THEATI‘ORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS August ‘I,1953 Hoi-~. D. C. Greer Opinion NO. s-81 State Highway Engineer Texas Highwhy Department Re: AuthoMty of the State Austin, Texas Highway Department to issue a Texas Certifi- cate of Title upon tem- porary registration of the motor vehicle Fn Dear Mr. Greer: another State. Your request for an opinion deals with the pro- vl~ions of Articles1436-1,Vernon's Penal Code, as amended, governing the issuance of certificates of title on motor vehicles. The main portion of your request reads: "We find that our lnterpretation'of' these sections of the law is working a hard- ship upon many of our citizens. As an illus- tration, a Texas resident goes Into some other state and while there buys a new car. He hap- pens to be In a state which will title his car without requiring it to be registered. "TO get credit by the factory, the dealer asks the buyer to let him secure tFtle in that state. The unsuspecting buyer agrees, then he returns home with dealer cardboard plate, temporary permit, etc. Regardless of the m&an&of return, he arrives at home with no manufacturer's certificate of origin and no registration or licensing, but he has titled his car in the state of purchase. Under our interpretation of the law, we have refused to Issue Texas title until he produces evi- dence of registration or duplicate manufac- turer's certificate. "It has been urged upon us that the Department has authority under Sec. 55 of the above mentIoned act to construe the securing of title as described in the pre- ceding paragraph as a form of registration or licensing and thereby give relief to these people. Hon. D. C. Greer, page 2 (s-81) "Question.No. 1 - Do we have authority to accept tne title of another state which Is not accompanied by the usual registration receipt or evidence of registration as a basis for Issuing a Texas title? "As already mentioned briefly, some of these Texas residents who buy cars out-of- state return home under various forms of permits. For example, Iowa issues a license which is good for 30 days only, This was provided for the specific purpose of allow- ing buyers to get back to their home state to register. See photostatic copy attached. "Question No. 2 - Does this type of temporary registration qualify under Sec. 7 as a satisfactory form of registration upon which to Fssue a Texas title?" The answer to both of your questions is "Yes." In State HIghway Department v. Texas Automo- tive Dealers Association, 239 S.W.2d 6iv. App. 'w Antonio Court of Civil Appeals had before It the complete problem, fully explored it, end held that as to a motor vehicle purchased or other- wise acquired outside the State of Texas to be imported into Texas for resale, the bargain, sale, transfer, or delivery of the motor vehicle outside this State trans- posed the legal status of such motor vehicle to that of a 'used carI'as then defined in Article 1436-1, V,P.C., and that there was no necessity for presenting a manu- facturer's certificate as evidence of ownership, While this case was pending In the Court of Civil Appeals, House Btll 409, Ch. 301, Acts 52nd Leg., 1951, p0 482, was passed, amending Sections 7, 8 and 9 of Article 1436-1,Vernon's Penal Code, and in effect re-defining a 'first sale" to be consummated upon initial registra- tion or licensing of the motor vehicle either in Texas or elsewhere. (See A.G. Opinion No, V-1211, dated July 20, 1951) 0 "Registration" is not restricted in the stat- ute to "usual registration" nor does It exclude "tempo- rary registration." By section 30, Art. 1436-1, V.P.C., you are authorized to accept %uch evidence of title as shell satisfy the designated aaent that'the applicant Is the owner of such motor vehicle. end that the same is free of liens exceot may be disclosed on an , .. . Hon. D. C. Greer, page 3 (S-81) affidavit in formto be prescribed by the Deoartment." Section 55; supre, authorizes the Department to prescribe rules to carry out the orderly operation of the Certifl- cate of Title Act. Under these authorities, you can provide for the acceptance of such evidence of title as is necessary for the protection of the public and which is not otherwise specifically outlined within the Act. (See A.G. Op. No. V-1400, January 30, 1952.) SUMMARY The Texas Highway Department has authority to accept the title of another State or temporary reg- lstratlon as evidence of ownership uoon which to issue a Texas Title. Sections 7, 8, 9, 30 and 55, Arti- cle 1436-1, V.P.C. APPROVED: Yours very truly, Rudy G. Rice JOHN BEN SHEPPERD State Affairs Division Attorney General Willis E. Gresham Reviewer Robert S. Trotti First Assistant John Ben Shepperd Attorney General VFT/rt/lm
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion