_ . ,- .
August 17, 1961
Honorable V. D. Housworth
Executive Secretary
State Board of Barber Examiners
State Office Building
Austin, Texas Opinion No. WW-lil6
Re: Whether an instructor now
engaged as such In an ap-
proved.barberschool and
who holds a Class "A" as-
sistant regis*er,edbarber
certificate is eligible for
a teacher's l~.censeon the
effective date of House
Bill 829, Acts of the 57th
Legislature,Re ular Ses-
sion, Chapter 287, page
Dear Mr. Housworth: 601.
You have requested an opinion concerning the ques-
tion of:
"In accordance with provisions
covering the licensing of barber
school teachers, as outlined in H.B.
829, 57th Legislature,Section 9,
Article (f), subsections 1, 2 and 3,
would an Instructor now engaged as
such In one of the approved barber
schools, but who holds only an As-
sistant Class "A" license, be elial-
bJe for a Teachers license, or for
the examinationfor Teachers license,
when the Law becomes effective on
August 28, ig61?”
House Bill 829, Acts of the 57th Legislature,Regu-
lar Session, 1961, Chapter 287, page 601 amends Section 9 of
Article 734a, Vernonts Pen&l Code, and FrOVideS it7 SLbSSCtiOn
(f) thereof that:
Honorable V. D. Housworth,page 2 (WW-111.6)
. . Each school shall have at
least one (1) teacher who has a
teacher's certificateissued by the
Board upon examinationand who is
capable and qualified to teach the
curriculum outlined herein to the
studtnts of such school. All such
teachers are required to obtain a
teacher's certificatefrom the Board
and, in addition to requirementsset
forth by the Board, must meet the
fo110T8 Demonstratetheir ability
to teach the said curriculumoutlined
herein through a written and practical
test to be given by the Board.
'(2) m a current certificate
a~ a registeredvClass A" barber
under this Law.
!m Demonstrate to,the Board
that such applicant is qualified to
teach and instruct, to be de.termined
at the discretion of the Board, and
show evidence that the applicant has
had at least six (6) months experience
as a teacher In an approved school or
college In Texas or in another state
approved by the Board, or have.com-
pleted a six-monthpost graduate course
as a teacher in an approved barber
fjchoolor college in Texas.
. . . All persons engaged In teach-
ing In a barber school or college
at the time this law becomes effective,
and who shall have had at least six
(6) months experienceas a teacher
in a barber school or college in Texas
and who is a 'class A' reaistered
barber shall be exempt from such exam-
ination to be given bu the Board If
auah applicant-shall,-within sixty.
(60) daysafter the date this law
becomes effective, make application
to the Board . . ." (Emphasis
Since an Individualholding a 'IClassA” assistant
registeredbarber certificate,pursuant to the provision
of Section 8 of Article 734a, does not meet with the
mandatory requirementIn Section 9 (f)(2) of Article
Honorable V. D. Housworth, page 3 (NW-~116)
734a, that applicants for a teacher's certificate must:
. . . Hold a current certificate ai
a registered 'Class A' barber . . . ,
we are of the opinion that an individual now engaged as
an instructor or teacher in an approved tarber school
or college and who holds only a Class A assistant
registered barber certificate would not be eligible
for a teacher's certificate or to take the examination
or test therefor until he has first obtained his "Class
A" registered barber certificate pursuant to the pro-
visions of Section 7 of Article 734a.
A "Class A" assistant registered
barber engaged as an Instructor
in an approved barber school or
college on the effective date of
House Bill 829, would not be
eligible for a teacher's certlfi-
cate or to take the test therefor
until such time as he has first
obtained his "Class A" registered
barber certificate.
Yours very truly.,
Attorney General of Texas
W. V. Geppert, Chairman
Elmer McVey
W. 0. Shultz, II
Glenn R. Brown
James H. Broadhurst
BY: Howard W. Mays