PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEY GENERAL May 4, 1950 Hon. James H. Moore Oplnlon No. v-1051. County Attorney Angelina County Re: The validity of a L&kin, Texas teaaherls contraot exeouted by a Board of School Trustees In the absence of three new trustees eleoted three daya pHor to the oon- Dear Sir: treat date. We quote from your inquiry as follows: “On April lst, 1950, one of the Rural High School DistrIcta In ,this County held a trwtee election at vhlch three new truateea were elected e On April @th, 1950, five of the members of the Board of Trustees met and employed the teachers for the ensuing year. None of the nevly eleoted trustees were pre- aent or algned the oontract . “Our queatlon is this: Ia the contraot a8 made by the old Board of Truateea with the teaohera a valid and blnding oontraot notwlth- standing the provlalon in the laet sentence in Article 2750a-1, o . .’ 4rtiole 2750e-1, v.C .S., provides : “The truateea of any CommonBohool DLa- trlotor Comolldated CommonSchool Distrlot ahall have authority to make oontraota for a period of, time not in exoeaa of two (2) years with principals, superintendents and teaohera of said CommonSchool Dlatrlota or Consoll- dated CommonSchoot Mstriota, provided that awh contraote shell be approved by the Coun- ty Superintendent. lo oontraot may be sinned. by the Trustees of CommonSchool Dlstrlots or common Consolidated Sohool Dlatrlots un- 11 fhe nevly elected trustee or tmf5teea Hon. James H. Moore, page 2 (V-1051) haire quallSled and taken the oath of of- Roe .‘I (Emphasis added) Section 4 of Artlole 27746, V.C.S., provides In pert: “The oontrol and management of the aohoola of a rural high school dlatriot shall be vested in a board OS seven C&Gee6 who shell be elected and aerve Ui ~o~o~ance with the provlelons of the generel law (beotion Xi Artiole 2745) relative to common sohool diatriota exoept aa may be otherwise provided herein; . . .‘I (netter in parenthesis added.) By virtue of your reference to Article 2750a-1, we aasuma the dlatrlct In queatlon’is classified aa com- mon under Article 2922b, and that the nevly elected trua- tees had not qualified or taken the oath of oifloe when the purported contracta in question were made. Attorney Qeneral Oplnlon O-765, dated July 1, 1939, held that a provision of Artlole 2750a similar to the one underaoored above vaa unoonstltutional because OS the deSeotlve aaptlon of the Aot. In Opinion O-4595, dated lay 26, 1942, it was polrkted out that the Leglala- ture, apparently to remedy this defect, enacted In 1941 the lav oodified as Artiole 2750a-1 in Vernon’s Civil Stetutea - That opinion further states that the language used in Article 2750a-1 very plainly lndioates that the Se&we sought to be remedied was the praotloe whereby deSe%ted school truatees would join in exeoutlng teaaher oontraota before the “never elected’ trustee or truatees ‘,oould qualiiy. In o inions O-8595 and O-3064, the latter dat- ed July 21, 1 9t 1, it was held that Article 275Oa-1 had no opplioation to the Saot situationa conaidered there- in; for the maaon that the oontraota there in question we= aigned at a time, prior to the regular election Sor dew trustees in April. Under the faots presented herein three nev trustees wera cleated on April 1, 1950. On April 4;1950, five members OS the old board met and oontraoted for teaohepa D This vaa done aiter the trustee election OS April 1 and prfor to the qualffioatfon of the newly eleot- ed trusteea. Eon. Jama If.lawa, pago 3 ('I-l@jl) Was. Uulorfwta amhmltt8d,~ amU tmhr Ui-