Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

I . NOV~ID~~P28, 1951 Hon. J. W. Edgar Commissioner of Education Texas Education Agency Austin, Texas Opinion-No. V-1356 Re: Authority of a munic- ipally controlled in- dependwnt-school dls- trlct to compensate the city or the city tax assessor-collector for assess-h-g and col- lecting the district's Dear Sir:, taxes. for an opinion of We.rei"er,,to,,your.,request this office concerning-th-e,auth~itg of a municipally controlled'in6ependent'school.dlstrlctto compensate the city,~orthe,office .vfthecity assessor-collector for the;assesslng and collecting of school taxes for Its school ,distrlct,under the provisions of Articles 2791 and~2792, V.C.S. -~Thefollowlng~fants .are stated in your re- quest. -'TheMarshall Independent -SchoolDistrict is a munl.cfpally~controlle~ddistrict. Formany years the ~boungaries of the.MzsrshallIndependent School Distrlctwere~ldsntical withthe corp-oFate.limitsof the city ofMarshall, but several years ago the city of Marsball extended its city limits for school pur- poses onlg,~under,the-provIsIonsof,Article 2803, V.C.S. The city vf,Narshall,has.a city ,assessor-collectorof taxes whohas ,assessed and 'collectedtaxes each year for boththe city and-the .school~district. Due to the extens~ionof-the'city limits ~for school purposes only, the duties,lmposed.upon me city assessor-col- lector of'taxes have been tremendously-increased and for thisreason thw~3osrd,,of--teesof the Xarshall Independent.School,Mstrict would;-,,if.,posslble,like to expend 'schoolfunds to assist the city of Marshall In the assessment ,and'collectlonof school taxes. - . Ron. J. W. Edgar, page 2 (V-1356) On the basis of these facts, you submit the following questlons: "1. Is Artlcle'27pl applicable to a municipally controlled independent school district such as the Marshall Independent School District? -2. Does the Board of Trustees of the Barshall Independent School District have the authority to contract with ~the city of Marshall under the provisions of Article 2792?' In Attorney GeneraPs Opinion V-898 (1949) this office had~ occasion to consider the status of the Marshall Independent 'School Mstrict. That opin- ion held that a municipally contr~olledschool district wNch extends its boundaries for school purposes only, under the provisions of Article 2803, V.C.S., main- tains its character as a city controlled school dis- trict subject to the laws appertaining specifically to municipally controlled school districts. Ba es v. - City af.Beawont, 190 S.W.28 835 (Tex. Mr. &--FX5; error ref. w.0.m.). In 'a letter pplnion addressed to County Attorney Carroll Ed Sullivant, Cooke County, dated August 23, 1950, this ,officeadvised that Articles 2791 and 2792 have no application to munlclpally controlled independent school districts; that Artl- cles 2802 and 2803, V.C.S., speclflcally govern such municipal districts with respect to Its assessor and collector of taxes. See Att'y.Gen. Gp. 0-2687 (1940). Article 2802 grovldes inspart as follows: "In an independentschool district con- stituted of a city or town having a city as- sessor and collector of taxes, such assessor and collector of taxes shall assess and col-- lsct the taxes for school purposes; provided, that ina city or town having an assessor and collector of taxes, the levy of taxes for school purposes shall be based upon the same assessment of property upon which the levy for other city~purposes is based. In such a city or town, the assessor and collector .. ,’ Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 3, .(V-1356) of taxes shall receive no other compen- sation forkcollecting school taxbs than. the compensation paid him for assessing and collecting city taxes; . . ." A~tle-le-9803 provides: " . The*pr&erty of the added ter- ritory*sf;allbear Its pro rata part of all ~sohaol~taxes;~but of no ,&her taxes. . . , Theoff'lcsrs whose ~duty it is to assess and collect taxes within the city limits shall also assess and collect school taxes within the territory added for school purposes as herein provided." These statutes specifically require that the school taxes of a city controlled school district, to which territory has been added for school purposes only, shall be assessed and collected by the city tax assessor-collector. They make no provision for com- pensation to that officer or to the city out of the school district's funds for the additional duties imposed thereunder. Accordingly, we agree with you that the Board.aP Truetees~~ufthe Marshall Independent School District is'"nctauthorized uniler.Articles2791 and 2792 to-contract with the city of Marshall for the paymentof,tbe, city or the office of the city tax assessor-collectorfor the assessing and collecting of the school taxes for the district. Nor do we find any other statute authorizing a municipally controlled school district to use its school funds for that pur- pose. SUMMARY Articles 2791 and 2792, V.C.S., have no application to municipally controlled independent school districts. Articles 2802 8nd 2803, V.C.S., impose the duty on th8 city tax assessor-collector to assess and collect the taxes of 8 city controlled school district, and the district may not use its school funds to compensate the city Hon. J. W. Edgar, page 4 (V-1356) or the adsessor-collector for these services. APPROVED: Yours very truly, J. C. Davis, Jr. PRICE DANIEL county Aff8i.m Division Attorney General Jesse P:Luton, Jr. Reviewing Assistant By&&-=- Charles D. Mathews Chester E. Ollison First Assistant Assistant CEO:mh