.. AUSTIN ai.TEXAS JOEN BEN 8HEppIERD *-- OmmRraAx', October 20, 1955 Hon. Mark Wentz Fire Insurance Comu@ssioner Board of InsurancsCommissioners International Life'Building Austin, Texas : Opinion No. S-179 Re: construction ofArticles.5.25 and 5.42, Texas Insurance Code 1951, 'as to authority,of Board o$ Insur- ance,.Commissionersto regulate the amount of interest charged on de- ferred premiums. Dear Mr. Wentz: You have asked for the opinion of this office on the following questions: "1. Does the amount of interest which an insurance company might charge for deferring the colleation of premium under an insurance policy actually constitute a part of the policy premium derived from the application of rates promulgated by the Board, thus making it sub- jeot to the rate making authority of the Board? “2. Does it constitute a charge~separate and apart from the policy premium which is de- rived from the application of approved rates, thus making it subject to the provisions of other laws of this State rather than insurance rate making laws? “3. Do the provisions of Article 5.42 Pen-' der the 6% interest rule as found on Page 88 of the General Basis Schedules to be of no mandatory force and effect?." Article 5.2.5of the Texas Insurance Code,'l951, reads as follows: Hon. Mark IrEentz, page 2 (s-179) "The Board of Insurance Commissioners shall have the sole and exclusive cower and authority and it shall be its duty to pre- scribe,~fix, determine and promulgate the rates of oremiums'to be charged and collected by fire insurance companies transacting busi- ness in this State. Said Board shall also have authority to alter or amend any and ail such rates of premiums so fixed and deter- mined and adopted by it,.and to raise or ,lower the same, or any part thereof, as herein pro- vided. Said Board shall have authority'to employ clerical help, inspectors, experts and other assistants, and to incur such other ex- penses as may be necessary in carrying out the provisiorisof ~thislaw. Such expenses, in- cluding the ~salaries of the members of the ,Board, shall not exceed in the aggregate, for ~atiyfiscal year;.thesum of.One Hundred and Thirty Thousand ($130,000.00) Dollars. Said Board. shall ascertain as soon as practicable the annual fire loss in this State; obtain make and maintain a record thereof and co1i.ect ) such data with respect thereto as will enable said Board to Classify the fire losses of th1.s State, the causes thereof, and the'amount of premiums c~ollectedtherefor for each class of risksandlthe amount paid thereon,,~:in such manner as 'willaid.in'determining equitable,. insurance rates:%methods of reducing suoh~fire losses.and reducing the insurance rates of the State,;or subdivisions of the State. pacts. pi 1951, 52nd.&eg., ch. 491." It is clear from the .above quoted Article that the duty of the.,Boardis to determine the'rate~:.ofpremium to be charged.' particle 5.42,Drov1de.sas follows:' ~~ "The nrovisions of this subchaoter shall pot deal with the collection of oremiu but each com@&ny 'shallbe permitted to.make .&ch rules and regulation'sas it may deem just be-~' tweenthe. company; its ~agehts,,and its~@iiCy- holders; and no bona'fide extension of credit shall be,construed as a discrimination, or in v'iolationof the provisions of this subchapter. I. - Hon. Mark Wentz, page 3 (s-179) All policies heretofore issued which provide that said policies shall be void for non- payment of premiums at a certain specified time, shall be and the same are in full force and effect, provided, that the aompany or any ,of its agents have accepted the premium on said policies after the expiration of the dates named in said provisions fixing the date of payment." This article permits the company to make such rules and regulations as it may deem just between the coa pany, its agents, and its policyholders and furthermore "The provisions of this subchapter m shali not dealwi$h the colleati~cnlo~p;em;p. . . and po bona fide extensiog of credit sh e on rued as a discrimination, or in violation of the provisions of this subchapter." It is therefore the opinion of this office that the Board'of Insurance Commissioners of the State of Texas not have the authority to regulate the rate of inter- st.charged byecompanies on deferred premiums, as the amount of interest charged is not a part of the policy prem- ium determined by the Board, but constitutes a charge separ- ate and apart from the policy premium, and said interest, if any, is subject to Articles 5069-5073, Vernon's Civil Statutes. SUMMARY The Board of Insurance Commissioners of the State of Texas does not have the authority to regulate the rate of interest charged on deferred premiums. APPROVRD: Yours very truly, J. Fred Jones JOHN BEN SRRPPRRD State Affairs Division Attorney General of Texas J. A. Amis Reviewer Will D. Davis Robert 0..Fagg Reviewer Assistant Davis Grant Reviewer Robert S. Trotti First Assistant John Ben Shepperd Attorney General
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion