Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

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              Honorable Lynn Brown, Administrator
              Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
              904 Lavaca
              Austin, Texas
                                       Opinion No. WW-517
                                       Re: The effect to be accorded the
                                           exemption 'In the Plumbing
                                           License Law of 1947, S. B. 188,
                                           Acts 50th Legislature, relative
                                           to plumbing work done by anyone
                                           who is regularly employed as or
                                           acting as a maintenance man or
              Dear Mr. Brown:              maintenance engineer.
                       Your recent request for an opinion on the above cap-
              tioned subject reads substantially as follows:
                                An Independent school district In
                       this State is presently engaged in construct-
                       ing a new twenty room junior high school build-
                       ing. The district regularly employs a man as
                       its Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
                       and it also has other regular employees, all
                       being paid fixed salaries by the school dls-
                                The school district has not employed
                       a general contractor in this construction pro-
                       gram but rather the Superintendent of Buildings
                       and Grounds is doing the work usually done by a
                       general contractor and other regular employee,s     *
                       of the district are also doing construction work.
                                The Superintendent of Buildings and
                       Grounds supervises and gives instructions regard-
                       ing the plumbing work on the new building as he
                       deems necessary. In particular, he sees that
                       the plumbing installation is done in accordance
                       with the specifications and the applicable
Honorable Lynn Brown, page 2.   wi-517 1

        plumbing regulations. He interprets the
        blueprints and mechanical plans and actually
        "lays out' or points out the location of the
        various fixtures and the location and type of
        fittings and sizes of soil and vent pipes
        needed to complete the system. He may also
        be required to use his own judgment in resolv-
        ing practical problems not foreseen In the
        original plans and specifications. All of
        these activities are performed in his super-
        visory capacity over the "head plumber" and
        for these duties he receives no extra compen-
                 The person in charge,of the actual
        physical plumbing,work Is a man designated
        as "head plumber , hired by the district for
        this particular construction job, and who had,
        previous to this job been employed by a master
        plumber and followed the plumbing trade as a
        means of livelihood. This so-called "head
        plumber" performs the actual manual installa-
        tion of the plumbing in accordance with blue-
        prints and mechanical plans. This includes
        cutting, threading, caulking and/or sweating
        pipe to form assemblies or installations in
        accordance with the blueprints and plans, and
        the installation of fixtures. When necessary,
        he works with the Superintendent in "laying out"
        portions of the job.
                  Under this so-called "head:plumber'
         two full time laborers of the ~schooldistrict
         do actual plumbing work together with the "head
         plumber". These laborers or "helpers" assist
         the "head plumber" in the actual manual installa-
         tion of plumbing by supplying materials such as
         pipe, fittings, tools, etc.; by holding or steady-
   .     ing pipe; by digging ditches; and by performing
         numerous other similar 'functionsIn connection
         with the installation as dlrected by the "head
         plumber". They receive no compensation for
         this work other than their normal salaries as
         employees of the district.
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          Honorable Lynn Brown, page 3.   NW-517)

                           None of these employees has a plumber's
                  license of any kind Issued by the Texas State
                  Board of Plumbing Examiners under the Plumbing
                  License Law of 1947.
                   Esentially, you have asked the following specific
                           Whether any or all of these persons
                  under such circumstances are exempt from the
                  licensing requirement of the Plumbing License
                  Law of 1947.
                   The "Plumbing License Law of 1947", which is Senate
          Bill 188, Acts of the 50th Legislature, Regular Session, 1947,
          Chapter 115, Page 192, codified as Article 6243-101 of Vernon's
          Civil Statutes, forbids plumbing work by those who do not hold
          State licenses with certain exceptions:
                   Section 2(a) of the "Plumbing License Law of 1947"
          defines plumbing as follows:
                            "The word or term 'plumbing' as used
                   in this act means and shall include: (1) all
                   piping, fixtures, appurtenances and appliances
                   for a supply of water or gas, or both, for all
                   personal or domestic purposes in and about bulld-
                   ings where a person or persons live, work or as-
                   semble; all piping, fixtures, appurtenances and
                   appliances outside a building connecting the
                   bulldlng with the source of water or gas supply,
                   or both on the premises, or the maln in the
                   street, alley or at the curb; all piping, fixtures,
                   appurtenances, appllanoes, drain or waste pipes
                   carrying waste water or sewage from or within a
                   building to the sewer service lateral at the curb
                   or in the street or alley or other disposal ter-
                   minal holding private or domestic sewage: (2)
                   the installation, repair or maintenance of all
                   piping, fixtures, appurtenances and appliances
                   in and about buildings where a person or persons
                   live, work or assemble, for a supply of gas,
                   water, or both, or disposal of waste water or
                   Section 14 of the Act provides as follows:
                                                                    -   .

 'HonorableLynn Brown, page 4.   (w-517)
                  "After the expiration of one hundred
         twenty days from the effective date of this Act,
         no person, whether as a master plumber, employ;n,g
         plumber, journeyman plumber, or otherwise, shall
         engage Ian,work at, or conduct the bunjness of
         plumbing in this state or serve as a plumbing in-
         spector as herein defined, except as herein specifi-
         cally exempted from the provisions of this Act, un-
         less such person is the holder of a valid license
         as provided for by this Act; and after the expira-
         tion of one hundred twenty days from the effective
         date of this Act It shall be unlawful for any per-
         son to engage in, work at, or conduct the business
         of plumbing In this state or serve as a plumbing
         inspector as herein deflned, except as here3.n
         specifically exempted from the provisions of this
         Act . . . and provided for hereby; and it shall be
         unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to
         engage in or work at the business of installing
         plumbing and doing plumbing work except as specifi-
         cally herein provided unless such installation of
         plumbing or plumbing work be under the supervision
         and control of a plumber licensed under this Act.
         And it is expressly provided that the provisions of
         Article 122 of the Penal Code of Texas shall apply
         to violations of this Act, and said Article 122 of
         the Penal Code and the penalties therein provided
         are hereby expressly referred to."
         The Plumbers Act of 1947 then is a prohibition against
any person, firm, or corporation engaging in, working at, or
r;znductingthe business of plumbing (as defined in the Act) with-
o;lta license unless specifically provided'for or specifically
         Reference is made by your request to Section 3(c) of