.’ AUSTIN H.'X~XAS PRICE DANIEL ATTORNEYGENERA,. october 28, 1949 Hon. Claude Isbell Opinion No. V-940. Rxeautlve secre&ary Board of Regents Re: Several questions re- State Teachers Colleges letlng to the aon- Austin, TeXaa struotlon OS a prl- vately financed ohapel on the campus of West Deer Sir: Texas State College. We refer to your letter relating to the erec- tion of a chapel to be constrwted on the campus of Heat Texas State College solely from funds contributedby in- dividuals, and an order paared by the Boati of Regents of Texas State Teachers Colleges which reads: "(1) Before advertlaemeatfor bids: Funds oontrlbutedshould be delivered uwondltZoa- elly lnto the hands of the Board to be die- bursed by the Board exoluslve oi oontrol from donozlsor others (2) The construction ooat lnoludlngequipment and furnlshlngmust be wlthln the amount o? funds delivered into the Boarda oontrol; and (3) Before blda for oon- atruotlon are aocepted reasonablerules and regulations?or the we of the Chapel shall be promulgatedby the Board so that nil may know of permitted uae before the Board ln- ours any obligationior building and that when oomplete the building be maintolnedby the College." IOU state that the Board derina the legal oowideratlon of this oifioe on this order before going further with ooastruction. Artlole 2603, Seotion 1, Vernon's Clvll Stat- utea, provides in part: "That . . . the Boaad of Regenta of tk State Teaohera College . . . are . . . ruth- orlzed and empowered to oonatrwt or loqulre through runclaor loens to be 0bta1ned fPom ROIL.Clando Irbell, page 2 (V-90) . . . any . . . aouroe, prlvato or publlo, without oont to thm State of Taxa8, and lo- oept title, aubjeot to rpoh omditiom and llmltatlonsa8 may be preaorlbedby . . . aald Boards, donltorle8, kltohenr and dln- lry halla, hospitala, llbr~rle~,studa nt lo- tlvltr buildinga, gymnaala, athleticbuild- ings and atadla, and auoh other buildinga am may be needed for the good oi the lnatl- tutlon and the moral welfare and soalal oon- dwt of the students o? suoh lnstltationi when the tote1 aoat, type of oonatruetlon, oapaolty of suoh buildings, as well as other plans and speclfloat~onshave been approved by the . . . GoverningBoards; provided, how- ever, that the Legislature shall never make an appropriationout bf the general fund o? this State . . . for the pwpom of equip- ping or for the purpose OS purehaalng and inatalllngany utility oonneotions in any of the buildings erected under aud by virtue o? the provlalona of this Act." Se&ion 7 thema? provider: "It is further provided that land owned by the State or any of said lnmtltutlonamay be wed as building nlter and gmxd ior wah bu;:d;~,aoqulred undar the provlaionr of . Article I, Section 7 of the Conatltutloao? Taxas reada: "Eo money shall be appropriated,or dram from the Traaay for the benefit of any seat, or religious soolety, theologloal or religious semlnarl;nor ahall property belonging to the State be approprlatadior any auoh purpwem.” Woktom New InternationalDlotlonary,Una- bridged, geooordEdition, daflnes "Chapel" as: "A ruboldlarteplaoe of roxwhlp, a aanotrury other than l pmrirh or oathodral ohurah... "A private plaom of wonhip, or oratoryi .’ , Bon. Claude Iebell, page 3 (V-940) as (a) One not connected with u church; no, t;lt;xp$l of a palace, hospit(ll,prison or . In Fitzperald v. Eaet Lawn Cemetery, 10 A.2d 683 (Conn. Sup.lgtO), it la said that “the word ohapel, In its ordinary slgnificanoe,means a plea0 of worship other than a large or regular church, a place of wor- ship malntalned for special purpoebs. Funk and Xagnalle Dlcttonary.” Upon considerationof the above statutes and authorities,it is our opinion that.the Board of Regents of the Texas State TOaOhOZ% Colleges has the authority to acquire such a chapel through funds obtained frw a private eourae, without coat to the State of Texas, lf in the discretion of such Board the building la needed for the good of the institutionand the morel welfare and social conduot of the etudents. We think the order is in eubstantlalcompllanaowith the provlelons end spirit of Section 1 of Artlole 26030. It la to be noted that the Leglelaturemay not appropriatemoney out of the General Fund for the equlp- ping of any building 80 aoquln%¶,nor for the purohaee and i.natalllngof any utility oonnectionsin ewh a building. Further, that no money may be appropriated by the Legislature or drawn from the State Treasury for sectarian purposes. By reaeon of the laws applicableto Nest Texas State College, it is a State College for edu- cation in the Arts and Sciences and la non-eeotarian. The chapel may not thereforebe for the exoluslve use of any eect, denomination,or religion. The control of the ehepel muat be and remain in the Board.. The determinationo? whether the propoeed ln- etallatlon la question meets with etatutom requirement8 hereinbeforeset out la a matter within the eound dlr- orbtlon of your Board. The Board of Regent8 of Texan State Teaohera College8 may oonatrwt a chapel on the oampum of Weet Texas Statb COllOgb through furde obtained from private eourcets, without oat to the State. State Colleges . Ron. Claude Isbell',peg? 4 (V-940) are non-eeotarlan. The chapel m&y not therefore be for the exclusive ueeg; 0';; soot, denomltiatlon,or religion. trol of the c~hapelmust ba and remain in' the Board. Tex. Const. Art.1, Se.o.7;Art. '26930,gecs.1 and 7, Y.C.3. Youra vbry truly,, ATTORRRYGlMRRALOF TJBXAS CRorbhtmw -1 Chester E. Ollleon Assletent APPROVRD ,' iGiz.+$&&L ‘. .