Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

A&st 6, 1952 .i.opi'.R:; ~l$.~~S&&.d~r,.J& CpinioniNo.V-1494: County At+rnizy. Live oak County .F(e: A&hor4ty,of the Co&is- George West, Texas sioners' Court to levy and.collecta tax for the::purposeof iuiproving afid.a.mainta$nln&Tips StatePark;:: .?Ciha..Cqmls~i~nq-8'Court.levy and col- lect'a,l~@i,fti~.:the purpoiie.of':$iiiprovlng and:. maintalniqg.aYparknow.owneO by:$he .State:oP Tex@ .'A number of yea& ago an individuai.&n- veyed.eitherto the State of Texas, or the State .?arks.B~ard~.+ .tractof-..l+nd.in Live Cg&.Coun~y,~.n~'theCLty .ofm.ee*Riverq,. fo~~.,p~k .pupposesi.~Private.donzit$oqs .have.. been.qbta$nedand.the-landps+rti$Q! .$npro,ved apd,,,used.asa publIc.,parki~t-~s:%nowq.,as.-:: 'Tips-.~Staj?e Park. .$y ltiormat3on~3.s that,the State..~hasexpended.no.money:3'~~t.he..improvemetit .or,wintenar& .df;thePqk or .at.mostthe H$gh- tiayDqparfmtint,may.have,.made..&ome. improvement 'I onthe. approaches from the highwas in and.-out ~of...the park.- Parties,ititereste+d.i,I%? the park .desire'theCommissioners'Court'to.callan..' election for the purpose.ofdeterminingwhether or not.to.levya. tax..for .thepurptse of lmprov- lng .a+maintajning the>park;::..: .We.,as&ume$romthe&$ovq.statement'thattitle to thenTiLps-lSt,ate..Pi&~Q~in.the St&e.of Texas rather .thEin Live O&County. The d&islons: pfl,$heTexas:co&ts.hav& rec.. :peated~gl.hel~.;:that the .qo@.ss:io.ners:l c.ourt. is a court of limited jurisdictionand has only such powers as’are conferredupon it, either by express terms or by neces- Hon. R. E. Schneider,Jr., page 2 (v-1494) 62G sary impllcatlon,by the:Constltutlon~andstatutes of this State. Chlldress County v. State, 127'Tex. 343, 92 S.W.2d 1011 (1936);Von Rosenbergv. Lovett, 173 .S.W. 508 (Tex. Civ. App. 1915 . Koper v. Hall, 280 s.w.289 (Tex. Civ. iprg2gy;'A$t. 2351, VrcrS. Article 6078, V.C.S., authorizesthe commis- sloners'.courtto ezpend money for .lmprovlng 'iind operat- ing a Park which Is being operated by the!State Parks Board. . It provides in part as follows: ."Each'CommlssionersCourt is authorized %o levy-and collect a tax not to exceed five .(5) .cetits'oti each one hundred-dollarsasses- sed valuation of the county for the purchase and Improvementof,lands for .tise.aa county pa&s.;-:No such tax Shall be ltiviedand col- lected until the propositionis submitted to and ratified by the property taxpaying. voters .of thb'county'ata general or speclal~election caXled,:for that puppose, provld&d,.~&two- -' thirds:-majorityof the propertytaxpaylne;. voterti of such county, at an electioriheld~.for such purpose shall determineln,favor of said tax. ;~~. .~. !~Saction'2.All parks acqu$red:by'aG thorit$tif'thisAct ~.+iall.beunder‘the-coritfiol and management of .thecbuntg iicqulring-the: 'same,,provided~that the CommissionersCourt may by ,,agreement with the StiateParks Board thin the land :over.tia the State Park&Boa?d 'to be .operatedEisa public park; the expenses of the Improvementand operatlofi.of-such~park to~be,pald by the c‘ountgand/ol(,coopez?ative‘ ~Federal-.agenciesaccordingto the agreement to be.made between such'countyand the.S$ate Parks .Board:" It is .ouropinion-thatSection 2 of this act contemplatesthe expenditureof coizntyfunds on parks which are owned by the countiesbut which have been turned over‘to~theState .ParksBoard to be~operatedby it. The .statutedoes not-authorizea ~countyto .transferownership to the State Parks B.oard,nor does It authotiisee,county to expend county monies on parks which 8re ?wned,by the' Boara, hitmerely authorizestransfeFof pqssesslon to the Board 'andpermits the,courityto prov'ide :~ftidti,jfoti. Hon:R. E. Schnelder,~- 3.. Jri,:,page improvementand operationof the-parkivhlleit-.&s; In the possession~of~theBoard?' Article '@Sl.e, .V:C.S.,-'aiso.authorizes coun- ties to.~levya~+axfor,the.lmprovement.,andoperation of parks owned b.ythe counties.butoperated by the:..State. Parks Roard..:.Y~Sec~tion.3 of this statutereads:. "All parks acquired by authority of this Act shall be under the control and management of,the city or c~ountyacquiring same or by the city :andLco.untyjointly,where'theyhave- acted Jointlyiinacquirings.ame, ,provided. that the Commissioners1Court and.the.City Commlsslon or City.Councll.may, .byagreement, with the State Parks 'Board,turn the land over to.'theState Parks.Boardto begoperated.as~ a 'publiccpark,:the expense of the:tmprovement and .operationof such~~~park'to be paid~by the aounty and/or'c&ty,according to::th~eagreement to begmade between such.munlc%palities Andythe State Parks.Boai?d~. "~A11counties and Incorporatedclties'are .authorfze,dto levjra,tax of not:'exceedlng:,five (5) 'cents:on~the,-Cne Hundred ($1C0~00)~~Doll~s property;v+.u&+on to,create.afund,for $he ~ improvementAndyoperationof such parks. Here again, It is OX& opinion that the statute does not authorize a county to,expend:ltsfunds for'the improve- ment Andyoperatlon.ofa park which 'isowned by the,State. Parks Board. ., We have been unable to find any statute which would authorize a countyto'expend Its funds for the improvementand operation of'a park which is owned by the State of Texas or by the State Parks Board. There- fore, we agree with you that the Commissioners'Court'of Live Oak County Is not authorizedto,levy and collect a tax for the purpose of improvingand malntainlng~Tlps State Park. SUMMARY Commissioners'courts may not levy and collect taxes for the purpose of'improving and maintainingparks which are owned by the Hon. R. E. Schneider, Jr., page 4 State of.Texas or ,theState Parks Board. Ar- ticles 6078 and 6081.:e, V.C.S., authorizing counties to levy a tax for the Improvement and maintenanceof county-ownedparks which are being operated,by the State Parks Board under agreementsbetween the counties and the Board, does not apply to parks owned by the State or by the Board. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney.General J. C. Davis, Jr. County..Affalr,s Division .ery g. Wall. RevIewIngAssIstant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant BA:am