Auerer IS. -
Fobmary 17, 1958
?Ion. go1110 8tmklej Oplon No. W-191-A
hcrbtrry of State : Whether a foreign corporation
Aurtln, Texas tbat lr a llmlted wrtner
aurt take cuta im1t to do
bUalneBB in th0 tat0 if the
limited .partnorahlp ongage
in oertrln limited rctlvltIe8
in the btBte$ 8td related
Dear Hr. btoaklef:
0th prevloua ‘Oplnlon No. WU-191
~- is MtMravn ind thd
.SollaVlng 18 eubrtlfuted in lieu tnereorr
Yar have rtited and asked tho.followlng~
. %e opinion of aw’ bfflie is reapectfullP
requested In conaldera t Ion of the follovlng: .. .
. .
“A llmltad partnership if being famed on
the brrlr of Artlole 6132~ of Vernonfs Civil
- ~t$utw to be knovn 88 Vetwolano Pet~laum,
. The partnership iu being formed to ac-
quire an undlvlded interert in certain hydx+
ombon ooncetslonr granted by the Replbllo of
Vmmuola md to oin in the exploration and
dwelopment of 08 JQ oonce118lon8, and it vi11
not engago ln lP actlvltier except ruch ar
relate to It8 properltlm in Venezuol8. San
Jaclnto Venetolano, C. A., a Delduarr corpor-
ation qunllflsb in Texas and reglrterul in
Vanrnrela, vi11 be role general partner and
the llmltad partnerr vi11 canalat of a grcup
of mmonr, some of vhom are lndlvldualo,’
aou prrtnrrrhipr and ~8omecorporatlonr. The
vhlch the Oeneral- Partner may
prrtnbrshlp. in Texar will be
en4 rbcordr 0i branBaC-
tlom crrrlul out in Venetuela, the flllng of
l Unltod Stats~.‘Inoome Tax Return (Form 1065),
the lx o r c leoof genrrel au ervlrlon over oper-
ating pOraOn?M ln Venszue Pa and pO8Blbl~ ln
8ome Instancrr the negotlatlon of contr8ctr to
be performed In Venemmla.
Bon. Zollle 8te6klm7, page 2 W-191-A
"The queatlmn prQaQnta6w&er the submlttd
fact8 an:
"1. Vlll l corporate 11alltea rtner bo
required to take out e permit to do IFi8lnerr if
the pertnarship engage8 in no other lctlvltlo8
thn thoes 8tetad lbwe?
“2. 18 a pnrtnerahlp regarded 88 l ‘p a r o n*
vlthln the meaning o? Section 2 of the Texer
Onliorm Partnerahlp Act, entltld to become a
partner either lnltlelly or by aubatltutlon?"
VQ anuvQr Pam firat question er tollova:
A foreign corporation vhlch become8 a lialte6 pert-
nor in a Texas limited partnsrahlp and contrlbutQ8 oapltel to
the pertnirahlp %8 fnnrectlng bualnQ88 in the 8tato 80 l8 to
requ%ro quellflcatlon in the State if the ecfa a? tha pkrtner-
skip vould conxtltuta tranaactlng bu8lners In fhQ btifr l? done
he ectlone o? the foralgn
near' in the atate. w
245 67 8.Y. 8111
'114 418. 66, 8g #.W. .
) 8500 Vol. 17, p.
553. The extent to vhlch the iorelgn corpora~lon 18 trene-'
rctlng bualnass in the 8tatQ lx .to be meesuretl by it8 oepZte1
The quee~~lonvhethk ‘keiieln acts oOnatl$.te thQ trana-
acting of bualnera in the.gtitQ la mainly e que8tlon of fact.
All Xha combined lctr OS'the fo r eig cno +p o r a tlo in thla
lnrtancs- tha ectr o? thQ limitad part
gene.ral partner mot be conaldered.
I Texas Sup. Ct.
(PSI’BI. .Ecd.) SQC. 6
It 18 8lgnl?lcent that l? thQ llmlta8 pertnQrahlp vba
not trensactlng bualnQs8 in the State, tharQ vcruld not seem to
be any reamon for ths limitad partnerahlp to rdglater vlth the
Secretary of State. Amthor, it la n&d that the raqulnment
.o? ArtlclQ 8.01 of the Texas Bual'nea'e Corporation Act fa "to
-Non. 201110 btaakley,pegr 3 W-191-A
EUalne88 COrpOX%tlm Act pUta 8t rQBt &%n$ old iBSU(IB, 6Qctlon
A of Article 8.01 lnvokQ8 the requlremantof procuringa OQC-
tlflcateof authoritymore rtrlctlPand based o n leas lotlvlty
or fever acts or OCCUrrencQBthan the old IvtquirQmQntB of Vhat
COnBtitUtQd ‘doing bUBin4JSB: The enavar to your flrat quaatlon
la q’JQB”.
We do not bellwQ It ID nQcQrrarPto lM ver y o ur
aQcond question,aa Qn ansver theretovould in no v&P aid tha
~Sacretaryof Stats in the dlrchargeof thQ dutl'ar of hla office.
This 18 80, bQC8UBQ vhen the dOCW&Qntdascrlbsdin VQrnOn'B
Revised Civil Statutes,Art. 61328, Sec. 3, ID preaentQdto.the
Secret&y of State for filing, togethervlth thr ?%llng Soa of
$25.00, it ID tha duty of thQ SQcrataryof Statato file it.
An edjudlcetlon ,o?vhether the parties to tha documentvho
port $9 become llmltetl partnsrado or do not become1lmltQd .
partnersvould hove to be made by a court # thlr adjudlc8tlon
la not for thQ Secratary0T Stata.
A ioralgncorporetlonwhich ha 8ntarQd
llitoa Texar limitad partnerahlpaa a llmltad
. partnermart take out a certl?lcetQof euthor-
lty to transactbuBlnQaB in this StetQ I? tha .
action8 o? the partnershipor of the foreign
corporationconatltutetha transactingoi bus-
lnear In the State under ArtlclQ 8.01 o?.tha
Texas Furlnas8CorporationAct, if done dlractlf
or alone by the foreign corporation. The act8
dQscrlbedin thi8 PQqUQBt d0 COlWtitUtQ t=S-
'actingbualnesain the State. We do not find
it necersa~ to anaver the aboond queatlon
OPINIONCO-: By a/Oeo~e P. Bieckburn
~,M.‘Dathrln, Chairnun OQO~O ?. Blackburn
John Mlnton, Jr. ASBlStW&
J. Y. Wheolar
OP(WAL 6Y: U. V. 0rppox-t