Mr. H. D. Dodgen Opinion No. WW-1487 Executive Secretary Game and Fish Commission Re: Interpretation of the Austin, Texas duty and authority of the Game and Fish Com- mission under Article 4053, Vernon's Civil Dear Mr. Dodgen: Statutes. You have requested the opinion of this office regard- ing proper Interpretation of the duty and authority of the Texas Game and Fish Commission under Article 4053, Vernon's Civil Statutes. Article 4053 reads in pertinent part as follows: 11 If the Commissioner Is satls- fled that-the taking, carrying away or dls- turblng of the marl, gravel, .sand, shells or mudshell in the designated territory would not damage or injuriously affect any oysters, oyster beds, fish Inhabiting waters thereof or adjacent thereto and that such operation would not damage or Injuriously affect any island, reef, bar, channel, river, creek or bayou used for frequent or occasional navl- gatlon, nor change or otherwise Injuriously affect any current that would affect naviga- tion, he may Issue a permit to such person after such applicant shall have complied with all requirements prescribed by said Commls- sloner. . . .' In your letter requesting this opinion, you state that certain Galveston Bay shell firms have Indicated a desire to dredge the shell deposits underlying three large reefs In Galveston Ray. You further state that such utill- zatlon would necessarily Involve dredging reefs which are the chief commercial oyster producing reefs In Texas waters, and It Is therefore probable that the utilization of the shell deposits would result In injury or damage to these r -r - - Mr. H. D. Dodgen, page 2 (WW-1487) oyster beds within the meaning of Article 4053. In clear and unequivocal language, Article 4053 re- quires that the Game and Fish Commission be satisfied that the removal of material from the river bed or bay would not damage or Injuriously affect any oysters, oyster beds, etc. By Article 4051, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Game and Fish Commission Is vested with the duty of management, control and protection of the State's Interest In a wide variety of property. Article 4053 sets forth the conditions under which the Commission may grant a permit for a private person or corporation to remove some of this property. The Com- mission Is bound to follow the precise terms of Its grant of authority. It Is made clear from your letter that the Commls- slon is not satlsfled that the removal of shell from beneath the reefs In Galveston Hay would not cause harm to the oyster beds connected with the reefs. The Commission 1s granted discretionary authority with reference to the granting of permits for the removal of shell deposits from the lands and waters under Its control. Such authority Is not dele- gable; neither may It be abrogated by a ruling of this of- fice. SUMMARY Under Article 4053, Vernon's Civil Statutes, the Texas Game and Fish Commission has dls- cretlonary authority to grant or deny permits for the removal of marl, gravei, sand, shells or mudshell, and the Commlsslon has a duty to follow the llmltatlons established by the Legislature. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas MIQ:ms Mr. H. D. Dodgen, page 3 (~~-1487) APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman John Reeves Albert Prultt Cecil Rotsch Sam Stone REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL By: Leonard Passmore