Hon. C. H. Cavnees Opinion No. S-6.7 State Auditor State Capitol Re: The legality of counting, Austin, Texas for public j,unlorcollege apportionment purposes, semester hours,taken by non-resident military per- sonnel enrolled In the col- leges at resident tuition rate, part of their tuition being paid by t,heU.S. govern- Dear Sir: ment. Yo’uhave asked for the opinion of this office concerning the lega.lityof co’untlng,for pbllc jun.lor college apportionment purposes, semester hours taken by non-resldent,~milltaryperaonnel enrolled in the colleges at resident ,tuitlonrates,~part of their t’ultlonbeing paid by the U. S. Uovernment. Yo’u atate In your’letter that certain of the Public Junior Colleges have in effect contracttiwith the United States Armed Forces whereby a portion of the tui- tion required is paid by the military undergraduate student and the pemalnder la paid by the Government. Article IV, Chapter 81, Acte of ,the 53rd Leg- islature, 1953 (commonly called the,'1953 Apporpriatlon Act) reads in part, at page,306 et eeq.: “Sec. 3. It la further provided,that to be eligible for and to receive a proportionate share of this appropriation, a Publlc~Junior College shall: “(a) Prior to November lrrtof each year, collect In full a8 tuition from each enro,lled student. . . the amount.8Ret a8 such by the respective governing boards. . . provided Hon. C. H. Cavness, page 2 (S-67) further that valid contracts with the United States Government for instruction of under- graduate military personnel may be consl- dered as collections subject to adjustment after final payments thereof. "Sec. 4. (b) :. -2,Semester hours to be counted for each Public Junior College shall not Include.. s a tho.sehours being carried by any student receiving the benefits of U. S. Public Laws Nos. 346 or 16, 78th Con- gress. . .'I It Is evident that students,in the military service may have their ho'urscount,edin determining the amount of aid the public junior college Is to receive from,the State. Section 3 (a), supra, express,lyIncludes government military contracts and the students covered thereby. The 1951 Appropriation Act (Chagter 499, Act,s of the 52nd Legislature, ;951, page 1228) excluded frqm the .semesterhours count any'student,whose tui,tlonand ,fee expenses are paid by the United States Government." Att'y Gen. Op. S-17 (1953). The '1953Appropriatl~onAct Is worded differently, excluding only'the semester hours 'c,arriedby any student receiving the benefit o,fU. S.. Public Laws Nos. 346 or 16, 78th Congress." House Bill No. 437, Acts-of the &rd Legislature, 1953, amends Subsection 6 of Section 1 of Article 2654c, Vernon's ,Clvll Statutes, so as to permit all members,qf the Arme:dForces stationed in Texas to attend stat,e insti- tutions of higher learning by paying r,egularresident tuition ,charges. Section 3 of House Bill 437 read,s: , "Provided that the terms of!this Act. shall not be ap,pllcable, to students, their husbands or wives as the case may be, a are in attendance at ,lnstitutionsof ,higher learning under contractual arrangements between said inqtltutlon,sand the,Armed Forces of the United States, as described in Section 6 hereof, whereby the student% tuition Is paid by the said Armed Forces." (Emphasis added) f Hon. co H. Cavness, page 3 (s-67) Consequently, a non-resident military ,student whose tuition la paid In part under contract between the United States Armed Force6 and a public junior college is obligated to pay the non-resident tuition charge8 specified In Subsection 2 of Section 1 of Article 2654c, Vernon’s Civil Statutes. In determining the,apportionment to which It Is entitled a public junior col- lege may count the semester hours carried . by a military undergraduate, except those receiving benefits *under U. Si Public,Laws Nos. 346 or 16, 78th Congres,s. A military undergraduate who Is a non-resident of the State of Texas must pay non-resident tuition If his tuition la paid In part by the United States Armed Forces pursuant tb a contract with the .: lnst1tutlon. ,~ Yom-a,viry truly, APPROVED: JOHN BEN SIIEPPEZRD Attorn,eyGeneral, ,J. C. Davis, Jr. County Afialrs Division Willie E. Greeham BY Reviewer Burnell Waldrep Executive Assistant John Ben Shepperd Attorney Oencral BEL:am ‘,
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion