Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable J. M. Falkner Chalrman, Finance Commission Department of Banking Austin 14, Tex?s Opinion No. C-88 Re: Whether fees and monies collected ana received by the Regulatory Loan Commissionerare to'be held outside the State Treasury or trani3mltted to the State Treasurer to be placed In the Qene- Dear Mr. Falknert ral Revenue puna. Your request for an opinion on the above subject matter poses the following question: "The que%tion to be aeciaea'is whether under the provisions of the Act penate Bill 15, Acts of the 58th Legislature,Regular Session, known as the 'TexasRegulatory Loan Act'-/ hereafter referred to, such fees Xnd monies when collected and received by the Regulatory Loan Commissioner shall be placed In a separate fund to be used by the Commissionerfor the en- forcement of the Act under the dire+ tlon of The Finance Commission of Texas or whether such monles should be trans- mitted by the Commissionerto,the State Treasurer to be placed In the General Revenue Fund." Senate Bill 15, Acts of the 58th Legislakre, Regu- lar Sessioni I,san Act to classify loans and lenders and pr;;;;; for their regulation. We quote the following pro- ertinent to your question. Subalvislon (a) of _ Section t provides: -427- Hon. J. M. Falkner, page 2 (C-88) “There is hereby created the offlce of Regulatory Loan Commlsaloner of the State of Texas. The oommlaal6ner ehall be appointed by the Flnanoe Commllsslon and shall serve at the pleasure of the Fliianoe Cbmmlselon. The oommlal3loner shall be an employee of the Flnknoe Com- mikwlon, subject to It8 order6 and dl- reotlons. The commlealoner Is authoris- ed to appoint and remove examiners and employeea, and to preeorlbe the dutlea of eaoh. I’ 8ubdlvlrlon (b) of Seotlon 4 provider! 9ha oommlrrlonrr &all, from tlmb to time, a8 dlreoted by the binmoo Oom- mlrrlon, rubmlt to the Blnanoa Oonunlrrlon (L Pull and oomplete report of thr rroriptr and racpendltures of this officei and the binanob 0omml8rlon may, from time to time, oataaln~ the flnanolal reobrda of the Rogu- .latory Loan Oommlooloner, or pauue them to bb bammlnrd, In addition, the oifioe of Rbgulrtory Loan Oommirlrloner Wall bb Wdltbd from time to tlme by thb &bate au- ditor In thb ILmb manner as mtatb dbp*rt- mentr, and the aotual oostn of ruoh audit shall bb paid t0 the Itate audltor f’r?Oms Wiz;rda of thb Regulatdry LOan Oonnnir- The Flaanob Oommlrrion rhal2, aa of Dbo;mt5er 31, 1963, end anmA thbPb- aftbr report to thb Oovbrnor oi t 3: b Statb the rboelptr,and di~biWbIUbkltlr.Of oi Qeacan, tbcHlob of the Regulatory Loan Oomlr~ alonbr for eaoh oalmdar yew.” 8ubdlvlrlon (b) of Seotlon 8 provider8 “If the oommlesloner rhall not 80 find ’ annual fee shall be returned to the appll- oant In the event of denial.” Ron. J. M. Falkner, Pa@ 3 (C-88) f- Subdivision (a) of Section 12 provides: "At least once each year and at such other times as the commissionershall deem necessary, the commissioner,or his duly authorized representativeshall make an examination of the place of business bf each licensee and shall Inquire Into and examine the loans, transactions,books, accounts, papers, correspondence,ana records of such licensee Insofar as they pertain to the business regulated'by this Act.'Ifithe course of such examination,the commissioneror his duly authorized represen- tative shall have free access to the office, places of buslness, files, safes and vaults of such licensees,and shall have the right to make boples of such books, accounts, 9a9ers, correspondence and records. The commissioneror his duly authorized repre- sentative may, during the course of such examination,administer oaths and examine any person under oath upon any subject pertinent to any matter about which the com- missioner is authorized or required by this Act to consider, Investigate,or secure ln- formation. Any licensee who shall fall or refuse to let the commissioneror his duly authorized representativeexamine or make copies of such books, or other relevant docu- ments shall thereby be deemed in violation of this Act and such failure 6r refusal shall constitute ground8 for the suspension or revocation of such license. The lnforma- tlon obtained In the course of such examl- nation shall be confldentlal. Each'llcensee shall pay to the commissionerthe cost of the examination,but not to exceed Fifty Dollars ($50) per day per examiner and the total cost of examinationsassessed and charged a licensee In any one calendar year shall not exceed Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($240) for eacfillcentieaoffice." Other provisions authorize the Regulatory LOap Com- mlsaloner to assess certain fees or charges on llceneees provided for In the Act. -429- - Hon. J..M. Falkner, page 4 (C-88) A careful study of all the provisions of the Act reveals that nowhere In the Act Is the RegulatoryLoan Com- missioner nor anyone else directed tb deposit any fee or charge or any sum of money In the State Treasury to the deposit of any particular fund. On the contrary, we find language that "The Investigationfee shall be retained by the ~ommlssloner,but the annual fee.shall be returned to the applicant In the event of denial." 'If monies recelv- ed by the Commissionerwere to be deposited In the Treas- ury, the annual fee could not be returned to the applicant In the event of denial, as provided In subdlvlslon (b) of Section 8 of Senate Bill 15, since no money can be drawn from the Treasury, but In pursuance of specific approprl&- tlons made by law. Section 6 of Article VIII of the Constl- tutlon of Texas; Pickle v. Finley, 91 Tex. 484, 44 S.W. 480 $;zg); Llghtfoot v. Lane, 104 Tex. 447, 140 S.W. 89 (1911); . nyder, bb Tex. 687, 18 S.W. 106 (1886). Further- more, no duty ls~lmposed by the provlslons of Senate Bill 15 on the Comptroller of Public Accounts or the State Treas- urer to accept fees for deposit. Under subdivision (b) of Section 4, above quoted, the CommissionerIs required to make a full and complete report of the receipts and expendituresof his office. The State Audltoi;Is required to audit his office from time to time and "the actual costs of such audit shall be paid to the state auditor from the funds of the Regulatory Loan Commlssloner." The provisions of subdivision (b) of Sec- tion 4 of Senate Bill 15 are similar to the provisions con- tained In Article 342-112, Vernon's Civil Statutes, with the exception of the provision that the revenues shall be paid into the General Revenue Fund of the State and ,the provision that the expenses Incurred shall never be a charge against the funds of the State. It has been held on numerous occasions by this of- fice that the expenses of the Banking Department are paid out of fees, penalties and reyenues collected by the Depart- ment and the dlspoeltlo of such monies Is governed by the provlalona of Article 3E2-112, Vernon's Civil Statutes. In Attorney Oeneral~s Opinion WW-725 (i959), It was stated: "It Is noted that such funds axe re- quired to be retained and held by the Bank- lng Department. The Banking Department Is further authorized to expend,suchfunds for the payment of expenses of the Department." -430- Hon. J. M. Falkner, page 5 ‘(C-88) P In Attorney General's Opinion ww-608 (1959), it held that the expenditure of Banking Department funds could not be made by the State Building Commlsslon and that any contract entered Into for the constructionof office space of the Banking Department would have to be executed by that agency. In Attorney General's Opinion W-500 (1958), It was held that the Finance Commissionmay, under the provisions of Article 342-112, authorize the expenditure of money for costs and other expenses Incurred by the State Banking Board In the trial of a case brought under the provisions of Artl- cle $2-115, Vernon's Civil Statutes. In Attorney General's Opinion WW-1095 (1961), It was held that In view of the provisions of Article 342-112, that the Position ClassiflcatlonPlan, established by the Position ClasslflcatlonAct of 1961, does not apply to the Finance Commission. It Is noted that the disbursementunder Article 342" ,112 by the Banking Department Is directly contrary to the dispositionof fees under Article 363, Vernon's Civil Stat- utes, which provides: "All sums collected as examination fees shall be paid by the.Commlsslonerdl- rectly to the State treasury to the credit of the General Revenue Fund. Expenses of examination and of the CommissionerIn en- forcing the provisions of this title shall be paid upon the certificateof the Commls- sloner by warrant of the Comptrollerupon the State treasury." See Attorney General's Opinion No. O-3928 (1941). In view of the duties lmposea upon the Regulatory Loan Commissioner,the Finance Commissionand the State Auditor, It Is our opinion that fees and monies collected by the Regu- latory Loan Commissioner shall be retained by him and expend- ed forthe purpose&of the enforcementof the provisions of Senate Bill 15, Acts of the 58th Legislature,Regular Ses- sion, under the direction of the Finance Commission of Texas, as provided In Senate Bill 15. You are further advised that such monies cannot be transmittedto the State Treasurer and are not subject to appropriationby the Legislature. "431" Hon. J. M. Falkner, Page 6 (C-88) SUMMARY Monies collected pursuant to the provisions of Senate Bill 15, Acts of,the 9th LegIs- lature, Regular Session, known as the Texas Regulatory Loan Act" shall be retained by the Regulatory Loan Commissionerto be used by the CommissionerIn the enforcementof the provisions of Senate Bill 15, under the direction of the Finance Commissionof Texas, as provided for In Senate Bill 15, and such monies are not subject to appropriationby the Legislature. Yours very truly, WAGGONER CARR Attorney General JR:ms By John Reeves Assistant APPR(ylED:‘ OPINION COMMITI'EE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Albert P. Jones J. C. Davis Gilbert Hargrave Scott Garrison APPROVEDFOR THEATTORNEXGENERAL Bs: Stanton Stone -432"