Hon. Douglas A. Newton Opinion No. C-110
District Attorney
63rd Judicial District Re: Amount of salary due
Courthouse retired judges called
Del Rio, !J!exae to active duty under
the provisions of'
Dear Mr. Newton: Article 2OOa, V.C.S.
You have requested the opinion of this office aa to the
correct amount of salary that 1s payable to a retlred district
judge who Is called to active duty on the bench by the Preeld-
lng Judge of an Admln$straflveJudicial District, unaer the
provisions of Article 2OOa, Vernon's Civil Statutes.
Section 5a.of Article 200a, V.C.S., reads in part a8
. . .
'IThecompensation,salaries and expenses of
such (retired) judges wh&le 80 assigned or re-
assigned shall be paid ln accordance with the laws
of the state, except that the salary of such re-
tired judges shall be paid out of moneys appropriated
from the Qeneral Revenue Fund for such purpose in an
amount repreeentlng the differencebetween~all of the
retirement benefits of such judge as a retired district
judge and the salary and compenaatlonfrom all sources
of the judge of the court wherein he Is amlgned, and
determlned pro-rata for the period of time he actual-
ly sits a8 such assigned judge. Added Acte 1957#
55th Leg., p. 1.236; ch. 408, sec. 1." ,(Fimphasls
Since the pa&age of thls Act, the Comptroller of Public
Accounts has Interpreted the above provision to mean that the
payment6 from the General Revenue Fund shall bk made for only
iztepart of the regular judge's salary that Is paid by the
The Comptroller's constructionoperates to exclude from
the c&nputationany salary that la.recelvedby the regular judge
from the county because of admlnletratlveduties or memherehip
on a juvenile boaxd.~ A county la,authorized or directed to make
. .
Hon. Douglas A. Newton, Page 2. . (C-110 )
these payments to a regular judge by virtue of statute, and these
payments become part of the salary of the regular districtjudge.
Holland v. Harris County, 129 Tex. 118, 102 S.W.2d 196 (1937).
The Comptrollerviews the Holland case, supra, as authority
for Ns position that the State l-red to pay only the pro
rata part of the regular district judge's salary that Is received
from the State, relying on the fact that the Holland case held
that Harris County was required to pay to Ju&ge Holfand a pro
rata share of what it normally paid to the regular district
judge for Ns activities In connectionwith the juvenileboard
of the county. Holland does not support the position of the
Comptroller In this regard, for the following reasons: (1)
Holland was concerned with a special judge appointed under the
iTFGZ%Tons of Article 6821, V.C.S.; (2) Article 6821, V.O.S.,
provides that a special judge shall receive the "ssme pay" as
a regular district judge, but makes no special provision as to
the source of that pay. It seems quite olear then, and the
Holland case so assumed, that the pay for the special judge was
to from the same sources a8 the pay of the regular judge.
Insofar as an Interpretationof Article 2OOa la concerned,the
Holland case Is authority only for the proposition that statu-
tory compensationfor admlnlstratlveduties or juvenile board
duties Is considered to be part of a judge's'Pegularsalary.
It should be noted that In 1961, the Legislature enacted
Articles 6819a-19b, 6819a-25a and 681ga-26: These statutes
apply respectively to Harris County, Bexar and Dallas Counties,
and to Tarrant County. Since the phraseology Is similar In
each statute, we will uote the pertinent portion from only
one of them, Article 6819a-19b:
"Section 1. (a) . . . Any district judge of the
State who may be assigned to sit for the judge of any
district court In such counties under the provisions
of Article 200-A, Revised Civil Statutes, may, while
80 serving, receive In addition to Ns necessary ex-
penses, additional compensationfrom county funds In
an amount hot to exceed the difference between the
pay of such visiting judge from all sources and that
pay received from all sources by district judges In
the counties affected by the provisions of this Act,
such amount to be paid by the county upon approval
of the presiding judge In which said court Is located."
It is the contention of the Comptroller that the above cited
statutes buttress their constrmotlonof the language of Artl-
cle 2OOa, In that here the Legislature has clearly expressed
an Intention to impose upon the counties the burden of paying
their share of the costs of assigning a retired judge to sit.
Ron. Douglas Ai.Neeon,~Page ,3.:::. (C410) :' .~
We do not agree with that view of the action taken by the Legls-
lature In the above cited statutes.
the enactment of Articles 6819a-lgb, 6819a-25a,and
6819a-2z the Legislature has clearly placed upon the particular
counties concerned the burden of paying the compensationbf
retired judges called under the provisions of Article 2OOa. The
counties concerned with these enactments are the largest In this
State, &nd presumably the ones most able to meet any unexpeoted
financial outlay, euch as the salary of,sn additional dlstrlct
court judge. We must further note that, at the same session of
the Legislature that ,enactedthe three statutes above referred
to, granting additional compensationto district judges of cer-
tain counties, the Legislature enacted five other similzixstatutes,
'affecting smaller oountles, and excluded the provision for county
payment of expendituresnecessitatedb the calling of a.retlred
8% under Article 2OOa. (Articles 6&a-lga, 681ga-27, 6819a-,
lga-29, 6819a-30). This Is compelling evidence of the Legls-
lailve Intent, and must override the Departmental construction
placed upon It by the Comptroller.
In view of the foregoing, we must hold that'the plain
language of Article 2OOa, sectlon 5a, V.C.S., Is controlling.
A retired judge assigned under the provisions of the Act Is
entitled to have his compensationbased upon the total~statu-
tory salary of the district judge for whom he Is assigned, re-
gardless of whether such salary comes from the State or from
the county and shall be paid out of moneys approprlated,from
the General Revenue Fund for such purpose.
When a retired district judge Is as-
signed under the provlslons of Article
2OOa, V.C.S., his compensatlon~ls to
be baaeU upon the total,statuto??ysal-
ary of the dlstrlot judge for whom he
Is assigned, regardless of whether such
salary comes from the Sta$e or from
the county and shall be paid out of
Hon. Douglas A. Newton,'pages,a. '(C-110 1
moneys appropriatedfrom the General
Revenue Fund for such purpose.
Yours very truly,
Attorney General
W. V. Geppert, Chairman
Pat Bailey
Frank Booth
Cecil Rotsch
By: Stanton Stone