‘. - Hon. William Schneider, Jr. County Attorney Gillespie county Fredericksburg, Texas Opinion Ro. V-1214 Re: Legality of payments by Gillespie County to the Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Depart- ment rather than to the City of Fredericks- burg for rural area Dear Sir: fire protectfon. We refer to your request which reads In part as follows: 'The fire department in the City of Fredericksburg, Texas, is City-sponsored and partly City-paid, although the majority of firemen are volunteers. For a number of years, Gillespie County has made payments to The Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department in consideration of its fighting fires fn the rural areas off the County, All eqtip- ment is City-ovned and if any loss or damage to the clothing or personal gear of the fire- men occurs 9 the City reimburses them. The department is not incorporated. The money received Prom the County in the past has been used for the purpose of purchasingchassi~~ for fire trucks and other fire-fighting equip- ment. " 0 . a In construing Article 2351a-1, Is the money from Gillespie County properly pag- able to the City of Fredericksburg or to the Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department‘?" Article 2351a-1, V.C.S., provides in part: I 0 The Commissioners Court in any county'oi this State shall also have the au- thority to enter Into contracts with any city, Hon. William Sahneider, Jr., page 2 (V-1214) town, or village within the county and/or ad- joining count+es, upon such terms and condl- tions as shall be agreed upon betbeen the Com- mlssloners Court and the governing body of such city, town, or village, for the use of the tire trucks and other fire fighting equip- ment of the city, town, or village. . . .” In Attorney Oeneral’s Opinion O-6160 (1944), It was held: *Generally speaking, the authority of the oommiasioners 1 court as the governing body of the county to make contracts in its behalf Is strictly limited to that conferred either ex- pr’esdlg or by fair or necessary implication by the constitution and statutes of this State. (Tarrant COunty VI). Rogers, 125 S.W. 592; Balcl- win vs. Travis County, 88 S.W. 480). The au- thority to contract OQ behalf of the county is vested alone ln the comIssioneras court in the absence of a etatute authoricing some other agency to contraat; and if an agreement Is not made through or eanctloned by such agency, it binds nsithep the county nor the individual. (Sparks vs. Kaufman County, 194 S.W. 605; American MaInfectIng Company vs. Freestone County, 193 S.W. 440; Texas Jurisprudence, Vol. 11, page GO.) Ths ccmmlssloners~ cow?t must have authority of law for its contracts, and, If the authority has been given, a rea- sonable conetruction of it will be given to affect its pulrpose. (Commlasloners’ Court vs. Wallace, 15 S.W.2d 525). “Article 2351a-1, supra, specifically au- thorlses the ccrmnissioners 1 court of any county of this State to enter into contracts with an city, town, or village within the county and 9or adjoining counties upon such terms and condl- tions as shall be agreed upon between the com- missioners t court and the governing body of the city, town, or village for the use of fire trucks and other fire fighting equipment of the city, town or village. Therefore, you are respectfully .advlsed that It is the opinion of this department that the CommlsslonersP Court of Lamar County Is authorized under the law to enter into a contract with the City of Paris . . eon. Uilliam Schneider, Jr., page 3 (V-121.4) to provide for firefightingfacilitiesto protect property located outside of the city limits of Paris." See also AttUy Gen, op. v-101 (1g47), However, the Legislaturehas not authorpised counties to enter Into such contractswith unlncorpo- rated volunteer fire departments. Therefore, we agree with you that the money for rural fire ppotectfonis properly payable by Gillespie County to tha Cety of Fredericksbtigrather than to the FredepicksbupgVir3,*, unteer Fire Department. SUMMARY The money to be paid for rural fire protection contractedfor under the p~avi- sions of Article 2351a-1, VQCOS, is prop- erly payable by Gillespie County to the City of Fredericksburg. Art. 2351a-1,V. C.S. APPROVED: very truly, ,Yo'urs J. C. Dnvls, Jr. PRICE MNIEL County Affairs Mvision Attorney General Everett Hutchinson Executive Assistant w ‘,q Charl.esD, Mathews First Assistant SAsmw
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion