Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

~THEA'rroIRNEY GENERAL OP .TExAs PRICE DANIl$L AT,ORNBY GENERAL . September 10, 1951 Hon. Robert S. Calvert .Gomptroller of Publlo Aooounts At.18 tin, Texas Opinion No. V-1273 Re: Applloablilty of tax. -authorized by Section 1-a of Article VIII of the Constitution to University of Texas Dear Sir: endowment lands.. Your request for an opinion reads in part as follows: “In.1930 the people amendea Sec. 16 of Artlole VII. of the’.State Constitution authorizing counties ln’whloh University of Texas endowment ima9 ‘were located to levy a tax for oounty purposesagainst ’ such lands ,equal .to the tax imposed upon &rlvately owneg lands for county pur- oses...,-The,oounty of Wlnkler has within Pts boundary quite a large aoreage of the. endowed University lands. The Tax As- sessor-Collector of Wlnkler County has asked this department whether the Unlver- slty of Texas endowment lanas located within Wlnkler County are subject to the 306 tax authorized by Sec. l-a of Article . VIII of the Constitution of Texas from and after January 1, 1951. I shall thank you to advise this department the correct answer to the question submitted by,,,.the Assesebr-Collector of Wlnkler oounty. “The 52nd Legislature, Regular Ses- sion, made an appropriation to pay taxes on these University owned lands but ap- parently did not take into account the tax authorized under Sec. l-a of Article VIII of the Constitution, and the appro- prlutlon dO6s not Include sufficient money to pay the tax levied under this section of the oonstltutlon.n . . .. . ..~ ;. ,..’ :’ Hon. &b&t S. Caivert, p&e 2 (V- 1273)_. !. .. ‘. .‘. ‘I . - Section i6( al of .btiole VII, the Texas Congtitutlon p$0via6b: ( “All land’ nent’lonsd in Sections’ 11, 12, and 15 of Article VII, of the Constl- tutlon of the State of Texas, now belong- .. ing to the Universlt of Texas shall be .. .,_ * subject to the taxat f on for county pur- .poses to the sane extent as lands prlvate- ly pwnea; . . ,fl v- Lleotlons :lJ., 12,. fd’15 of Article VII all relate to lands that’are a part’ of the permanent University r; fund of the Unlver%ity,of Texa%. Sect&o l*a*o$ Artlole VIII of the Texas. ’ Constltutfon provide% in part<, . ‘. “From and ‘sitei- Sama& 1, 1951 xho Pltate aa ti%oreti tmt-.abi$ll be levied 1 ,, up&i.any Property &thin .thl% State for .. eneral r;evetiue pu!%po%ibI ~.srom a& af- ‘< er January 1 1951; the :sdveral~ oou& .tlea of .the -S&6, are acithorlzea to’l6vy baa valorem; t.aXs% upon. @I’ property with-’ . ln.thelr reap’ectlve:‘boun&rle% for .ooun-’ ..., ‘_ ty purpo%e%, exoept .thq flr%t Thre&.Thou- sand Dollar% ($3,000)~ ‘value of re%ldentlaI hornsstead, not to exoee$‘thlrty.oents (306) on each One Hundred Dollar% ($100) vz&a- ’tlon,’ In .addltlon to al& Other ad .valorem tties authorized by the Constitution of this State, provided th6 rsvenue derivea therefrom shall be uSed for Construction and malntenanae of Farm to Eark6t Roads or for Flood Control, exoept as herein otherwise provided.* ’ Z&6 Unlv6ralty~land% in Wlnklsr County are a portion ‘of the p6rmanent.Unl+er%lty f&d, and have beep in such funa sin06 Zi384. Ssetlon I-a of Art- ieIe.VIII authorizes the sevsr%I oountle% of the State to. levy aa tioxeq taxee upon all property within ~thelr respe@tfve boundarl68, except th6 first Three Thou%and Dollars ($3,00~.00) Valuation of res- ldentlal~hom6stead%, .not te exceed thirty cents . (30$) on each One Hunarea Dollars ($I~O,OO) valua- tion, In’ addition to all other ad valoren taxes au- thorized by the State, Cons.tltution. Thst portion of . .‘,~ .. ., .; .‘& Bon, Robert 5. Calvert, page 3 (V- 1273) Section 1.6 [a!, au ra which states “that Unlver- slty of Texas lan-+-* s shall be subject to the taxa- tion for county purposes to the same extent as lands privately OWned” Is pros ectlve In nature In that new, as well as presen t county taxes are to be assessed agalnat the taxable University lands in the same manner as against privately owned lande. In view of the clear and unambiguous language In the above oonstltutlcnal amendments, it la our opinion that the University of Texas permanent endovvnent lands looated in Wnkler County are subject to the thirty cents (30$) tax provided In Section 1-a of Article VIII of the Texas Constitution, SUNMARY The University of Texae permanent endowment lands located in 3lnkler County are subject to’the thirty oerite (30$) tax authorized by Section l-a, Article VIII, Constitution of Texas. APPROVED : Very truly yours, J. C, Davis Jr. PRICE DANIEL County Affairs Division Attorney General Jesse P, Luton, Jr, Reviewing Assistant By &&p-L.% Everatt Hutchinson EX6cutiV6 Assistant Assistant BA: jnc : awo