Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

A~JSTIN 11.Tmas PRICEDANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL Fdu’um’y 21, 1952 Hon. S, Taylor Brlt8 Opinion Ro. V-1412 County Attorney Atascoea Couatf Ret Authority of the Commle- Jourdanton, 'has slonera o Court to buy improved real estate from Jourdantan Indepenci- ent School Dlstrlct to provide adclltlonal pub- Dear Sir: lit office epace, Your reqwrt fa* an opinion of this of- fice reads in part as follows: "The Ccaualsslon8~a* Court of Atasco- sa County, Te%ati,vhlch sits at Jourtlan- ton, Texas, th8 County Seat, has entered Into an agreement and contract vith the Jourdanton I&ds@endent School Mstrict Wh8r8bg the said school district agrees to sell and the CommisslonersP Court agrees to buyz:certaln real estate and Improvements situated at Jourdanton, Texas, for a con- sideration of $70,000,00, (For full de- tails under contract dated January 14, 1952, se8 true cop attached hereto and marked 8Exhlblt A 4. *The purpoee for which these bulld- lngs are to be used Is set out In the mln- Utes of' th8 said CO~lsslOn8rS' COUPt Under date of May 14, 1951,.to wltl *Wherpeas th8 Ataecosa County Cot&- house has becam lnadeqllate and addition- al space la needed for public offices; and aWhev8a8, the Commlssioner8 8 Court ha8 mt8f-e determined th8 advlaabllity and aamkj of providing additional pub- lic? OfiiC8B; Q m o' nTh8 conslderatlon Of $70,000*00 to be paid by the Commissioners1 Court for Eon. 3. Taylor Brits, page 2 (V-1412) said rekl.48kts ~1s to be paid Zn cr8h aims the unlncumbe~d~balaaca, in the County POrmRneatImprowwnt Funds as : or Januwy~l, 1952,~~U$76,368,41* ZIG 1951 btulget of Atascosa Ccnmty hem a pee vieionfor pamt 41 $15 025.00, v0* C4IlEtFUCtiOS Of buildIngsi 6na the 1952 budget trreltute8a proper provIsion f0r paymn6 of $55,000*00for c4Mtrutt1on of bu%m, a January14; 1952, tha- CaumlmlayIII*Co-t oi AtascosaCounty, Toxao, 8nm4a the PoUovlag order an ths m%autrtIof the Courti lP QDP Qs, th e Cwmi8sb a 8r ce’o ur t OiSta ;r saCounty 4 w l,a c o a t~Ia ti4 onf 6b4 COWtIWCtiOn OP pUrCh484 Of buiiaing8 to be used ior county 0filcee;proviaed in the CountyBudget of August, 1951, rm th4 gp4mitm8 oi 415 025.00f~00i the PernanentIqrovmment &uU, In 1951. "'A#!3 -S, 6wh~~pdWitwe wa$ net am4 in 1951 a0 ~4dnwat4a, it sow b4c’m4s an aergoaay, by reama of rrausual aad unmremoa a%swImetanrmwbtch aould loti by reasonablycUlLgentthoughthave *'cm, tba 1952 bu@!t of Atascoea County Is hmeby aaiuled to aq- thorloo tihsoxpontUture'of)15,025.00 from the Ps-nt XqwotemW Fund for the coaot~tlon d purah484 ai btildin&ts in the ycrarof 1952 la additionto the ~55r000*oosot uy f0.F that pUPpOE in o~Qina1budg.t. *wtsb the above emracDsatto the I952 bwlget,a total of 470,025.00la au- thorind fos l&e aon8tructlm OF pt~chatlo of bullW#ao" /, @mm46 upon th6 abowe cit4a n44a4 and psp#es for which t0 be U84d Sad fh4 timuteaIS fbsruiag aamo~ 18 such a u.g- chase by the +aaarissicmreGOWt 14ga'i) f Hon. J. Taylor Brlte., pago 3 (V-1412) Thi3 records in the office of the Central Education Agency refleot that the Stat8 Board of Education ha8 approved th8 e,ahool dlstrlct's appll- Cation for th8 sale of.thd land ln question, a8 re* qufred by Article 2773, Y.C.S. t Subclhviston 7 of ArkLcle 2351 V.G.S., : authorlses th4 cI)OBPLIaslorwra'~court to 8prorlQ4 ana keep In r8palr copt hOuses, jai18 and,a11 necessary public build,+!, Ua’lor krticle2370, V.$.S., the COparifJS1On@I'8aourt may, *n aeceasary, PrOVia buildings, rooms, or apartpvlste at the county seat, other than tbs courthowe ior holding the eeesiona of the 64wity Court8,'Msdrl~t Courts, and for car- On such other public bwlneas~~a may be au- BOa'bp th8 CardeElon8rE'COIJrt. Jg; I.83 S,W,2d 1s (Toxr Clv. Ap WaB h8ia that t&4 te$m 'pub11 a8 used in ArtlC18 2351 means a building used primarily for public or govsrmwata1 purposee8 t$t 18, to house public 4l'ge*SrolaOntal ag8Wi88. was further held that "tb paver to provide includes the poWOr to pUlrChlllOs* xt i6 Cldar, th8r8tO2'8, that the C'XQQi8Si4&4X'8 ' court ha8 the authority to purchase addltiom41 iwcrsaary public buildinga, Al- though you do n& state lB your Cequ88t vhlch pub- lic OffiCO8 vi.11 be hOW8a in the building, the resolution8 0r the co~.a810nerss court recite that the additiona spat8 IS {to be acquired for "public offlceu," and for "county offla48.4 Ye assume that the buGUl,ng Is to be WSa Only for authorlaed pur- pOee81, Since the cawiaeratbn for the contemplated p~??~h&s~ i8 to b4 paid In cash from funds now on hand Zn th4 Permanent frpprovement Pund, the author- ity of the commis81onelre court to finance the pur- ChaE8thl' h the laeuSn48 of'bond8 or tlm8 Warrants 'Y V8a. Accordingly, the holdings inAtt'g is not lnvo Sen. Op. v-1278' (1951) and O-7036 (1946) p mentioned in your brief, are not relevant here. Under Article VIII, Section 9; Constltu- tlon of T8xa8, andArticle 2352, V&&5,,, taxes levlsd for the Permanent Improvement Fund mi%y be - used for the "erection" of public buildings. In keeping r&h the holdlags In Dancy V* Davidson, su ra and Brown ?*-Graham, 58 Tex. 254 (lW5) -+- the opinion that the term 'er8CtlOn" in~1"u~8P~~- C&W8and that the c,ost of the building is prOp8Ply payable out of the Permanent Improvement Fund. i! Boa, Jr Taylor Brlte, pagrr 4 (V-l&X2) The $kncy case held that the cmniss~~n- ers ’ COU??t order there InvelVad ~8s iwairlofent to drwt an $menChnsnt 0r the countg budget tumtp the provisions of Artlc,le w-11, V,,G.S+, reading: * * meJo #w budget has been rimi; &va'ovrd by the colmJ3sloneT~' Cawt, the but&et, an approved by tha Court sWL.3 be riUQ tith the Qlsrk af ,the Cow&y &xwrt, and Uxes levkad &may ia acsurdtise therewith, a&d no expend&- twe ef the fund8 of the coutrty shall tlmwafter be wide, exeepd in btd.ct eem#Uancs ~5th the bwl&# a8 adopted by the Court; Bxcepe that emmgeimy expanditures, in 088,s or grave publia I)*Cbs8ity, to meet umuw~l and anfolre- seem conditions .vNch oould not, by reasonably tIYlt@nt %Wmght aad atten- tion, have bee11 inclkn%eQ in t&&s arigina?. budget, may Fmm t’lnm to time be au- thorbmd by ths GtW’t ,a8 aaue&‘Wents to the o~lginal budget. In abl cases where such amendst6mt.sto the origkaal budget are made, a capy ai the ardsr oi the Court iaiwW&q the bu et shall be. filed with the CZsrk of the 24 ounty Court, and atWok to the budget originally adopted. ” The apinion pointed out that the order d&d not con- :;~~a rinding that emergency conditions did in fact . @t In its holdlarg the cot@t mcognlzed the power of the eomail,bs$mm?s~ court to amend the bud- get so as to prortds for Qba purchase of additional baild&ngs if emergemcp ~efflditions do In ract exist and if woper procedure is followed. While the ordbp ruleptea by the bommleslon- ersv court of Atescosa Oounty FM January IBM, 1952, doss SW% follow the sua* statutory language. or aet out in detail t& facts ciaatinga grave public neeea- sity fop ameadabn~ of th@ budget, we are of them opin- i~ that tbs WUOT i8 f3tiri~iwt to meet the 0 ec- tia+ne a8 to form z.n the ctse i However, .Y d ,,the PdcessaPy iW$s justify% amezment or the budget existed at She tiaM the expenditme waa tmmrred, the C~S~%ORW~ 8 murt may later ammd the order so a8 to raileM &Ir aemlttiam which misted at that time. Hon. J. Taylor Brlte, page 5 (V-3412) Morr,lson Y, K&ler, 207 s,WLWg51 '(Tex, Clvp App* 7 error ref. n.r.e,). What constitutes grave public necessity” depends upon the ~raats In each~~ case and is a question fbr the primary detemlna- tlon of the cosW.ssloue~‘s~ court in~the exercise Att’J’C+ehr bps. O-1022’. It is not within ths province of tbli office to pass on fact questions and we are not expressing an opinion as to the sxls~encs of facts warraa,$&ng an amendment of the budget In thls case. SaeaAKp Where the county courthouse has be- cae inadequate and additional space is needed to house county officers or agents, the commlssioneraf court is authorized to purchase buildings for this purposer The court may amend the county budget so as to provide for the purchase of such buildings if the conditions Andy requirements of Arti- cle 68qa-11 V.C.S., are met.’ Davidson, 183 S.Y.28 195 (Texr 1944, error rer.). Yours very truly, APPROVRDs PRICR DARIRL Attorney General J. C, Davis; Jr. County *Affairs Dlvislon Mary IL rrall Reviewing Assistant .Asslstant Charles D, lkathews First Assistant BAtmh