Hon. Wm. L. Taylor opinion No. v-1277
Prosecuting Attorney
Harrison ,Countp RI: Muimum payment.8 rhloh
Urshall, Texas. % nmy be made to Gaunty
Commlssloners of Har-
rison aounty ror trar-
Dear Sir: ding expensea.
You hare nqussted an opinion on the FOX-
lowing quoatlon :
4.~0 .ths prorfs5,tim of Senate Rllm'
$3~; Acits~ ~2nd zag., 1.951, ah. ~6’. P.
812, appliaeblc to th* emxtty boait
si0lt.m or Harrsmm County?
Aaooralng to thr 1956 P’dlerel Cennw,
liarrisop County hab a populatiom o? 47,745 in&b%
Senate.Blll 131 or t&e 52nb Z&sirletum
provider ia part:
aa+. 2. In en7 oomnt$ In th,is
S$gtte having e popml~tla sn ,exce118,
of' twmy-+2k4 thoaad, rim hwbhd
(2% 500) batsnot, in ax0088 ai oae brm-
-14 thktpr0w tb0th6m lr24,cmok,
Qtc)o~rding the lee to.pmotwn(J OP lSF
‘tuttam B&en1 Cenaun, the Canwii~i~~~-
078 Court i8 hereby euthcrksti to ellow
**ah member,of the ~OfMlf.8EiO~Or8 Court
thq 8iMl or not
rroomding SeYonty-fire
(1)75.00) Dollars par ~lonth ror tr8reb
isg expen8es and &e$reciation on his
autotill wkik cm -0rriOm bu8iaoss
rlthin the oomtr. Bad mu&bar 0r such
C~m1i8sioners Court *ha21 pey all ox*
p+~bS in the operatian 0r such auto-
mobilo,and kwp 8ame in repair rree of
any ,other charge to the county.
“sec. 4. The pk0ViSi011~ Or this
bill shall apply only to those counties
not furnishing an automobile. truck or by
Hon. wm. Lt, Taylor, page 2 (V-1277)
other means nrovidi ror the travelin
weme;;; ~~8~~.“,~o~s”‘o~~~o~~l~ 0:
"Sm. 5. The faot that there is a
greatneed that the oounty pay eXpM8r8
or the Commi88ioner8 court a8 provided
ror in thib Act .on account or the cod-
etruotion and maintenance of a great num-
ber of lateral road8, and the raot that
no adequate provision is made, buy the
existing law ror reimbursement to said
commlsaioner8 for :any extr8 and added
;~~“enwhi~h “,“Yer;,~~ few
heir orricial duties creates an emer-
gonoy and an imperatde public neosraity
that the Constitutional Rule requiring
bill8 to be read on three 8everal days in
each House be 8uspended; and said Rule ie
hereby suspended, and thl8 Aat shall take
erreot and be in rorce room and after its
m8m0, and it.18 80 0naeted.v (RlUpha8is
Sbotiom 10 of House Bill 812, Special Law8
or the 42nd Leg., R.S. 1931, ch. 156,,p. 303 (Harrison
County Road~Idtw),proVid.8:
%mg’ &wnt’; Cormaissi,omr and the
County Judge ot.;aaid aounty when trav-
elling On OOJUbtybus&no88 r<lI%g to. : :$
the rO8d8 W.highUays Or said county
ah811 bo allared the SWIPOi Seven (7#)
Csnt8 per mile a8 -traveling expeees to
be p8ld out or the Road and Bridge Fund
on 8wOrn etatement at the end oi ewh
,lnonth; provided that the county shall
not pay to the County Judge or any Coun-
ty Commissioner in exees8 or Firty (.#so.oo)
Dollars a8 traveling expenses for any one
S&tion La bf Brtiale 2350, V.C.S., author-
izes the commiaeionsrs * oourt in each county to pay
the actual traveling expense inourred by the county
oommiasloners while traveling outside the county on
orricial business. The county oommlssiqners in some
oouhtiee are authorized traveling expense while
Hon. Wm. L.,Taylor, page 3 (V-1277)
~traveling within the county. See Article 2350m,
note, ana various county road laws.
Sin06 certain oounty comqissioners were
allowed traveling expense within the county while
others were not, Senate Bill 131 was enacted for
the benefit of those county commisgioners who were
not allowed trapelirgexpense within the county.
Section l+ of Senate Bill 131 shows clearly that,
it was the intention of the Legislature that its
provisions would not apply,to those aounties in
whioh traveling expense was already allowed within
the oounty.
Traveling expense: of the oounty 0ommi8-
sioners or Harrison County within the county 18
now being ‘provided .tor by,the provisions or Ssotion
10 of tileHarris@ Co,uhty Road Law (H.B. 812 ,Speo-
ial Law8or the42bd L@g., R.S. 1931, oh. 15b p.
303). Thsrefore ‘it is our opinion that S8naie Bill
131 of the 52nd iegielature is not applioable to
Harrison Oounty.
Senate B.i.11 131; Apt8, 52nd Leg., :
1951, ,oh. ,456,, p. ,81,2, providing for
‘paymeq,t ,oi: ,th,e travel expense, 0r ooun- :
ty ~oOm8iiesionerp traveling, ‘on of+fioial
businees within the o,ouqty, is limited
to oounfies .where no ,provi:sio& now
exist8 .ror suoh ~payniente)~~ this Ao,t does ‘.
not apply to Harrison County because its
oommissioners are now allowed such ex-,
pense under the-Harrison County Road Law.
APF!R&J!D: Yours very truly,
J. G. Dqvir .,Jrt PRICR DARIRL
Countg~Aii~~re”~~ieion Attorney General