Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Robert S. Calvert Opinion No. WW-1013 Comptrollerof Public Accounts Capitol Station Re: Distributionfor Inheritance Austin, Texas tax purposes of decedent’s one-half community interest In savings accounts held by the decedent and his survlv- lng spouse as joint tenants Dear Mr. Calvert: with right of survivorship. We quote the following excerpt from your letter requesting the opinion of this office on the above captionedmatter. “Preston 0. Northrup died testate, a resident of Bexar County, Texas, on April 12, 1958. Among the assets of the decedent’s estate the following described aavlngs and loan accounts were held with various saving8 institutions and banks: “ALiMO NATION& R&W, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Savings Account No. 55142 in the names of Preston Q. Northrup and/or Gretchen C. Northrup or survivor, In the amount of $10,276.87,plus$87.3 interest accrued to April 12, 1953 - $10,364.22 Community one-half $ 5,182.ll “FM AND HOME SAVINQ@ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Savings Acoount No. 7-989i in the names of Preston a. Northrup and tJretohenC. Northrup or either or survivor in the amount of $X&394.32 plur 1,124.49 Interest accrued to April 12, 195Q - $114,518.81 Community one-half $57,259.41 "KBLLY FWLD NATIONAL w, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Savings Account No. 60 in the nqnes of Preston Q. or Gretchen C. Northrup, In the amount of $10+&,652.39as of March 31, 1958, plus $72.17 Interest accrued to April 12, 195~o~~$i7~~i5~a1f $51,362.28 Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 2 Opinion No. WW-1013 "MAIN BANK & TRUST, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Savings Account No. 12 in the names of Preston Gi.Northrup or Gretchen C. Northrup in the amount of $10,551.92plus 89.69 I Interest accrued to April 12, 195Q - $10,641.61 Community one-half $ 59320.81 "MAIN BANK & TRUST SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Savings Account No, 462 inthe names of Preston Q. Northrup or Gretchen C. Northrup in the amount of $52,261.14plus 444.22 Interest accrued to April 12, 1958 - $52,705.36 Community one-half $26,352.68 "SAN ANTONIO SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Account No. 1-37137 In the names of Preston 0. Northrup and Mrs. Gretchen C. Northrup in the amount of $55,353.88plus 98.91 Interest accrued to April 12, 195Q - $55,902.79 Colmnunltyone-half ,$27,951.40 "The total community value of these accounts 1s $346,857.35and the one-half community Interest of the deceased Is $173,428.67. "Under the provisions of the last will and testament of the deceased, the decedentIs one-half community Interest In these accounts passes 80 per cent to Trinity University of San Antonio and 20 per cent to The Sunshine Cottage School for Deaf Children, San Antonio, Texas. "We are now In the process of distributing this estate for Inheritancetax purposes and we would thank you to advise this department whether we should distribute the decedent's one-half community Interest in these eavlngs accounts under the last will and testament of the deceased or to the survlvlng spouse of the deceased as joint tenants with rights of survivorship." The Texas Supreme Court recently passed upon the question of whether corporate stock purchased with community funds and Issued In the n+mes of the husband and,~wlfe"as joint tenants Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 3 Opinion No. WW- with right of survivorshipand not as tenants In common” con- stitutes communityproperty 01”belongs to the wife as her separate estate upon her husband’s death. Hilley v. Hilley, 4 Tex. Sup. Ct. Jour. 213, January 25, 1961, Motion for Rehearing overruled, February 1, 1961. We regard this case as decisive of the question you have presented. We quote the following excerpt from page 214 of the court’s opinion: “Article 2580, Tex, Rev. Clv. Stat. 1925, provided that where two or more persons held an estate jointly the Interest of one who died before severance would vest In his heirs or legal representativesand not survive to the other joint owners. It was held In Chandler v. Kountze, Tex. Clv. APP., 130 S.W.2d 327 (WT. ref.), that while the relationshipof joint tenancy, Including the doctrine of survivorship,was thereby abolished In situationswhere the same would otherwise have been created by law*’ the statute did not prevent the grantees In a deed from making an effective agree- ment among themselves that the property conveyed should pass to and vest In the survivor as at Common law. A written survlvorshlp,contractcovering a joint back account was also upheld In Adams v. Jones, Tex. Clv. App., 258 S,W,2d 401 (no writ). When Article 2580 was carried Into and became Section 46 of the Probate Codes the language o? the earlier statute was preserved with the express proviso.that, ‘by arlagreement In writing of joint owners of property, the.lnterestof any joint owner who dies may be made to survive to ,thesur- viving joint owner or joint owner&, but no such agreement shall be Inferred from the mere fact that the property Is held In joint ownership.’ We asmme for the purpose of this opinion that In view of the instructions given to the broker by the husband In the wife‘6,presence, the Issuance and acceptance of the $$ock certificatesin their names as joint tenants with right of s~vlvorahlp constitutesa written afreeme,ht within the meaning of the statute, * We assume for the purpose of this opinion that the joint savings and loan accounts In question were held under a written survivorshipagreement within the meaning of Sdction 46 of the Probate Code. Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 4 Opinion No. UW-1013 that In amending Article 2580 (Section the Legislaturedid not intend to modify other statutes and provide that separate ownershipmight result from a transactionwhich does not meet the requirements of Articles 4613, 4614, 4619, 4ji24aand 881a-23; Vernon’s Annotated Texas Civil Statutes. “Under the Constitution, ” said the court, “property which. . e fihe wlfg acquires during marriage In any manner other than by gift, devise, descent, purchase with separate funds, or partition as authorizedby Articles 4624a and 881a-23, does not and cannot be made to constituteher separate property.” Since the stock did not become ,thewlfets separate property at the hyfjbandPsdeath, and since the husband died Intestate,his CoUununltyInterest In the stock passed and vested In accordancewith the laws of descent and distribution. In the’case you have submitted for,our consideration, the decedeht died testate. Since the decedent”8 community Interest In the savings and loan accounts did not become his wife’s separate property at his death, his community Interest 3. Articles 4b13 and 4614 define reapectlvely,theseparate goparty of husband and rlie. Article 4614 also provides that the wife, If she i8 at least twenty-oneyears of age and elects .lnthe .manner, set out.In+he, statute,.ahall..havethe .solemanage- ment, control and dispositionof her separate property and in connectioxx‘therenithmay contract without the joinper of her husbandm If the,ulfe has thus acquired power to contract wlth the husband regarding her separate property, the oourt In the Hllle case state8 that there would be no legal reason for say- EiigE at they could not make an effeetfve survivorshipagree- ment covering the property separately owned by either or both, Under such circumstances,the survivorshipr%ght or Interest acquired by each at the time of making th4 contract would be by gift or purchase for a considerationpaid out 0f.separat.e property. Article 4619 provides that &ll property acquired by either the husband or wlie during marriage,,except that which is the separate property of elthe7 ehall be deemed oom- munlty. Article 4624a provides for a method for partitioning the community property pursuant to the provlslontiof Article XVI, Section 15 of the Texas Constitution. Article 881a-23 provides that shares or share accounts Issued by’any building and loan associationorganized under the laws of this State, or by any Federal savings and loan.ass?clatlondomlclled.‘ln this State, In the name of two,or more persons, or to two or more persons or the survivor of either, may be withdrawn on the signature of elther,partyto ivhomshares or share accounts were issued, and no recovery shall be had againat such assocla- tlon for amounts so paid. . . Honorable Robert S. Calvert, Page 5 Opinion No. W-1013 necessarilypassed under the terms of hla will; and the Inheritancetaxes should be computed accordingly. The holding of this opinion is expressly limited, as Is the decision In the Mllle case, to cases Involving com- munity property and survivor Ip agreementsbetween husband and wife. If separate funds are Involved, a written survivorship contract covering joint savl s and loan accounts would be upheld If the requisites of Section“&6 of the Probate Code are satlslfled; and the property would pass upon the death of a joint tenant to the survlvlng joint owner or owners. SUMMARY The decedent’s one-half community Interest In savings and loan accounts held by the decedent and his surviving spouse as joint tenants with right of survlvor- &hip did not become the separate property of the wife at decedent’s death but passed under the terms of decedentas will, Inherlt- &nce taxes should be computed accordingly. Yours very truly, . WILL WILSON Attorney General of Texas MMP:cm BY APPROVED: . OPINION COMMITTEE: W. V. Qeppert, Chairman Edward A. Cazares John C. Phillips John Leonarz Dudley McCalla REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY QENERAL By: Morgan Nesbitt