Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

213 March 20, 1952 Hon.~Paul H. Brown Fire Insurance Commissioner Board of Insurance Commissioners 815 Brazes Austin 1, Texas Opinion NO. V-1422. Re: Limitation upon reimburse- ment for meal and lodging expenditures by State Fire Insurance Commissioner, or by employee of the Fire In- surance Division when ln- vestigating a fire at the request of an interested Dear Sir: party. You have requested the opinion of this of- fice on the following questions: “1. Is the State Fire Marshal, when -.he mak@ an investi tion under Article 5.45 LInsurance Cod2 providing ‘then the expenses of the State Fire Marshal, clerl- cal expenses, witnesses and officers fees in and B to such investiga- ‘. ti”oashall be paid by such insurance oom- .paxiyllimited to the $6.00 per day ex- penses provided in the rider to the appro- Nation bill set out In Section 2(12) - 3 raveling Expenses-g? “2. 1s L employee of the Fire In- 27 when so.acting and so surance Divislo designated, to be paid his expenses as pro- vided in Article 5.45 or Is he limited un- der the rider to the appropriation bill to $6.00 per day for meals ana ioaging?~~ An employee of the Fire Insurance Division who was appointed by you under the authority contained in Article 5.45, Insurance Code, to make an lnve’stiga- tlon, incurred meal ana lodging expense in excess of Hon. Paul H. Brown, page 2 (V-1422) $6.00 per day. Your problem has arisen because of the refusal of the Comptroller to issue a warrant for a sum in excess of $6.00 per day. Article 5.45, Insurance Code, provides: "If for any reason the State Fire Mar- shal is unable to make any required investi- _ gation in person, he may designate the fire marshal of such city or town or some other suitable person to act for him; and such person so designated shall have the same au- thority as is herein given the State Fire Marshal.with reference to the particular matter to be investigated by him, and shall receive such compensation for his services i" as the Board may allow. 1 f the lnvestig+ ;$ tion of a fire is made at the reauest of an .+ insurance company, or at the request of a ', .;:.i policyholder sustaining loss, or at the re- ?' auest of the mayor. town clerk or chief of the fire department of any city, village or town in which the fire occurred. then the expenses of the Fire Marshal. clerical ex- penses, witnesses and officers fees incident and necessary to such investigation shall be paid by such insurance company. or such pol- icy holder or such city or town as the case may be, otherwise the expenses of such in- vestigation are to be paid as part of the expenses of the Board. The party or parties, company or companies, requesting such,in- vestigation, shall before~such investigation is commenced deposit with the Board an mt of money in the judgment of said Board,suffi- cient to defray the expenses of said Fire Marshal in conducting such investigation."' This statute in effect requires an insurance company.or other party requesting an investigation to pay to the Board, on behalf of the State, an assessment equal to the actual expenses incurred in the requested investigation. This assessment becomes state property upon the completion of the investigation and the a pro- 6. val of the expense account. Att'y Gen. Op. v-1336 95U u Emphasis added throughout. Hon. Paul H. Brown, page 3 (V-1422) 235 The above statute makes this money available only for the specified purpose of paying the expensesincurred in carrying out the investigation. However, the fact that an assessment isloade and collected and the fund IS earmarked by general statute for a certain use does uot ,make itavailable unless,it is also appropriated by~the Legislature for that use. Furthermore, even though a general statute specifies payment of a certain amount, the amount ac- tually paid is determined by the amount7a;;rp;;;ted by the Legfslature. StatTev. Steela, (1882), and den v. Fin Y 2 51, 4; s.w.%8 (1899),Att'$%en. Op. V-12& :?9%: Therefore the b~asicquestion to be deter- mined is whether the general appropriation bill for _ the biennium ending August 31, 1953, appropriates to ,.:Fire Insurance Division personnel acting as fire in- vestigators their actual expenses when making an in- :vestigation at the request of an insurance company or other party. Section 12(g) of Article III, House Bill 426 (the general ap ropriation.bill), Acts 52nd Legislature, 99, p. 1228, at p. 1437, provides: R.S. 1951, ch. f: "All employees traveling at the ex- pense of the State are hereby limited to the amount of Four Dollars ($4) per day for meals and a total of six Dollars ($6). per day for meals and lodging it being ., specifically provided that the employees shall obtain receipts for all Items-of vex- pense claimed except meals, and shall file such receipts with their duly Itemized and sworn expense accounts; provided. however, that the meals and lodd.nP:limitations im- posed bs this subsection (12g only) Shall pot applv to any elected State official por to any appointed State official nor to any appointed State official whose appoint- plentis subject to Senate confirmation, when traveling in or out of the State; nor to employees of the Executive Department, and employees of other State Departments designated by the Governor to rep.resent him officially at governmental meetings or i Hon. Paul H. Brown, page 4 (V-1422) conferences when held out of the State; nor to any Assistant Attorney General, or representative of the State Health Officer, or representative of the Adju- tant General, or representative of the State Board of Vocational Education, or representative of the Department of Public Welfare, or representative of the State Highway Commission or representa- tive of the Railroad Commission when any of these classes of State employees are appearing before any Federal Agencies or agencies of other States in any other State or Washington, D.C." The underlined portion of~the above quoted subsection answers your first question. The p,rovlso that section 12(g) shall not apply to appointed offi- cials subject to confirmation by the Senate is appli- cable to you as Fire Insurance Commissioner since your office is of the excepted type 2nd the investiga- tion of fires is one of your duties. You are there- fore advised that the traveling expense of the State ' 2 Fire Insurance Commissioner is not limited by this section, a@ that you should receive your actual ex- penses, which are to be paid out of the fund hereti- after discussed when you are making an investigation pursuant to Art. 5.45,m.' The above exception is not applicable to em- ployees of the Fire Insurance Division, and If this were the only section regulating the expenditures for meals and lodging the mamum reimbursement to employ- ees would be $6.00 per day. The appropriation to the Fire Insurance Di- Vision provides in part: 81Provlaeaalso that such sums as are received by the Fire Mvision as provided a Art. 1.02 Insurance code, provides in part: '1. . . The dudes heretofore and now placed upon and the powers and privileges heretofore and to be exer- cised by the State Fire,Marshall shall continue in and be had, enjoyed, and exercised by the Fire Insurance Commissioner.14 . . Eon. Paul H. Brown, page 5 (V-1422) 217 by Article 4898 R.c.S. .&t. 5.45, In- .surance Goad shall'be deposited to the Departmental Suspense Account in the .State Treasury. Expenses of State em& ployees incident to,.theinvestigations shall be paid from travel expenses-here-