0 AS AUST!IN nn.T~xas September 18, 1951. 5. Calvert of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Opinion Bo. V-1286.. Be: Compensation of members of the judiciary for the fir'st six days of September 195'l, in the light of House Bili 426 and-senate Bi,lls 79* 116 and 467, Acts 52na Dear Sir: ~Leg,, B.S. 19!5. Your request for an opinion reads, in part, as followst "Senate Bill go. 116, Acts of the 52nd Legislature provides for, with exceptions, the suspensjon of statutory salary of State sffkzials and employees. **Senate Bill Bo. 79 changes the statu- tory compensation of the members of t'he,Su- preme ,Court Court of Civil Appeals, and District J&es. OH. B. No. 426, the biennial ,appropria- tion bill provides for salary increases for state off 1 cers and employees in excess of the amount set in the Legislative enactment which created the positions. !!Senate,Bill Bo. 467,a~ppropriates funds to suppJ.ementamounts appropriated to the Ju- diciary of this State for the purpose of pay- ;? the amounts provided in Senate Bill Bo. . UAnexamination of Senate Blll,Bos. 79, 116, and 467 reveals they were passed by a viva vote vote. Hon. Robert S, Calvert, Page 2 (V-1286) “QUE@IOBI: 1, When do Senate Bill Ros. 799 116; and 467 become effective? 2. If you hold they become effective 90 days after adjournment, what rate of compensation would be paid the persons involved between August 31p 1951p and the date the bills become,effective? Senate Bill 79 passed the,Senate April 30 19519 by a"viva vote vote and'passed‘the House May 17, 1951, by a vote of 105 eas and 29 nays. Acts 52 Leg., R.S. 195l, ch. 38z p.a 669, Senate Bill11 F pass- ed the Senate May 22 19$l by a viva vote vote and pas~sed the House Ju& 6 14% by a vote of 110 yeas and 1 nay. Acts 52na Leg,, 'RsS. 1951 ch, 455 .p. 811. Sen- ate Bill 467 passed the Senate Mai 29, 19d, by a viva iwce vote and passed the House June 7, 1951, by a vote of 100 yeas and 19 nays0 Acts 52na Leg., R~S, 195l ch. 477, y;,$52- The Fifty-second Legislature adjourned june 8, . Because these bills did not receive the necessary two-thirds vote to make them immediately effective, the anwer to your first question is that each of these Acts became effective September Y9 195l, ninety days after aa- journment of the Legislature. Tex.. Coast. Arta III, Sec. 39. With respect to your second question: Since none of these Acts became effective until September 7, 1951, we must look to other statutes and appropriations to determine the rate of compensation of members of the judiciary mentioned in Senate Bill 79 and Senate Bill 467 for the first six days of the biennium beginning September 1, 199;10 Article 6819a-6$ Vernon"s Civil Statutes eodi- fied from House Bill 207, Acts 5lst Leg., R.S. 1944, ch. 328, pa 614, provides: "From and after August 31, 1949: *(a) The Justices of the supreme Court of the State of Texas and the Judges of the Court of Crimin&blAppeals and Commissioners of the State of Texas shall each be aid an annual salary of Twelve Thousand Do1Ears (al29000) 5 pan. Robert ,S* Calvsrt, Page 3 (Y-1286) R(b) The Justices of the several Courts Of Civil Appeals of the @tata of Texas s4,&& each be paid- an amnual salary of Ten Thourand Dollars ()l@,OOq)i “(a) The Judges of the several Bistriat Court’s OS the State of Texas ana of the, ~x$D- lnal District Courts of this State shall each be paid an annual salary of,Sevem Thousand Dollar s ( W@JOl i ,!!(d) The salaries of all the Justisrr ana ,Judgis in this Seation shall be paSa ir equal mcimthly Installments; Y(e) Each District Jaage in this State shall be paid an anmual salary of, Seven Thou- sand D01lam ()7,W) from State funds; pro- tided that no District,: Jaags shall receive as supplemental pay thereto f&%x any county fund8 a sum in excess of Ttienty-nine hundred Del- Itars@ per annumfor services rendered a8 a~membero1 a Juvenile Boar&* The compensation of men$ers of the Supreao Wurt, the Court of Criminal Appeals, the Commissioners to the Court of Criminal Appeals, members of the Courts of Civil Appeals ana the jaag06 0r the Mstrtct cmrts f@r the first six days of the bienni beginming Septrm- bar 1 1951,is overned by Articlr a 19a-6 to be pald from ghe a atiom to the jadiaiary con{ained in the genera appropriation bill (Art. 1~ See. 1 H.B. 426 Bats 52na Lag R&L 19!Xlil,ah. 491, pa I248 at PO’ l23i), which, af c&sr, became effective ,$eptem&(IF 1, 19!jl. an ana after ,Septrmbm 7, 1951, the compenea- tlon of members of the reqi~ctlve oonrts and of the Cola- missioners to the Court of ,Crimlnal Appeals is severned by Senate Bill 79 and is to be paid fram the ap ropria- tio&s to the judiciary in the general approprta a ion bill and the supplemental appropriation contained in Senate Bill 46 Senate Bill 11.6 which suspends aertain sd- ary sta ?*utes does not appiy to Senate Bill 79, bieausr It is clear &at the Legislature ~intended that Senate Bill 79 would gsver’n the salaries of the res activd gem- hers of the judiciary and that Senate fill 1P6 wedid ap- ;;zwto all other officers and employees with+ its pur- . Although Senate Bill 79 was first enacted, it is -- Iion. Robert SWCalvert, Page 4 (v-1286) to be regarded, as an exceptionto Senate Bill 116. 145 Tex.~142, 196 s.W.2a82 (1946) inea not only by the rules ~WAOUIWM in the decision In the fact that Senate Bill supplement'the ed in Article I Senate May 29, day before the appropriation acted deliberately and purposefully and not to have in- tend&an absurd or useless thing. Soutwtern Gas & lc Co. v. st&Q 190 s.w.2a132 (Tex.CiV.App. affd. 145 Tex, 24 193 S.y$;d f;E, 1946); 39 Tex. 42, 245, Statutes: Sets. , D Therefore, for the first six days of Septem- ber 19$1, the salaries of members of the judiciary wili be one-fifth of the monthly salary provided in Ar- ,tlcle 6819a-6 and Article I of House Bill 426; and for the remainder of the month, the salaries will be four- fifths of the increased monthly salary fixed by Senate Bill 79. The salary of each member of the judl- ciary for the first six days of September 1951, will be one-fifth of his' monthly sakry as provided in Article 6819a-6, V.C.S. ana in Article I of House Bill 426, Acts 52na Leg. R.S. 1951, ch. 499, p* 1228, at p. l23li ani for the remainder of that month, his sa ary will be four-fifths of the increased monthly salary as fixed by Senate Bill 79, Acts 52nd Leg. R.S. 1951, ch. 386, p* 669 payable out of the appropriations contained in Article I of House Bill 426 and Senate Bill 467, Acts 52nd Leg., R.S. 195l, ch. 477, p. 852. APPROVED: Yours very truly, c. K. Richards PRICEDANIEL Trial and Appellate Division Attorney General Everett Hutchinson /54Luuza/$3""ofi Executive Assistant BY Price Daniel Bruce W. Bryant Attorney General Assistant BWR:wb
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion