THEATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Honorable J. W. Beretta Chairman, Texae State Board of Registrationfor Frofeaalonal Engineera Reagan State Office Building Austin, Texas Opinion No, c-180 Re: Whether travel to Hawaii constitutes travel outaide of the continental United States within the meaning of'Artlcle 6823a, Vernon's Dear Mr. Beretta: Civil Statutes. You have requested the opinion of this office aa to whether travel to Hawaii, the 50th State of the Union, Is travel outside the continental United States, wltiiln the meanlng of Article 6823a, Vernon's Civil Statutes. In August, 1963, the Member Secretary of the Texas State Board of Registrationfor ProfeaelonalEngineers traveled to Honolulu, Hawaii, pursuant to the direction of the Board, in order to attend the meeting of the National Council of State Boarda of Engineering Examiners. The Comptroller of Public Accounts haa now refused to pay the expense account of the Member Secretary, on the ground that Hawaii IS outside the continental limits of the United States, and the prior written permission of the Governor of Texas was not obtained. 'Iheapplicable statute 1s Article 6823a;Vernon'a Civil Statutes, whloh reads In follows: "Sec. 5. Any travel connected with of- ficial business of the atate for which re- imbursementfor travel expenses Incurred outside ttsecontinental limits of the United States is claimed muat have the advance wrlt- ten approval of the Governor. Blanket au- thority by the Governor may be given the Department of Public Safety to law enforce- ment personnel entering Mexico to apprehend criminals." -070- Hon. J. W. Beretta, page 2 (c-180) It appears that the Comptroller'sobjection to the expense account Is well taken. The word "aontlnental"has a well-definedmeaning which Is In general usage. As found In Webster's New InternationalDlotlonary Unabridged,2nd Edition, "continental"means "pertainingor relating to'a continent; characteristicof a continent . . '* "continent" means "a continuous extent or masa of land; maihland . , .'I (emphaa'issupplied). The meaning of tne term Is clear, and cannot be extended to Include an Island oh&in more than two thousand miles away from the North American continent. We certainly agree that as a political entity Hawaii Is a part of the United States as a whole. However, the statute In question does not refer to just "the United States", but refers to travel expenses incurred outside "the contlnen- tal limits of the United States." This language is susceptible of only one construction,notwithstandingthe hardship that we know must result In thie partloular case. It is the opinion of this offlce'that,under the terms of Article 6823a, Vernon's Civil Statutes,'Hawaii Is outside the continental llmlts of the United States, and a state em- ployee may not be relmbursed for travel thereto without the prior written pennlesion of the Governor of Texas. SUMMARY Under the terms of Article 6823a, Vernon's Civil Statutes, Hawaii Is out- side the continentallimits of the United States and a state employee may not be reimbursed for travel thereto without the prior written permission of the Governor of Texas. Yours very truly, WAoOONER CARR Attorney General ML&ma Hon. J. W. Beretta, page 3 (C- 180) APPROVED: OPINION COMMI'ITEE George Gray, Chairman J. S. Bracewell Grady Chandler Jack Goodman Linward Shivers APPROVED FOR TIiEATTORNEY GENERAL By: Stanton Stone -880-