THEATTORNEY GENERAL 9 OF TEXAS This Opinion *%?i%i&-?i?3~62 Affirms Opinidn WILL WILSON # ..___ Irl:.. .&c?? * A-RNEYGENE-I. Honorable ‘Don Cain OplnMn No. WW-1251 ‘.’ ,’ couiity MstoFney Qr'ay County Re: Whether it le mandatory that PmijJa, Texae there be two justice courts within .Precinct Tw,o of Qray ,Countu. ,Texee, end rafated Dsar Sir: queetibns. We are in receipt g..your letter dated January 26, ;z$ye,n which you a& our opiniqn on the above oaptioned . Your letter etatea that Pampa, a city OS Borne 24,303 rerldents according to the 1960,oeneue, la entixNy nithln Preoinat Two QS Qray County, Texas. By BroDer order of the Commiraionerei- Court entered many years ago, Preoinot Two was given two Justicee of tbe Peaoe9 being Plaoe Oni ancl Place Two. f8eoentZy tb&:.Ju8hlc& oS..the Pa&&e of Place One died, 8nd ainco tbat time, the Justloe of Pltioe lhro I# performing the SunoPions of both Places within the Preclnot,. You further rt8te the6 the Comcatarlonere’ Courti hre declined to tapgolnt a eucceeeor to the Juat&ae for Plaoe One and have entered an order aholiehlng such oSSlce, finding that it ran not neoesaary Sor-the convenience of the people, Accordingly, the salary of the Juetlae OS Plroe Two was increarred, The rpeoS.fle qusrtiono atied by you are stated as sollows : . .~ . “A; 1s it nmbdrtorg that there be two Justice Courts within Preclnot Two of Qrry County, Texar? “FL 18 it wltbln the Rower ahd dimare- tiara OS the Comm&~aloners’ Court, w&em they find tbrt the convenleaoe OS the people doee . not neostmitate, OP $mtA.fy the oolatinuatlon of, the office 6S JUtAce of the PeMep Ppc- cumt Tno, Plaoe One, to lbolWb maid offfoe? %o XQ tbe oven% there need be on@ one Juatioe OS the Peace,for Preoinot Two, should the pemona running for ele&%on, and Fe-elect&on,, thereto file md reek eleation tothe post of Justiae af the Feeoh Ppecinet Two, Plrce Igaa when W feat thepe would then be no oSSice of Plaae One; or, if tbere need be on3.y one Juetlce . Honorable Don Cain, page 2 (W-1251) for Precinct Two, should the persons aeeklng elec- tion thereto (Including the present Incumbent of Place Two if he desires to seek re-election) file and seek,electlon to the office of Juetlce of the Peace, Precinct TWO, Plaoe One; or, if there need be only one Justice for Preoinct Two, should per- sons seeking election thereto simply file. and seek election to the office of Justice of the Peace, Precinct Two (without stating a place)? I’D. In the event that there must be two Justice Courts within Precinct Two and that the Commlas~onere’ Court cannot abolish the office of Justice of the Peace, Prsoinot Two, Place One, and a perrron should be elected in the Qeneral Election of 1962 to auob offloe, dooa the Com- missionera Court have diaolstion in aettlng the salary Sor the office of Plaoe One to the extent that It could set no salary therefor, or set the salary at $1.00 per year, or at a&se figure such lower’ than the s8lary set for Place Two while the salary for the Justice Of Plaoe No renialned fixed at the 88me figure aa now or 8e @eSore:;6be death OS tbe Sormer Jbatloe of Place One?” Section 10 of AHlcle V of the Constitution of Texas states le follaws: “Each orgaBbed oounty in tbe State now or hereafter exWtlng, W ,ha m frppl time shall be made b the Commls- v33TfG Tj3h P a ~Cons7atutlon. imt tbere shall be eleoted one JtaatlLoeof the Peace and one Constable, each of whomshall bold his offlao SOP iour years and unantl his mcoesaor shall be eleoted ar\fquall- ; Qrovp tbat In any precinct In which there may e a city of 8,000 or more~lnhabltants, w&Q&&&.& elected two Juetlcea of tbe Peace. Each county shall in %f~nWBVEP be mvia tour commiaeioners preelncts in each of which there shall be elected by the qualified voters thereof ona County Commissioner, who shall hold Honorable Don Cain, page 3 (WW-1251) his office for four years and until his suocessor shall be elected and qualified. The County Com- missioners so chosen, with the County Judge as presiding officer, shall compose the County Com- missioners Court, which shall exercise such powers and jurlsdfctlon over all county business, as Is conferred by this Constitution and the laws of the State, or as may be hereafter prescrib4d.“(Empharle added) Article 2375 of Vernon’s Civil Statutes states also as follows: “Where there is a city of eight thousand inhabitants or more In a justice precinct, two uatlces of the peace shall be elected.” (Fm’iiijTiasls This office has written numerous opinions construing the various provisions of the Constitutional provision quoted. above, each of which held that the division and redistricting of the counties Into precincts of not less than Sour and not more than eight was a discretionary order on.the part of the Commlssioners~ Court, and to be exercised ‘for the convenlenoe of the people.’ The cases are llketwlse In accord, Ward v~ Bond 10 S.W.2d 590 ‘(Clv.App. 1928), Lewis v. Harris,.2d mCiv.App. 1932, error zef.). The above cited cases do notextend the discretionary powers of sentence one of the eonst5.ttitlonal provision intz sentence three of that provision, particularly the phrase ro- vided that in any precfnnt in which there may be a cfty of 8 a000 or more fnhabftants, there shall be elected two Justices of the Peace.” (Emphasis ad&d) Previous opinions f thi fflce me language iander&red to be mandatory a%mrot &.&re- In fact the Supreme Court stated In Wlllfams v. k%%nB 112 Tex. 193, 247 S.W. 263 (1922) at page 270 as r0110ws: “The commlssloners~ court, by a valid order, having determfned that there was fn justice pre- cinct No. 1 OS Stephens county, a cfty of over 8,000 people, upon the official announcement of such fact, and the entry of the order, the office OS an. additional Justice of the peace’ for the precinct, created by the Constitution, but awaiting the determination of fact by the Com- mlssfoners~ @outit (the agency deslgnated by the I Honorable Don Cahfi, page 4 (w-1251) Conatltutlon tar such purpose), came into being, and thenceforviard wae an ~exlsting offloe. Since the office came into exletence and,wae not,fllled, it was vacant. 0 e *” However, the oourt in Meredith v. Sharp, 256~S.W.2d 8’70 (Clv.App. 1953, error ref., n.r.e.1 ,neld that the creation of an additional Juatlce Court In a precinot with a city over 8,000 ,waa not mandatory, but to be created by the Commleslonere~ Court “for the convenience of the people,” and therefore within the discretion of the Commlaalonera~ Court. We quote from the opinion 871, aa follows: “We are In accord with the, conoluslona of law aI) filed by the trial court that the ~Coastltutlon confides In the Ccmmlsalonersl Court the authorlt9 to ore&t,e a justloe of the peace oourt aa here sought; that the oonvenienoc of the people In the basic purpoae’for deslgnatlng such an additional justlae oourt; and that the oreatlon of such an additional justlae of the peaoe oourt 1s a dle- oretlonarg act of the Comlsnlonerr~ C,ourt and not a minlaterlal funotlon of suoh court.’ lhla reoord 18 absent an9 @honing ,or any attempt .to 8how that the oreation of such an 8ddltlonal justloe oourt~would be for the,oqnrenlenoe of the people e The a&Ion of the trial oou& In denying ;2;;e;pplloatlon fop a writ o? manday Is ,eue- 0 “We can&t eeaape the impor% of the use of the term 'fop the convenlenoe of the people0 In ;;g’ ;!# aupra; 16 C.J.S. S ConstItutIonal, 0 The latitude 80 granted the Comfaalon- em; Court to create not less than four and not mope than eight auoh preolnote, and the power to iahange the boundarlea,of auoh preolnots from time %o time emphaslzea the, latent to vq& dlmretion- a~9 powers In the Co?m!i%saslonexye~ Court In deter- mlnfng whe$her or not ,,the smmatlon oi”~sutah addi- tlonal oourt would be for the oonvenlenee of people, that Is suftable, appropplatxkor advf to meet the needs of .the people. ‘Ihira dlscre , arp power on the partof the Co?mnlsalonems Court ir fully reoognfied fn Willlye v. Ca@tleman, 112 !bx. +930 247 t3.W. 263, e a a Honorable Don Cain, page 5 OW-1251) We feel that if the Commissioners1 Court ia not required to areate a new office of Justice of the Peace in preolncts with a city of 8,000 or more, If not “for the con- venience of the people,” that, likewise, %t may abolish such offlcee. Your question A is therefore answered In the nega- tive. The language In the constitutional provision that each oounty “shall be divided from time to time, for the con- ,venlence of the people, Into precincts,” has been held by this office in Attorney General’s opinion No. V-790 to mean that the Commlssionepe’ Court may abolish any Justice Precinct that they desired to. We hereby re-affirm the holding of that opinion, enclosed, as follows: “The Commlaslonera~ Court may abolish old justice prealnots and Fe-divide the county Into ,new justice precincts at any time, 80 long a8 there Is a minimum of four and not mope than : eight justice precincts in the oounty. When such justice precincts are abolished the offices in the old preolncts become vaoant and the of- flcere of the newly created Justice preolnots must be appointed by the Commlaaioneret Court+” In your situation therefore, Place One may properly be abolished and the preclnot “re-dletricted”, containingQtl$ same territory, but with only one Justice of the Peace. u - tlon B la answered affirmatively. Since the Commfaslonera* Court of Gray County abolished the office of Justice of the Peace, Precinct Two, Place One and deslrea only one Juatioe within this Precinct, there would then be no reason for a Plaoe One or Place Two on the election ballot, and the polftfcal aspfrant would only need to file for the of- fice of Justice of the Peaoe of Precinct Two, Gray County, Texas. Our decision makee it unneceaeary to reach your ques- tion D. SUMMARY It 1~ not mandatory that there be two justice courts within the precinct of a county containing a city with a population of 8,000 or more. The CommlaslonersT Court may abolish any justice oourt Honorablb Don Cain, pa&e 6 (WW-3251) within such precinct if they find that suoh jurrtioe court is not justified for the omivenlenoe of the geople within such preolnot, provided that suoh preoincrt still hatraon,e jwtlo~e of the peaoe. Yours very tmlp, WXU WXMON Attwary Qmmal of IWral). BY Amirtant I ApPRCWBBO W. vr aeppert, Chalman John Reev6s NOPmarlsuanr Bob Shannon :
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion