THEAT~FORNEYGENERAL OF TEXAS August 21, 1950 Hon. Adrew P. Johnson opinion 100. v-1093. County Attorney Mmuit County Re: The right of a County carriao Springs, Texas Attorney who Is com- pensated on a salary basis also to retain a commission on money collected for the coun- Dear Sirt ty. Your reoent request for our opinion is In part as Pollowsn "Upon investigation it was found that> a former Commissioner of Precinct Rumber 4, DUmnit County, Texas, had appropriated ~to his own use funds belonging to Dimmlt Cona-. tg In the amount of $6,203.20. The CosunZq- sioners' Court of Mmmlt County lnstro&e(l the County Attorney of mt County to make collection from the Commissioner and allow him a small amount of salary due to him. On June 5, 1950, the Commlsslonerst Court of . Mmmlt County met'in Special session and entered the order in the minutes. "The Court lixstruoted the County Attorney to make collection from the Comnissioner for the amount due the County within nine- ty (90) clays; in the event this amount .~+~a not paid to DUmnLtCounty within the s fied time, Hr. Johnson was further ins Y'- Ilpct- ed by the Court to file suit.'~ Volume 6, page 263..Couanlssionara~ Court Blnutes, Dim- tit County, Texas. *Through the efforts of the County At- torney of Dinrmit County, the funds due to, the county have been collected and placed in trust ready for delivery to Mnrmit Ooun- ty. *The County Attorney of Dlmmlt County is compensated on a salary basis.' - . Roni Andrew P. JOhnSon, page 2 (V-1093) In connection with the above facts, you ask: Where a county attorne is compensated on a salary basis is he entl 9,led to receive the commlssl,on on funds collected by him for the county a8 provided for by law?" Article 335, V.C.S., provides: “Whenever a district or county attorney has collected money for the State or for any county, he shall within thirty days after re- ceiving the same, pay it into the treasury of the State or of the county in which it belongs, after deducting therefrom an8 retaining the commissions .allowed him thereon by law., Qach dlstrlat or county attorney shall be e&&lea to ten per cent commissions on the ftist thou- sand dollars collected: by him in any one case for the State or county from any Individual or company, and five per cent. on all sums over one thousand dollars, to be r&aineQ out of the money when collected, and he shall also be entitle& to retain the same comml.sslons on all collections made for the State or for any county, This article shall also apply to money realized for the State under the escheat law.' Article 339, V.C.S., providess %hen it shall come to the kr$owledge of any district or county attorney that any of- ficer In his district or county entrusted with the collection or safe keeping of any public funds is in any manner whatsoever neglecting or abusing the trust confide& in him, or in any way failing to discharge his duties uuder the law, he shall institute such proceedings as are necessary to compel the perf&mance of such duties by such officer and to preserve an8 protect the public interests." It was held In Bexar County v. Davis,223 S.W. 558 (TwKJXV.APP. 1920, error ref.) that no member of the Commissioners8 Court is such an officer as is "en- trusted with the collection or safe keeping of any pub- lic funds” and that Article 339 does not empower the Mstrict or County Attorney to bring an action against such an official. - . Hon. Andmw F. Johnson, Page 3 (v-1093) We fail to find any statute making it the duty of the County Attorney to file suit in such an ipstance as submItted by you. In Attorney General's Opinion Ho. o-5306, dat- ed May 22, 1943, we quoted tith~approval fras a confer- ence opinion of this department dated April 6, 1921, as fOllowS$ (I0 . . There Is no constitutional or statutory provision making it your duty to bring such a suit. That being true, you, as county attorney, are not entitled to conm~%ssions under Article 363 (now Art.335"s . The commlsslons therein provided for are for services rendered In the collection of money by the counts attorney in the performance of d&y reqaire~ of him 6y law. %he county at- torney is not entitled to the commissiaus provided by Article 363 (now Art. 335) upon honeys which the law does not require him to collect. A county officer alaimlng compensa- tion orofees must be able to show not an'ly that the services were performed for the duty as such, but also a statute or constitutional provision authorizing compensation for the particular services In question.' (Y@phasls added.) Therefore, since there is no duty..$mpoged upon the County Attorney to bring such a suit, It 1s~ our opin- ion that he is not entitled to receive a cormnlssion under Article 335. In Attorney General's Opinion Ho. O-3656, dated June 15, 1941, however, it is stated% 'It is our further opinion that it is not the duty of the County Attorney to re- present the County in any civil case unless expressly made so by statute. 'If the above mentioned services were performed in the ab- sence of a contract between the County Attor- ney and Ccmunissioners~ Court, but upon the request of said Court, the County Attorney is entitled to reasonable compensation on a quan- turnmerult basis." - . HW. Andrew P. Johnson, page 4 (v-1093) The county Attorney is not entitled to the commission provided for in Article 335, V.C.S., 0n money oollected from a county com- missioner and his bondsmen even the Commtssionerst Court authofised himT o the bring suit for its colleotion. Bexar County v.- Davis, 223 S.U. 558 (Tex.Civ.Ap 920, error ref 4) ; A.Q. Opinion Ho. O-5306 P'1943).l The County Attorney Is entitled to a reasonable compensa- tion on a quantum meruit basis. A.Q. Opinion Ho. O-3656 (1941). APPROVED: Yours very tNly, J. C. Davis, Jr. PRICE IUUIEL County Affairs Mvlsian Attorney Qeneral Everett Rutchinson Executive Assistant Charles D. HLathews Bruce Allen First Assisttint d'sslstant BA:SlW
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion