Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon. Larry 0, Cox Executive Director Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools A,ustin,Texas Opinion No. V-1447 Re: Authority of the Boards for Texas State Hospi- tals and Special Schools to bill alien patients for board and treatment regardless of their pres- Dear Sir: ent financial status. You have,requested an opinion of this office regarding the legality.of charging alien patients admitted in Texas hospitals and psycho- pathic hospitals for their support, maintenance and treatment therein, regardless of their present financial ability to pay. You state that as to cltiien patients, the Board for Texas State Hospi- tals and Special Schools, acting under applicable laws, sets up a board and treatment rate in accord- ance with a patient's ability to pay, up to a maxi- mum of $60.00 per month. No rate is set up for patients ,unableto pay; however, reimbursement is expected at any later date should they ever become able to pay. Under Section 2 of Article 3174b, V.C.S., the State hospitals and special schools (Art. 3174b, Sec. 3) have been placed underthe control and man- agement of the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools. Art. 2654-1, Sec. 4, V.C.S. All powers formerly vested by statute in the Board of Control and pertaining to such hospitals and schools now rest in the newly created Board except such pow- ers as relate to the handling of certain purchases for such institutions. Articles 3184 to 3202-b; inclusive, 3216a, 3232a, and 3238a, V.C.S., as amended, make complete provisions for State hospitals, mental and tubercu- losis, State special schools and other eleemosynary Hon. Larry Q: Cox, page 2 (V-1447) - Institutions. They provide for the admission of pa- tients or persons thereto. With particular refer- ence to patients admitted to State~hospitals and psy- chopathic hospitals, Article 3196a, enacted in 1937, provides in part: 'Section 1. Patients admitted to State hospitals and State psychopathic hospitals shall be of two classes, to wit: "Indigent patients; "Non-indigent patients; "Indigent patients are those who pos- sess no property of any kind nor have any; one legally responsible for their support, and who are unable to reimburse the State. This class shall be suppor,tedat the expense of the State. "Non-indigent patients are those who possess some property out of which the State may be reimbursed, or who have someone legal- ly liable for their support. This class shall be kept and maintained at the expense of the State, as in the first instance, but in such cases the State shall have the right to be reimbursed for the support, maintenance and treatment of s,uchpatients." 'Sec. 2. Where the patient has no suf- ficient estate of his own, he shall be main- tained at the expense: 'Of the husband or wife of such person, if able to do so; "Of the father or mother of such person, if able to do so. "Sec. 3. The State Board of Control Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools7 Is authorized to demand and conduct investTgations in the County Court to determine whether or not a patient is possessed of or entitled to property and/or whether or not some other person is legally liable for his support, maintenance, and treatment and to pay therefor, and to have citation issued and witnesses summoned to be heand on said investigation. Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 3 (v-1447) “Sec. 4. The State Board of Control Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools7, directly or through authorized agent Zr agents, may make contracts fixing the,pric,efor th,esupport, maintenance, and treatment of patients in any State hospital or psychopathic hospital at a~sum not to ex- ceed the cost of same or for such part there- of as such respective patient, his relatives or guardian of hls,estate may be able to and agree to pay, and binding the persons making such c,ontractsto payment thereunder. "Sec. 5. Upon the written request of the State Board of Control Board for Texas State Ho,spitalsand Special~Schools7 the County or District Attorney, or in-case of the refusal.or inability of both to act, the Attorney General,,shall represent the State in filing a claim in Prob~ateCourt or a peti-, tion in a Court of competent Jurisdiction, wherein the guardian of such patient and/or other person legally liable for his support, may be cited to appear then and there.to show cause why the State should not have Judgment against him or them for the amount due it for the support, maintenance and treatment of such patient; and, upon sufficient showing, Judg- ment may be entered against such g,uardianor ,other person for the amount found to be due the State, whlch~ Judgment may be enforced as in other cases. A verified account, sworn to by the superintendent of the respective hospitals nor psychopathic hospitals wherein such patient is being treated, or has been treated, as to the amo,untdue shall be suf- ficient evidence to authorize the Court to render Judgment therein. 0 D en Other pertinent statutes concerning patients admit- ted to a State hospital are Article 3196c, Sec. 5, enacted in 1951; Article x1930-2, Sets. 2, 3, 4, enacted in 1943; Article 3232a, Sets. 3, 9, 11, as amended in 1949. Consideration of these various provisions leads to the conclusion that once ,a person is admit- ted into a State,hospital, whether he be a citizen or Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 4 (V-1447) an alien, no legal distinction is permitted among patients other than that they are classified as either Indigent or non-indigent. Att'y Gen. Op. V- 1179 (1951). If classified as Indigent, a patient will be supported at the expense of the State. Article’3196a, supra, authorizes the Board to contract with relatives or the guardian of the estates of the patients, fixing the price for the support of the patients at a sum not to exceed the actual cost of such patients, or for s,uchpart there- of as the relative or estate may be able and agree to pay. Furthermore, this statute authorizes the Board to demand an investigation to determine wheth- er a patient is possessed of or entitled to property, and whether some other person is legally liable for his support and to pay therefor. It provldes a mode of procedure in the County Court to determine wheth- er some other person is legally liable for his sup- port, maintenance and treatment and to pay therefor. Thus, the State has the right of contraot for reim- bursement or Judicial ascertainment through the - County Court at the instance of the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools. By virtue of the provisions of the laws herein cited, it is the opinion of this office that the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools Is without authority to bill admitted alien patients for support, maintenanct and treatment in State hos- pitals when they are without means to pay for same, and when there is no one legally liable for their sup- port with ability to pay. ,The statutes require that admitted "indigent patients" shall be supported at the expense of the State. SUMMARY The Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools is without authority to bill admitted alien patients for support, main- tenance and treatment when the patients are Hon. Larry 0. Cox, page 5 (V-1447) witho,utmeans to pay for same and when there is no one legally liable for their support with ability to pay. The statutesprovide that admitted "indigent patients" shall be supported at the expense of the State. Yours very truly, APPROVED: PRICE DANIEL Attorney General J. C. Davis, Jr. County Affairs Division @.A?LzT- E. Jacobson BY Reviewing Assistant Chester E. Ollison Assistant Charles D. Mathews First Assistant CEO:mh