Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEA-ITORNEY GENJSKAL OF TEXAS Auwrm II.TRX~W March 18, 19157 Honorabie Wade F. Spllman, Chainman .JudlolaryCommittee E&si,.of Repreaentatlves Austin, Texas W-35 Oplnion~lo.. ,.~,,. Rer done~l~~,tlon~llty.of H;'~B;-'1~~~0;'author- .l?L3.ng re90JIery. OS cirrlldamage& .from parj?ntaduyto wll- $ul .damageordes- truotion of property b.yminors u&er 18 yeazkof ag8, living with parents.. Bear Hr. .Spllmanr You have pequested aq,opLnlon aa:tp.the ootietl- tutlonallt~ of House Sill.IzO;,rlh*h ~uthorlsem any propert 'ornor-to~reoowrdamagemln &~mount~not to bxoeed:3 3OO;OO from rents 'oilMy d~or.mader thcage of 18 years,~living.rith_parenta;:-:*ho~:maliaiouely or wllfully damage8 :or:dest~yby8 ~opartp;.:~re8l,:~personal, or mixed., .belonglng:.$o.su~h. ~er:.;i‘~~lp~t~lL~,~b~lts~ eoovery'to~.aot~l.damagS~'in'~~~~o~t:n?~:~;~o--exoeed f300.00 In additlon:to'ta*able.-oourt:.o~et?, aqd,:fur$her &ate8 that'the aotion atithorlzed'ia thls:blll~is to be Iiiaddition to all dther aotiona'iihioh'tbsiowner-io iMitltl*,d~tcj@tit&w;,':it:wMg;the: puirpob@ ~fbf' the:bill to glpthor$.ze reooiikir;y~Roni parenti Ql Iripiatlon~dyme they nould'.'irot'othdti6s.be liable. ~49u1~.15111b$e(ilfl- O$llf'stateitha~n~thiiig-In,the~~~:bil~. aha~l:@reoXude reooiery in'a.~eatqr.:anotlit'.tSlom:.~‘~~O~ or:+dy:~'other I#rron; fdr da~gbs~t~~~~loh"~uoh.rlnorsor.other person would otherwlee be'llable. At common law it ;a well tistabkihed.thatthe 541% relatlonahlp of parent and ohlld liuporrer on the ment no llablllty'forthe torte of the ohlld. 67 C.J.S. 95:Chahdler v. Beaton 8pp. Ct. Tex., 37 Tax. 406 g&21. 31 Tex. Jur. page s . Hon. Wade F. Spllman, page 2: w .-:;:, An act making parents liable for the torts of their minor children has been In effect In Louisiana, a civil l&w state, for a number of years, and other states governed by the common law have enacted similar statute8 in reoent years. House Bill 170 la patterned after a slmllar act recentlv enaoted In MIohltin. Fub- 1Z.c& Lboal Acts, Michigan (1953), Act.45, page 40.- "The olvil law lIabllItg upon parents oovers all tortlous acts of the child, Intentional or negligent,,and Is pre- dicated upon the parent-child relatlonshl Cower 25 So 2d 99 101 (Louisiana l&i). 'N ?iikl&pr., paie 300.' One common law state has held that "custody of the minor Is the foundation of llablllty" under a statute making one who has custody or charge of a minor liable for lrilurlescaused by the mlnor(s negligence while driving an au&mobile. Blspfiamv. Mahoney, & al, Superior Court of Delaware, 183 A. 315, 31b (1936). There are few oases, and In some states no cases, construing these statutes. Some of the more Important acts have been so recently enacted that there has been scarcely enough time for a decisidn. 30 Notre Dame Lawyer, page 299, n. 24. Parents have custody of minor children who reside with them, and are charged by law with the obligation to shield and poteott such children, to provide them with suitable shelter, food and clothing until they become self-supportlng~,and In cooperation with the,State to srlde proper education. 31 Tex. Jur. pages 1280 and . They are the natural guardians of the person of their children, and are responsible to,the State for their well-being. Even though criminal llabi$Ity for fillure to support minor children (Article 602, V. P. C.) Is limited to children under 16 years of age, and clvll llabIllty to make periodic payments for the support of mInor.chIldren after a divorce granted to parents (Art- icle 463ga, V. C. S.) Is limited to children under 18 years~of age, under the common law the father Is still liable to third parties for necessaries furnished his minor child, either male or female, until the child reaches the age of'21 years, except wh&re the female child-has legally married. Mor an et vIr v. Drescher Ct. CIvi App. Tex. (Galveston S W 2d 4tN 194 Du Pre.v. Du Pre Ct. Clv. A$zx.'(Dallas) 27: S.?: 82 81 14 McGowan v. McGowan Ct. Clv. App. Tex. ~lk.3Wo~t~~ ?+3 3. W: 2d bbU, b59 11954). These obligations and 1Labllitles of parenthood are Imposed both by statute and by the common law. Par- ents have a duty to guide their offspring. State v. Deaton, Sup. Ct. Tex., 93 Tex. 243, 54 S. W.mgOO). m order to exercise his control a parent mar moder- ately chastise a refractory and disobedient child In his custody. Certainly, this lrn~~llesa duty to teach minor Hon. Wade F. Spllman, page 3: w-35 children _ respect^ for._ the -. law,_ Including .__ respect for tne property or otners. me bill merely lmposes an additional llablllty on parents of minor children under 18 years of age, living with parents, who have failed to teaoh their chlldrema respeot for the rights of others. It changes the oominonlaw rule,~which the Legislature has a right to do, If not otherwise repug- nant to the Constitutions of Texas and of the United States. &&oust& PlwlIne Comnanv v. Beaslev. Ct. Clv. App. Tex.7 iaveeon, o-11932). . . House Bill 170, therefore.,doee notviolate Seotlon 19, Article I, of the Constitution of Texas.. '~ Seotlon 3, Artlole I, of the CorietItutlonof Texas, guarantees to all persona equality of rights, and the 14th'Amendment.to the Constitution of the United States aeourekto every person equal protection of the laws. If unjuetior.arbitrary dleorImInatl6n Is the result of the applloatlon of a law, it will be held to be unconstitutional. An act.18 not~open to &bjeotIon If all who are brought tinderIt8 Influenoe are treated alike In the same olroumstanoes. But a law will be held Invalid If It selects particular lndlvlduala from a.olaas and Impose8 upon them speoIal'oblIgatlons br ,burdens from whloh.,'othere ln .the.eameclkae,'&re'exempt.'9 Tex. Jur. sec. 117. The Leglalature.may olaselfy etibjectsof legislation, and an aot will be held to be oonstltu- tlonal If It applles.unlformly.to those who are within a partloular class..,The burdens Impotied.mustapply Impartlallg to all .oonetItuente of the olaas, and the law must..operate'equallyand uniformly upon all persons In similar clroumstances. 9 Tex. Jur:~eeo. 119. who conatItutee.the class ,upon:whom llabIlItg Is sought to~.be.Itiposed bx H. B. 1707 ,Not all parents, but only those parents ~of minors uriderthe-@e of 18 years, living with parents." .The aot thus appears to be fotind- d th t 1 relationship plus oustody of the minor. &'"io gt?.?k%her way it placea a lIabIllty upon par- e&s as such, and.then eximpte those parents who do not have custody of their minor ohlldren. Exempt are parents whose children live with others,.'~ardlans of mlriorchlld- ren;,and relatlvtis(other than parents) with whom minor children reside, eto. If a parent had a ohlld that he could not or would not control, he could send the child to live with relatives. Then the parent would not be liable under this bill, nor would the relatives with whom the child resided. 43 California Law Review 874. Hon. Wade F. Spllman, page 4: MM-35 If the llablllty is to be imposed because of parenthood;then the bill doea not apply equally to all parents, since those who do not keep their ciilldren at home are exempt; If the liability la to be Imposed because of ouatody, the bill does not lnolude others who have parental authority, rights, duties, and lla- bllltles. In schrlmpf v. Settegaet, Sup. Ct. Tex., 36 Tex. 296 (18711, where a farmer had takhn two orphan boy8 into his home, reared and eduaated theni'tothe beat of his ability, but had never adopted them, the court, in dlsoueslng the relatlonahlp between the two'boya and the adult person with whom they lived, said, 4. . . a pereon who had;throtigh motives of kindness or aharlty,'rbo~lved an orphan child,into hie family, whether' It be a eteD-child or an entire atranner: and treated-It a8 a member of hi8 f&$y; a8 standing in loco Darentls, ab long a8 such ohlld should Bee fit to remain in euclifamily, or 80 long aa'lt should be permitted thus to remain; and whlle.the relation ehould exist, the party who stood in 'loco Darentls would be'bound for the maintenanoe, care, and eduoation of such ohlld,. . . .'I Saunders V. Alvldo & Laserre et al, Ct. Civ. App. Tex., 113 S. -1, was a oaae where whc an adult Ulster had raised I her orphan minor brother, who lived with her. In dlscuaelng the adult alater right8 and duties, the aourt aourz said; aala; 'The rights and ,dutletiof one standing in 1000 pare~tlsaeem to have b&en uniformly hald b the oourta to be the same as thoae of the'parent by reason of such relationship would under elmllar~clrcumatanoe~ accrue to one standing in loco Darentls. "Under these facts, It le the duty of plalnt$ff adult sister7 to look after the moral of.aaid-mindr, and ah& hae the legal right to keep him away from temptation." It thus follow8 that the,rights, duties, and liabll- Ities of parenthood can fall on persons other than natural parents, where such other person haa lawful custody of the minor child. Ii.B. 170 should either place the llablllty on parents a8 such, without exception; or should Include ,Hon. Wade F. Spllman, page 5: WW-35 all thoee Who have custody of minor children. It Is the opinion of~~thlaoffice that Ii.B. 170; 'as presently tirltten,Is unconetltutlonal for the reason that the claae%floatlon of'the peraorieto bi held liable for damages Salle'to op6rate.'equeJlyand uniformly upon all persona in similar ciroumetancea. SUNNARY HoliaeBill No. 170, &uthorl%lrig redh+ery of civil damag&ti'flrofi parentisdue:t'oirllfulda&g@'& debtructlbtiof prop&-ty bk nilnors tinder18 jeara of'≥~living with parents, ia unconatltutional. Yours very truly, WILL WILSON Attorney General Aseletant REF:kh APPROVED: OPINION COMMITTEEi II. GrtidgChandler Chairman