March 30, 1950 Hon. Gordon H. Lloyd Opinion No. V-1023. Executive Seoretary Employees Retirement Re: Aaceptenee of contri- System of Texas butlons to Retirement Austin, Texas System of a former member for the period spent in military ser- vice in 1948 and 1949, the party having re- turned to State employ- Dear Hr. Lloyd: ment. Your request for an opinion reads as follows: _- "Please favor us with your opinion, based on the following facts and interpretingSection V, SubsectionIi of H.B. 168, passed by the Reg- ular Session of the 50th Legislature. "Mr. A, an employee of one of the State De- partments, became a member of the Rmployees Re- tirement S stem on September 1, 1947. During August, 19t8, Kr. A left State employment and entered the Army. He received his discharge Deo- ember 31, 1949 and immediatelyreturned to State employment. Hr. A now desires to make contribu- tions to the Retirement System for the one year and four months while absent from State employ- ment during this period of Mli,tary Service and desires such contributionsto be deduoted from his monthly salary warrant and remitted to the Employees RetirementSystem as hkcontributions for such period of time. n1. Is the Bmployees Retirement System of Texas authorizedto accept contributionafrom Hr. A for the one year and four months while in Wili- tary Service, based on fLve peraent of the month- ly salary he was receiving at the time he entered Military Service? "2. If the answer to Question One is yes, can the State make Its matching contrlbutiona Eon. Gordon R. Lloyd, page 2 (V-1023) to the Employees Retirement System for the one year and four months? "3. If the answer to Question Two is yes, then would the Funds from which the em- ployee was reoeivinghLs salary at the time of leaving to enter Military Service make the Stat8 oontributiona,or would the Fund from whiah the employee received his salary after returning to State employment make ths Stat8 contributions? “4. Would Mr. A receive tenure servioe for retirement purposes for the one year and four months while in Willtary Service?" Article 6228s, Section 5, SubseotlonH, Ver- non's Civil Statutes, to which you refer, reads 8s fol- lows: "Il. Credit for Military Service. "During the period of time the United States is in a state of war and for a period of twelve (12) months thereafter,time spent by a member of the Employees RetirementSys- tem (1) in the Armed Forces of the United States and their auxlliarlesor In the Armed Forces Reserve and their auxiliaries,or in the American Red Cross, or (2) in war work as a direct result of having been drafted or con- scripted Into said war work, shall count to: ward membership service. In addition, a member of the Employees RetirementSystem shall be permitted to contribute each year to the Re- tirement System a sum not to exceed the amount contributedby him to said Retirement System during the last year that he was employed as a member under the provisions of the Retire- ment Act. The funds so contributedshall be deposited to the credit of the member's indi- vidual account and shall be treated in the same manner as funds contributedby the mem- ber while he was employed by the State. Any employee of the State who entered military service prior to the establishmentof the Re- tirement System, either by induction or en- listment,will be entitled to prior serviae Hon. GordonR. Lloyd, page 3 (V-1023) oredit for the time prior to establishmentof the System and membership service for the time subsequentto the establishmentof the System. Any employee so absent shall have the r.ightto olontrlbuteto said System either during his aervLce with Armed Foroes or upon return an amount equal to the contrrbutionawhioh would have been made by him based on his compensa- tion earnable at eommenaementof his-abseuoe, provided such employee re-entersthe service of the State vithln sixty (60) days after the termination of his mllltary service and eleots to becom8 a member of the System within sixty (60) days after such re-employment. "In aomputing the average prior service compensationfor employees who served Ln the Amed Forces 01%leaves of absenae from the State and subsequentlybecame members of the System, that time spent in the Armed Forces shall be counted as part of the ten (10) years ,- Immediatelypreceding the enactment of the law and the basis for oompensationshall be the same that was earned at corrmenaementof his leave of absenae from the State." Se&ion 8 of Article 6228a provides, in part: “A. The amount contributedby each mem- ber of the RetirementSystem shall be five per cent (5) of the regular annual oompensation paid to each member. The amount contributed by the State of Texas to the RetirementSys- tem shall not exceed during any one (1) year five per cent (5$) of salaries of ell~members, disregardingsalaries in amounts in exoess of Three Thousand, 91x Hundred Dollars ($3,6oO), providing the total amount contributedby the State during any one (1) year shall at least equal the total amount contributedduring the same year by all members of the ,Retirement System; provided further that all contribu- tions made by the State shall be from and charged to the respectivefunds appropriated, allocated, and provided to pay the salary or compensationof the employee for whose bene- fit the contribution 2s made. . . D “2. State Membership AccumulationFund. Eon. Gordon H. Lloyd, page 4 (V-1023) %!he State Membership AocumulationFund the fund in which shall be accumu- .latedall contributionsmade to the Employees Retir8m8ntSystem by,the Stat8 of Texas for the purpose of providing upon the r8tiPsment of eaah member an amount equal to swh mem- her'saccumulatedoontrlbutlon;and:from whioh shall b8 transferredto the Eemberahlp Annuity Reserve Fund at the retirement of a smmber an amount equal to the aooumu3.ated contributionsof the member, Contributions to and payments from this fund shall b8 mede as follows: "a. The Stat8 of Texas shall pay each year in equal monthly installmentsinto th8 Stat8 I68mb8rShiLp AccumulationFund an amount equal ~toa per oentum of the contributions of the membera during such year, which shall be calaulatedby the Aotuary and oertifled to the Comptrollerby the Stat8 Board 'of Trustees as b8ing the neoessary and requir8d per oentum to malntein a reserve in this fund 4 equal to the present and prospectiveliablll- ties of the fund o q e "B. Collection of Contributions. v2. The collection of the State's con- tributions shall be made as follows: "a. From and after the date of th8 8s- tablishmentof the smmbershlp and full opera- tion of the RetirementSystem created by this, Aot takes effeat there is hereby ellooated and appropriatedto the Emplogees RetirementSys- tem of Texas, in ecoordanoewith this Act from the several funds from which the ~8mploy8es~. benefited by this Bat; receive their respec- tive salaries, a sum equal to five per cent (5$) of the total compensationpeid to the said ~esp8otiv8 employees who are membera of said RetirementSystem and whose colapsnsation IS paid from funds directly oontrolled by the State. The State Boerd of Trustees shall cer- tify to theStat Comptroller of Public Aa- counts and the Stat8 Treesurer at the end of 8ech month the total amount of oomp8I3aatiOn - paid sucrhmembers of th8 R8tiZWimOnt~SyStOm, Hon. Gordon H. Lloyd,'page 5 (V-1023) and the State Comptroller shall thereupon transfer five per oent (5$) of this amount from the said respeotivefunds from which said employees are paid to the State Employ- ees RetirementFund; and which money'in said fund is hereby appropriatedfor the purposes provided by this Act for the balance of the fiscal year 1947 and the fiscal year 1948. Appropriationsfor the enaui biennium shall be made aocordlng to Section3 , SubsectionB, Part 2, Paragraph a, b, snd a of this Act. "b. Thereefter, on or before the first day of Wovember next preceding each Regular Session of the Legislature, the State Board of TrUIt88S shall certify to the Stat8 Board of Control for its review and adoption the amount neoessary to pay the aontrlbutionsof th8 State of T8XaS to the Rmployeea Retire- ment System for the,ensuing biennial. This amount shall equal five per cent (!!$)of the total oompensationpaid membera of the Retire- ment System and ahall be inaluded in the bud- get of the State whioh the Governor submits to the Legislature. The State Board of Trua- tees shall certify on or before August thirty- first of each year to the State Comptroller of Public Aocounts and the State Treasurer the estimated amount of oontributionsto be received from members during the ensuing year. "c. All moneys hereby alloaated and ap- propriatedby the State to the Bmployees Re- tirement System shall be paid to the Rmployees Retirement System in equal monthly install- ments based upon the annual estimate by the State Board of Trustees of the IEmployeesRe- tirement System of the contributionsto be received from the members of said System dur- ing said year, provided further in the event said estimate of the contributionsof the mem- bers of the System shall vary from the actual amount of the employees'oontributionaduring the year, then such adjustment shall be made at th8 olose of eaah fiscal year as may be re- quired. Each of said monthly installments shall be paid into the State Membership Aocu- mulstion Fund and the Prior Service Annuity Hon. Gordon Ii.Lloyd, page 6 (V-1023) Reserve Fund in the proportionateamount cer- tified by the ,StateBoard of Truste8s.n The following provisionswere made in Senate Bill 391, Acts 5Gth Leg., 1947, ch.kOG,,,p. 91: "(29) All moneys oolleoted and reoelved by the,Employee'sRetirement System of Texas under the provisions of House Bill Ro. 168, Acts of the Regular Session of the.50th Leg- islature, 1947, during the biennium beginning September 1, 1947, together with the balances of swh funds on hand at the beginning of each fisoal year of the biennium, are hereby appropriatedto the Employee's Retirement Sys- tem of Texas for the purpose of oarrying out the provisions of said Act. The Employee's R8tiXWSOntSystem Is hereby authorized to em- ploy a suffioientnumber of employees to carry out the terms and provisions of said AOt, but in no event shall salaries be paid in exoesa of the amount paid for the same or similar poo;;;nt in any department of the State gov- l Appropriationsfor Stat8 Departments and Agen- cies were made in House Bill 322, Aots 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, ch.615, p.1239. X8 quote the following provislons from Howe Bill 322: "There is hereby allocated and appropriat- ed to the Employees RetirementSystem of Texas, In aooordancewith H.B. Eo.168, Acts of the 50th Legislature,1947, Regular 38saIon, from the several funds from whioh the employees receive their respectivesalaries and/or compensation, sufficient amounts to provide the State con- tributions neoessary to equal the five (s) per aent of the oompensatlonof the members, oon- tributed by them to the RetirementSystem, as provided in the RetilrtmentAot." It is our opinLon that the State la authoris- ed to aocept contributionsfrom Mr. A for the tLm8 spent by him in military serviae in 1948 and 199. It is pro- vided in SubsectionH, Scotion 5 of Article 6228a, that a pa&y who was a member of the RetirementSystem at the time of entering military serviae may contrfbute to the - Retirement System for the time spent In such service.He , -c- Hon. Gordon H. Lloyd, page 7 (v-1023) may contribute eaoh'year an amount not to ,exoeedthe sum contributedby him to the Retir8ment System during the last year that he was,employed by the State and was a member of the Retirement System. In answer to your Question Ro. 2, it la our opinion that no provision has been made by the Leglsla- ture for the State to match the contributionsinques- tion and that, consequently,no matching contribution can be msde by the State. The appropriationmade to the Employees Retirement System for the purpose-ofmaking the State's matching contributionswas made "from the several funds from which the employees reoeive their respeotive salaries and/or compensation.* Mr. A vaa not receiving any salary or compensation-froma State Fund during the time that h8 was in military service. We are of the opinion that the faot that no provision has been made for the State's matahing contributionwill not pre- vent the Retirement System from accepting the contrlbu- tion of the person here involved. In view of our answer to Question Ro. 2, it is not necessary to answer Ques- tion No. 3. It is our opinion that Question Ro. 4 should be answered in the affirmative. Mr. A should be credit- ed with membership service for retirement purposes for the time spent by him in military service, provided he has made oontrlbutionsto the Retirement System acaord- ing to the provisions of the Retirement Act. SUMbfARY A person who was in military service in 1948 and 1949, and who was a member of'the Employees Retirement System of T8XaS at the time of entering military service, may oon- tribute to the Retirement System for eaoh of such years sn amount not to exoeed the sum aontributedby him to the ROtlr8mentSystem during the last year that he was employed by the State and was a member of the Retirement System. ,Suchperson should be credited with membership service for retirementpurposes for the time spent by him in military servioe. Ro provision was made by the Legislature for the State to make a matohing contribution in ,- Hon. Gordon B. Lloyd, page 8 (V-1023) swh oases, but that fact vi11 not prevent the Retirement Systemfrom receiving the contributionof the employee. Yours very truly, PRICB DAKIKL APPROVED: Attorney Ganeral Red NoDaniel State Affaira Division Charles D. Mathews ~8ClUtiV8 Assistant CBK:rt:jmarmw