Honorable Price Daniel Opinion No. WW-530 Governor, State of Texas Capitol Station Ee: AppoYntment by ,Governor Austin, Texas to fill vacancy in the office of Dkstrict Judge Dear Governor Daniel: You request an opinion In answer to the following questions: "1. Can Judge Joe Brown enter upon the d'utiesof his office without appolntment by the Governor, prior ~to January 1, 1958? "2. Is the Governor ,authorizedto appoint Judge Brown to fill out the unexpired term of Judge ,John C, HOYO, under the following circumstances: "On August 31, 19,57, the same Judge Joe Brown was .ap- pointed by the Governor to this newly created 150th Dl~etTlet court. His nomination was submitted to the Senate in Oct. 17, 1957, and he was not confirmed. Thereafter the Governor appolnted John C. Hoyo to fill the office. Judge Hoyo dLd not seek election to the full term. Joe Brown was the only candidate for the place and he was nominated In the Demo- cratic Primary and elected November 4." Your letter further glve.sthe information that Judge Hoyo has become deceased, and that by reason of his death, there is now no Incumbent of said 0ffic.e,ofDistri.ctJud~ge. Our answer to yuur First Question 18 that Judge Brown cannot, by virtue .ofhis election, snter upon the duties of the office to which he was elected, prior t,oJanuary 1, 1959. The Election Code, Art.,1.08, is as foll.ows: "From and after the effective date hereof the terms of office of all elective State and District Offlcera of th'eState of,Texas, excepting aovernor, Lieutenant Governor, Honorable Price Daniel, page 2 (WW-530) members of the Senate, and members of the House of Representatives, shall begin on the first day of January next following the General Eleotlon at which sold respective State and dlst~at~,offlaer~ were~elected." (emphasis ours). And In the case of Rxparte Sanders1 147 Tex. 248, 215 S.W. 26 325 (1948), The Sufieme'Court f T exas held, among,other things, that,a person eleoted go the,offltieof dietriot judge,.;. In the November generalseleotlon could not by virtue of his ~ .I: said electlop, asewne ;me dutiesof that office until the first of the suoeeedlne January, We argthus oompelled, both by the applicable.statute and by the decision of the Supreme Court, to answer the question in the negative. The answer to the,seoond questlon'is that the ffovernor of Texas, is not authorized to appoint Judge'Joe Brown to serve the .remalnlngportion of the term of office to which he was previously appointbd and which appointment was rejected by the Senate of Texar. This la forbidden by the Constitution of Texas, Article 4, Sebtion"l2, whloh provides as ,follons: "All vacancies in State or distrlot offices, ,except members of the Legislature..shall be filled unless otherwise provided by law, by @ppoiritmentof the Governor, whlch'appolntment, if made during Its seaslon shall be with the advice and lon,eetitof two-thirds of the Senate present, the!said appointee, or some other person to fill sucn vaoancy, shall be nominated to the Senate during the first ten days of Its session. If rejected, said office shall immediately be- come vacant, and the 'Governor shall, without delay, make further nominations, until a con- firmation takes place. But should there be no ~confirmationduring the session of the Senate, to fill the vaoanoy until the next session of the Senate or uritllthe regular election to said office, should sooner oaaur. ,:Appointments to vaoancles In offices eleotlve by the people shall only oon- tinue until the -first general election thereafter." (Bnphasls ours). In that clause of the quoted Const&tutlonitXArtiaD~ rhSch cays, "the (Dovernortill not TRERIwFTEfLappotint~uy- lpIzronzo ff.l.lsWa~~~ who hu been rejected,$F t+ mte:: t,- wo* tm~ ear" a?pri "M"i -. w#q w- ant. Mr..Black,.In l@e a*hortta$Fve *; m;c+X F@urth Edftfon, glves"the &Xlow%ng as w Ie&W of "thsraaftir"r "After the time last mentioned;.after th&t after that timer'aftei?ward~subsequestig;. ChenaMorth. Faople v* st. LalGLe+p.(kT3.B; CO., 3w Ill. sdli&lJb:,H.l&z17; lisilmuttav.. ~tle@U38nty & sm c&..rl65 lrpp.Dv, 1 4; Imale v. stat6, 573, Iis1lK~K?i,.,lJ4%, 147 *+. Cr. IL 384, 130 LW. 2d gie5,. gci?T*." m 8&e sts+hm di8fS.n8s "euch~"e8 ms+nfn@ "Of t&t Bfnd, Igving partl.cuLarquality or ,' charaofer speciEted. In re Brock, 312 Ft, sbz, 166 L 785~~ 7%T, Imtlcol with, lnaingtryma 6mnt M what hrrrbeenmentioned.. &I re m.tar3es W!lIl,1114W&K?. 213,*.25% F..Yd!,.7% AUka, altilar, of the like kind; V~~h' mneents the objectr~an,already ps&Q8uZsr%&E Xr~tQaslauhfch arc W mentSoned, W fk & dasarQttlve and relrhfve word, referrIng,to the Lrurtentcaeri-ant..Strawberry Wll Land Corparrtlon v. Starbu&, 124,Va..73, 97 SAL 362,. 366; &3OmQ cx reL lEEllp v., l!&lSc. sem.u8 ccallml8Rsan,. Iyl kpp.~ mr,m%a,, rnfj7F B,Y..S,' 703,, mi.*" The above set 0u-tArtlale of the C@nstZtution Tf p&%X.. IX muat be conatiruedto mean what it says* a& to s+g~w&H it means. It eaya and meana~t&at when the Oovernor apg.&.nti some personsto ill1 e va.cancyin the t~ez?m of'en offZ@xvsnd~ the,appointee ie refused aonflrnation @ chc SenaW,. tiaa Qavernor cannot again *poZmt the rej+cWd a4ppa&nt~ tDz rtlll at&d temn a~?’any w- Mtts~I~ simlms The EcmorabLe Jae Bruwn cannot by virtue SS his election to,the office at the last gene- election enter upon the duties of his office prior to &nuary 1, 19fi9c The . Honorable Joe EWwwn -ot be appoSnt~edW ,Pfllthe vaarnay nmw ex&8t- the @avermar tfii Honorable Price Daniel, page 4 (WW-530) ing in the office to which he was elected, his previous appointment by the Governor to such office for the present term having been refused confirmation by the Senate of Texas. Youra As,s?stantAttorney General APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEE Riley Eugene Fletcher, Chairman Marietta McGregor Payne Cecil Cammack Morgan Nesbltt REVIEWED FOR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL: By: W. V. Geppert
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion