Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THE A ORNEY 18, 1950 Hon.Uayne L. Rartmm oplnlon Ifo.v-1004. County Attorney DeWitt county Rer Compensa%ionof County Cuero, Texas Cammissfoners, Dear Sir: Your request for au oplnlon is as Sollowsn "The membersof the Commlssloners~ Court OS DeW.tt County, Texas are eligible for a raise In salary under the provisiom'of See-. M&i'1 of Article 2350, Vernon8a AnnoCiv, St* They have asked me to sedure a ruling Srm your offioe as to whether the provisions oft Article 3912g; Section 1, Vernon’s Anne C&v, St., prohibit their granting such raise to themselves without granting a proportionate raise to the remaining county offioials OS said county0 "Said last mentioned statute;after au- thorizJ.ng a 25s ralse,Sor precinct, aounty and district officers, continues as follows, 'provided,however, the members OS the Com- mlsslc$ers CouW$ay not raise the salaries of anjrOS such CommtaslonersCourt under the terma oS this Aot tithoutmislng the salam OS the maJ,ningcounty officials in like proportEa8. "Section 5 of said Article reads, 'The provleiona o? this Act shall be cumulative of all other laws pertaining to salaries of county and preolnct officers and their depu- ties and asslstants~. "It is my opinion that so long as their raise is granted under the provisions of Ar- tlole 2350, end not under Article 3912g, they would not be required to give the other off%- aers proportionateraUes, nor would they be Hon. Wayne L. Hartmsn, page 2 (V-1004) required to publish their intentions as pro- vided in Section 4 of Article 3912g, However, they have requested that I secure an opinion from you, and I would, therefore, appreciate a reply at your convenience." In 1949 Dewitt County had a tax valuation of 18 758,825.OOaccording to the last app? zed tax rolls 1948 tax rolls) and has a tax valuation ti 1950 of 20 848,175.OO according to the last approved tax rolls t1949 tax rolls). Article 2350, V.C.S., provides in part as Sol- lows: "In counties having the following assess- ed valuations,respectively,as shown by the total assessed valuations OS all properties certified by the county assessor and approved by-the GomIssioners Court, for county purpos- es, for the previous year, from time to time, the County Cammissionersof such counties shall each receive annual salaries not to ex- ceed the amounts herein specified,Said SREH" ries to be paid'in e ual monthly instalments, at least one-half 47, and not exceeding three-fourths(3/b I, out of the Road and Bridge Fund, and the remainder out of the General Fund of the County; said assessed valuations and salaries applicable thereto being as Sol- lows: '$12;000;001and less than 20,000,OOO not to exceed $2,500,00 "$20,000;001and less than 30,000,OOO not to exceed $3,000,00" Shoe the tax valuation of-Dewitt County has increased from $18,758,825.00to $20,848,175,00the Commlssloners~Court is authorized under the provisions of Article 2350 to set the.salariesoS.the County COm- missioners at any sum not to exceed $3,000,00 a year. Section 1 of Art&e 3912g, V.C.S, (S.B. 92, Acts 51st Leg., R.S. 1949, Ch. 320, pe 601) provides: - ,-. Hon. Wayne ,L.Hartmanj page 3 (V-1004) %he CommlsslonersCourt in each county of this State Is hereby authorized,when ti their judgment the financial condition of the county ana the needs of the officers justif'y the increase, to enter an order increasing the compensationof the precinct, county and district officers, or either of them, In an addltional,amountnot to exceed twenty-five (25$) per cent of the sum allowed under the law for the fiscal year of 1948, whether paid on fee or sala%y basis; prbvided, howev- er, the mabers oS the Cozsalsalonera Court may not zlalsethe salaries of any of such i?ommlsslonersCourt under the tems of this Act without ralaln~ the salary of the remaln- 'inacounty ofSlClal8 In like Droportlon." TBnrghasisadded) The requirement "that the CozimlsaionersCourt may not raise the salaries oS any OS such Ccmmlssloners Co!ii%under the terms oS this Act tithout raising thee salary of the lnlng county ofSlclala in like propor- tion* applies 'd-y to~the inorease authorized l.n*'Artlcle 3912g and does not apply to the increase ln salaries %m- der the provisions of Article 2350 due to the increase In tax valuation in Dewitt County. We-agree with the ooncluslon reached by you ln your btiief and you are therefore advised that the Com- mlsrloners3 Court of Dewitt County may set the salaries of the membeps of th6 Comzissioners~ Court at ar@ sum not to exceed $3,000.00 per annu$ without granting rals- es to the other county officials. The Comlssioneral Court of Dewitt Coun- ty may set the salaries of the members of the Comlsaioners~ Cot&t.underthe provisions of Artlcl6 2350, V.CiS., at any sum not to exoeed 3,OOO;OO due to the lnareaae in tax Valu+ fIon for Dewitt County without rais the sal- 9 8. The aries of the remaining aounty officia reqtirqent for slmllar raises to other oountg offfcials is ooatained in au entirely different -- I Wayne L. Hartnan, page 4 (V-1004) salary act, Art. 3912g, whloh is not applica- ble to salary increases under Article 2350. Yours very truly, PRICE DARIRL' APPROVEDI Attorney General CT;c. Davis County ASSairZrilvision Charles D. Mathews Executive Assistant Assistant JRzbh