tax on property, exclu- sive of the tax necessary to pay the public debt, and of the taxes provided for the benefit of the public free schools, shall never exceed Thirt - five'cents (35k)on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation; and no county, city or town shall levy a tax rate in excess of Eighty Cents (804) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation in any one (1) year for general fund, permanent improvement fund, road and bridge fund and jury fund purposes; provided further that at'the time the Cormnlssloners Court meets to levy the annual tax rate for each county It shall levy whatever tax rate may be needed for the four (4) constitutionalpurposes; namely, general fund, permanent Improvementfund, road and bridge fund and jury fund so long as the Court does not impair any outstandingbonds or other obligatLonsand so long as the total of the foregoing tax levies does not exceed Eighty Cents -1536- HonorableDean Martin, page 2 (C-322) (SO#) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation in any one (1) gear. Once'the Court has levied the annual tax rate, the same Shall remain Yn force and effect dur'Fngt'hattaxableyear; and' the Legislaturemay also authorize an additional annual ad valoremtax to be levied and collected for the furthermaintenance of the public roads; provided, theta majority of the qualified ProPerty tax paging voters of the county voting at an'election to be held for that purpose shall vote such tax, not to exceed Fifteen Cento (15#) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation of the property subject to tbxatlon'insuch county. And the Legislaturemay pass'local laws for the maintenance of the public roads and highways, without the local notice requlrad for special or local laws; ThisSection shall not be-~ constru'edas a llmltatlon of powers delegated to counties, cities or towns by any other Section or Sections of this Constitution." Attorney General's Opinion O-2094 (1940), written during the administrationof Gerald C. Mann, contained the following language: "The paragraph In the above quoted section of the Constitutionproviding for the levying of a tax not to exceed fifteen cents on the'one hundred dollar valuation of property relating to the maintenance of public roads was not a part of the orlglnal section; it was added by amendment in the year 1890 for the evident purpose of conferringupon counties the power to lay out, construct and maintain better systems of public highways than they were able to do under the restricted taxatlon before provided for. It would be a narrow Fnterpratatlonto hold that the people adopting this amendment to the Constitutionhad In view to provide a fund to be used only in repairing roads already laid out, lnstead of the evident and broader poltcy to create a better and more extensive system of public highways. The purpose of the Legislature in making the amendmentuas to increase the capacity of the county t'6maintaina system of public roads andthe word 'maintenance'must be held to Include all the things necessary to be done to accomplish the purpose. Dallas County: vs. Plowman, 99 Tex. 509, 91 S.W. 222 (1906). -1537- EonorableDean Martin, Page 3 (c-322) In view of the foregoing comments In Attorney Generel's Oplnlon O-2094, which opinion is hereby reaff-lrmecl by this office; it is our opinion that the purchase of right- of-way is necessarily included among the purposes for which the funds derived under Article 6790, Vernon's Civil Statutes, may be expended. We are further of the opinion that the right-of- way purchased hereunder may be used for county roads and, by virtue of Article 6674n, Vernon's Civil Statutes, said r ht- of-way may be purchased for any purpose enumerated in 667'f; n. Said Article 6674n provldes'forthe purchase of right-of-way by the county and states that the funds therefor-shall'be' derived from the County Road snd Bridge Fund or any available county funds. This would necessarily Fnclude funds derived from Article 6790. SUMMARY Funds derived from the tax levied under Article 6790, Vernon's Civil Statutes, may be expended for the purchase of right-of-way for federal, state and county highways and lateral roads. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General MalcolmL. Quick Assistant KLQ:ms:bk APPRm: OPINION coMK!XTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Edward Moffett Gordon Cass Ralph Rash Dean Arrington APPROVE33FOR TEE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Roger Tyler -1538-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion