THEA ORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUS-lTN 11. TEXAS W'ILL WILSON AX-l-GRNEYGENERAL July 24, 1962 Mr. R. L. Coffman Opinion No. wlnl-1392 Administrator Texas Employment Commission Re: Whether the Texas Employment Austin, Texas Commission is empowered by Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 57th Legislature, First Called Session, 1961, chapter 62, page 287, and Senate Bill 28, Acts of the 55th Legisla- ture, First Called Session, 1957, chapter 27, page 77, to use the unexpended funds to construct parking facili- ties on certain real estate Dear Mr. Coffman: without further legislation. You have requested an opinion from this office upon the question of whether the Texas Employment Commission is empowered by the provisions of Senate Bill 1, Acts of the 57th Legislature, First Called Session, 1961, chapter 62, page 287, and Senate Bill 28, Acts of the 55th Legislature, First Called Session, 1957, chapter 27, page 77, to use certain unexpended funds to construct parking facilities on certain real estate without the necessity of further legislation. Senate Bill 28 provides in Section 1 that: "All funds heretofore appropriated to the Texas Employment Commission out of amounts cred- ited to this state's account in the Federal Un- employment Trust Fund under Section 903 of the Social Security Act for the purchase of land and construction of buildings are hereby authorized to be used in the purchase of land and construc- tion of a Texas Employment Commission State Head- quarters office building, includina aarking space and facilities, built-in equipment and furnish- ing; and in addition thereto there is hereby ap- propriated from the same account, subject to the same conditions applicable to appropriations here- tofore made therefrom, the additional sum of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($70@,000.00) to accom- plish such purposes.*' (Emphasis added) Mr. R. L. Coffman, page 2 (W-1392) Senate Bill 1, the General Appropriations Bill for the current biennium, provides in the departmental appropriation to the Texas Employment Commission that: "any unextended balances in the amounts here- tofore aonropriated in House Bill No. 133, Chapter 385, Acts, Fifty-fifth Legislature, Regular Ses- sion, 1957, and in Senate Bill No, 28. Chaoter 27 Acts Fifty-fifth Legislature. First Called Sessio;, h,pTi2and in House Bill No. 4 Chapter 23, Acts, Fift$-Sixth~Legislature Thirb Called Session 1959, for the ourchase of 1anA for the ConstrUCtiOn'Of a State headcuarters office buildins..includinrz: eauiu- ment and furnishinss for the Texas Emplovment Com- mission, out of amounts credited to this State's account in the Federal Unemployment Trust Fund under Section 903 of the Social Security Act as of August 31, 1961, are herebv reanarovriated for the sam vur oases for the biennium beginning September 1, leg61 and the Texas Employment Commission is authorized pay all claims against the prior appropriations of funds which are now barred or may be barred by the operation of Article 4357, Revised Civil Statutes." (Emphasis added) I Senate Bill 28, quoted heretofore was, in the words of the caption of the bill, an L1. . . Act to expedite the build- ing program of the Texas Employment Commission by re-allocating funds heretofore appropriated, . . .I* In Senate Bill 28 the Legislature authorized the use of the funds specified therein by the Texas Employment Commission for the purchase of land, the construction of an office building, built-in equipment and furn- ishings, and parking space and facilities. After the passage of Senate Bill 28 by the 55th Legis- lature, the 56th Legislature subsequently enacted House Bill 4, Acts of the 56th Legislature, 1959, Third Called Session, chapter 23, page 442, the General Appropriations Bill, and in the depart- mental appropriation to the Texas Employment Commission is found the following provision: headquarters office building, including equipment and furnishing for the Texas Employment Commission, out of amounts credited to this State's account in the Mr. R. L. Coffman, page 3 (W-1392) Federal Unemployment Trust Fund under Section 903 of the Social Security Act as of August 31, 1959, are herebv reanvrooriated for the same vurooses for the biennium beginning September 1, 1959." (Emphasis added) In the General Appropriations Bill for the current biennium, Senate Bill 1, the pertinent portion being set forth heretofore, the 57th Legislature once again reappropriated the unexpended balance of the funds appropriated in Senate Bill 28 in almost the identical language used in House Bill 4. While in House Bill 4 and Senate Bill 1 there is no express reference made to the use of the unexpended funds for the construction of parking facilities, we are of the opinion that the omission of a reference to "parking facilities" in the phrase found in both House Bill 4 and Senate Bill 1, (I.. . for the purchase of land for the construction of a State headquar- ters office building, including equipment and furnishings for the Texas Employment Commission. . . .'Idoes not constitute a restriction upon these funds being used to construct parking facilities, but rather that this phrase found in House Bill 4 and Senate Bill 1 is merely a descriptive phrase further identi- fying Senate Bill 28. Such being the case the provisions of Senate Bill 28 control as to the authorized purposes for expendi- ture of these funds. This is further borne out by the fact that the Legis- lature specified in Senate Bill 28 the general purposes for which certain appropriations to the Texas Employment Commission could be expended, and of these general purposes the purchase of the land, the erection of the building, and its furnishing and equipping have been accomplished. While there remains an unexpended balance in the initial appropriation, which has twice been reappropriated by the Legislature to the Texas Employment Commission, there remains of the initial general purposes set ',;rF in Senate Bill 28, only the construction of parking facili- . It would logically follow and we are of the opinion that the Legislature, by periodically reappropriating the unex- pended fund, is continuing to make the unexpended funds available for such purposes as the construction of parking facilities, and further legislation is unnecessary for the construction of such parking facilities. Mr. R. L. Coffman, page 4 (WW-1392) SUMMARY The Texas Employment Commission is empowered by virtue of Senate Bill 1, Actsof the 57th Legis- lature First Called Session, 1961, Chapter 62, page 287, and Senate Bill 28, Acts of the 55th Legislature, First Called Session, 1957, Chapter 27, page 77, to use certain unexpended funds appro- priated to the Texas Employment Commission to con- struct parking facilities and without the necessity of further legislation at this time. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas J&k Pat Bailey PB:wb Assistant % APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE W. V. Geppert, Chairman Frank Booth Charles Lind wooarow Curtis Robert Lewis REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL BY: Leonard Passmore